The following is an open letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch:
Ms. Lynch I write this letter knowing it is far too late for your boss but praying that by some miracle you can still be reached.
On Wednesday, 14 Americans died at the hands of radical Muslims who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State rather than to the United States of America.
A day after that attack in San Bernardino, California you said your “greatest fear” was anti-Muslim speech that led to violence or “violent talk.”
“I think it’s important that as we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not America,” you said in front of a room full of Muslims. “They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted...
Dear Mr President,
You have made yourself the Trustee for those in every country who seek to mend the evils of our condition by reasoned experiment within the framework of the existing social system. If you fail, rational change will be gravely prejudiced throughout the world, leaving orthodoxy and revolution to fight it out. But if you succeed, new and bolder methods will be tried everywhere, and we may date the first chapter of a new economic era from your accession to office. This is a sufficient reason why I should venture to lay my reflections before you, though under the disadvantages of distance and partial knowledge.
At the moment your sympathisers in England are nervous and sometimes despondent. We wonder whether the order of different urgencies is rightly understood,...
To the people of Syria,
If I could write this on paper and send it I would. I would love for this letter to fall from the sky into your hands. I want to say I am sorry, I am sorry that our government is so so misguided. Shame on them.
They do not represent the people of the U.K we want to protect human life, not destroy it. We want to help bring peace, we do not support our government. Our prime minister is a pig.
I don't know how to help, I tried - many people did, we wrote to our PM's pleading to vote against air strikes, we lost our fight, our democracy failed.
It must feel like there is hatred towards your country for such aggression to be inflicted, but it is not so, we the majority do not think this is the right way to peace. We do not wish this upon you. The...
Dear People of the UK
I have listened to Hilary Benn’s much lauded speech and I am going keep my responses pragmatic and void of the powerful emotions I feel around the UK Parliament’s vote to war. They make the point that Daesh are barbaric. They describe the terrible things Daesh have done in emotive detail. Benn labels Daesh fascists and draws a parallel with the Second World War specifically the defeat of Hitler and Mussolini.
No one denies, at least no one of a democratic view, denies that Isil/Daesh are barbaric and powerful and have carried out appalling attacks . No one denies that they intend to carry out more. This is not the point. The point is, will going to war by dropping bombs from thousands of feet stop them? And will this stop them attacking us ? Will this...
To all MP’s and MSP’s of the Scottish National Party
We write to implore our representatives in the SNP to refuse war in Syria or anywhere else in the Middle East, and to broaden the debate on our foreign policy for public scrutiny.
We insist that the SNP refuse to be cowed by the political game in Westminster into maintaining the currently imposed parameters of the debate about intervention in Syria. We demand that they speak frankly, openly and honestly to expose the real reasons for the war and that they make this the undeviating character of their political engagement on such issues. That they speak about the long standing and open US foreign policy to control oil and natural gas reserves, the UK governments complicity and partnership in the rapacious wars that have ensued and...
SO I have been thinking of writing something like this for a while, many won't care, but its something which has been on my mind for ages:
I do not believe there is currently a political party in South Africa which truly represents the youth. This is a worry as it means that there's not 1 party that is truly looking after the future of OUR country, as clearly this is what the youth are! It took the loss of blood, property and a lot more for the students to get their way with the Fees Must Fall campaign. Even this wasn't a big success in my eyes as fees have not fallen, but have in fact remained the same for next year. My question is simple, why did it have to come to this? Why were the voices and calls not heard before?
I believe it is time for the youth to have their own voice in...
Dear People,
Since I was young I’ve believe that the State of Union is the only state that we could exist within. That because it was “better” it was “best”. That we are fine, that tomorrow will come, that we will thrive, no matter what happens, come forth, or change. That the hurt that is felt is our burden, but that it is momentary. Something that can be healed, remedied and deal with in a reasonable time frame, and overcome as necessary. But this weekend, for the first time in my life I found myself questioning if we had failed. Failed as a country, a society, a humanity. As I entered into a retreat for young people. as part of an organization that I am proud to be apart of , I possessed a mentality of support. Support our system, support each other, support tomorrow. But as I...
First of all let us ask a question to ourselves
" Is there any country which is 100% perfect ??"
I guess answer would be a big "No" .Many things happen in the country , is it good or bad depends on " How you look at them" .
So , we need to think twice before you speak it out louder , because our single word matters much today..!!!!!
What i feel is - "Lets think together , understand together and be together as "INDIA" ".
Jai Hind
Dear Public
An open appeal to all those following #AppWapsi tag to flood Snapdeal's playstore to attract their attention.
first Note, This is not in intention to save SnapDeal, but it is intended to alert public that this tag is hijacking the root cause and purpose. And the following are my personal opinions and does not intend to directly or indirectly hurt anyone. Even the use of Mr. Amir khan's name is what i would like to say about his statement that india has become intolerant, as i am also an indian.
A Few things i would like to say to you
i) I presume all those following the tag had good intentions that this person , despite being a celebrity , made irresponsible comments against the whole india without understanding the full meaning of his comments. By down...
Disclaimer: following are my personal views and are not regarding a political party or any person. these views are on the basis of information and research done by me over a period of time.
Enough is enough, Most of the people does not understand the idea of bringing the intolerance in India. what a pity people want to look for what is shown to them and that is just what intelligence agencies wants them to see.
To understand the situation in a country is to Ist understand what are the basic pillars of a nation. A Nation is just like a building with some very strong pillars. For each country there are few common pillars like
India also have the same way so, when you have to break something, you should hit on the...