Dear senators:
Thank you for your letter of March 9 explaining your system of government. We were unfamiliar with the complexity of your laws. For three years we have been negotiating a nuclear energy agreement with your president. We now realize our mistake. As your letter makes clear, the authority to establish such agreements on behalf of your country rests with your Congress.
We are in your debt for this clarification. Moreover, your letter has prompted us to undertake a broader study of the American political system. What we have learned has opened our eyes. For 35 years, we have treated you as an adversary. Our intelligence agencies told us that your culture and your political system were radically different from ours. We now understand that we were misled. Your country is...
Mr. Mayor Rahm Emanuel,
I’m a concerned citizen of Chicago. I never had much love for who you were or what you stood for (Not sure I ever really new what you stood for) . As a father of two boys one in his first year of college and one in middle school. I try to instill in them a love for humanity in all its forms, a love that realizes we as humans all have flaws. We must accept our fellow man at his or her word. You “Mister Mayor” have broken a trust so deeply and so profoundly that only shows a disdain for your fellow man that I believe will require the Department of Justice involvement to settle, a trust you will never restore. As a father yourself maybe you can help me understand how a man so calculating and so powerful can withhold justice or allow his staff to withhold...
Governor Bentley, I urge you to publicly support Chief Justice Roy Moore as he fights to uphold the law. It is the duty of every public official to continue to uphold the law, even when others will not. That is why all officials take an oath to uphold the state constitution in every area that it does not contradict the federal constitution. It is very clear that Alabama's marriage law is in perfect harmony with the constitution, and the fact that a biased federal court said otherwise cannot trump your oath of office or the Chief justice's oath of office to uphold the state constitution. Please do your duty that you were sworn to uphold.
The duty of the Governor is not to blindly comply with every beck and call of the supreme court. That would render the office of governor nothing...
Dear Mayor Allen,
I am an attorney, but I write you today as a native of Concordia Parish and as a grand-daughter.
Months ago, my grandfather was ticketed for speeding through your town. My grandfather insists that he was not driving over the 35mph speed limit, but was stopped just the same. The fine for such an offense is less than $200, but my grandfather insisted that he was not speeding so I encouraged him to request a hearing in lieu of paying the fine. I offered to attend the hearing with my grandfather, but was called to court on another matter. Attempts to reschedule the hearing were not successful, and I assured my grandfather that everything would be just fine. After all, he was simply going before the Mayor's Court to contest a speeding ticket. For added assurance,...
Dear Mr. Trump,
Securing OUR southern border is tantamount to domestic security and paramount to decent wages for AMERICAN workers. Your plan to build a wall between the United States and Mexico is a good idea, but such a wall would ultimately be rendered ineffective in accomplishing its’ primary objective of curtailing illegal immigration. As we all know, elaborate, sophisticated tunnel systems have been constructed and are currently being utilized and expanded by Mexican drug cartels. A wall will not thwart such efforts. To the contrary, a giant wall would drive more human trafficking underground while increasing profits for the cartels. Instead of paying individual “coyotes,” more Mexicans would turn to the cartels to reach the Land of Opportunity. An unintended consequence of the...
This really breaks my heart...... And inspires me at the same time....... The Muslim community decided to come together and pray IN FRONT of the #TRUMPTOWERS in NYC.
Open note to Trump.... He has no idea of what's about to happen......... He has mastered the art of winning #Battles..... But he's for sure going to lose the #WAR........ The antics and the gimmicks look good and feel good right? Got you really thinking your doing it right?? ......... But when it's really time? #WATCH America show you how we #REALLY feel...... And we're not talking about manipulated pole numbers....... United we stand.... Together we fall......
You've offended my #Muslim community, and created racial boundaries and set my people up for hate crimes and to be targeted for bigotry because of the "acts" of...
Dear Mr David Cameron,
I just received an emailing asking me to donate to the Conservative Party this is my heart felt response. Thanks to you Fracking will be taking place in areas of natural beauty across the United Kingdom. Changes to policy have been made to ensure that there is limited resistance in order to speed up the process without thought for those you claim to represent or the environment. Fracking has a proven track record for causing long term environmental damage.( g.html
Throughout 2015 Jeremy Hunt conducted a war against all those who work tirelessly within the National Health Service (NHS) claiming that hospitals close their doors at the weekend....
Approximately three weeks ago I posted an open letter to Donald Trump here at Open Letter that dared Trump to challenge Jeb Bush about his drug dealer contacts with Colombian Alberto Duque, murder victim Barry Seal (found executed with the personal mobile number of Bush in his car) and Raul Salinas of Mexico. As a former federal agent myself, I have first-hand information that this information is accurate and true. In my post, I cited various sources including these here.
My post has been covertly and illegally REDIRECTED to a July/2015 anti-Trump post THAT I NEVER POSTED. Clearly there is...
Dear America,
Consider for a second the Soviet Union: a godless state born to destroy American exceptionalism. A place where communism was the law of the land and freedom did not ring.
Is this what we want our prosperous nation to turn into? The answer should be a resounding no. So come 2016, if you cast a ballot for the reincarnation of Karl Marx known as Bernie Sanders, don't come crying to me. I will not sympathize. When you hear the name Bernie Sanders, I hope you think of The Soviet Union. Why? Because Sanders has drunk the red Kool-Aid and plans to enact the very same system of governance that the satanic Marx dreamt of.
Sanders will leave the good people of corporate America bloodied and dying on the side of the road with his truckload of lethal tax rates. Even worse,...
Dear Mrs. Clinton:
I stand in awe of the resiliency, fortitude and, determination you displayed at the so called Benghazi Hearings. You blew the GOP away and exposed them for what they really are: My proudest moment however was the "witness moment" when Elijah Cummings called them all out. I was proud to be a Democrat and a Progressive.
Now, that its over, acknowledging your many gifts and talents (which you have many) with great sadness, I realized it was "all about you" You! You! You1.
Will a day ever come when you will apply that resiliency, that fortitude that "bring it on" attitude to fight for decent wage., affordable (free college) Criminal Justice Reform, Real Progressive Issues? How many times during the first Debate we heard "I agree with Senator Sanders" but once I...