As posted to the DNC's Facebook page:
You are going to have to earn my vote after this year. And before you assume you know my reasons, it’s not because you lost, but why you lost. I’ve voted Democrat by and large except for occasional independent or Green Party votes in local elections. I thought I would feel sad writing this, but instead I only feel anger. Here’s why.
To begin with: Don’t fool yourselves, the person occupying the Oval Office and everything that’s happened since the election is also your fault. Accept that, and you can finish this letter, otherwise save yourselves the time and don’t bother reading the rest.
You forced a candidate on us that was building an enormous swell of ill will, and therefore motivation and drive to vote, in the opposition, combined with a...
Phoenix Brooks submitted a letter to the editor on the that featured 12 reasons Phoenix is a misinformed voter and political commenter. Pheonix’s reasons are a riot, and since their appearance, they have gone viral across the country. Since we just had an election year, it might be appropriate to revisit the article. For anyone interested in reading the misinformed article, Please read both my response and Phoenix’s letter with an open mind and be both critical and accepting where appropriate and form your own opinions. Your views are not mine or Phoenix’s.
I find it important to emphasize that I voted for a candidate, not a party. Two-party systems are toxic to democracy and led to this toxic...
This story is about a new king who is trying to claim land in France. He is a brand new king, so this will be one of his first orders. The French ambassador hears about his desire to claim land in France and he does not approve. He also tells Henry there is a treasury waiting for him filled with tennis balls for him to play with, hinting at Henry’s age because he is still very young. Eventually, Henry and his troops invade France. When the French Dauphin hears that they are, he does not take them seriously. Outnumbered by French troops, the English end up winning the battle, killing tons of French troops, meanwhile losing a lot of their own men.
“The courses of his youth promised it not. The breath no sooner left his father's body, But that his wildness, mortified in him, Seemed...
To the people of the United States of America
Hi my name is Ethan and I’m a junior in high school and I read a Tale of Two Cities. I’m going to talk to you about how it relates to modern day events. Lately we elected a president that isn’t very popular with the public. Lets start at the beginning his name is Donald Trump. He is a very successful businessman never less, Donald Trump started his business career in an office he shared with his father in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York. He worked with his father for five years, where they made deals together. Donald Trump has been quoted as saying, “My father was my mentor, and I learned a tremendous amount about every aspect of the construction industry from him.” Likewise, His dad often stated that “some of my best deals were made by my...
My name is Taylor Orcutt. I was assigned by my British lit. teacher to read the book 1984 by George Orwell. Honestly when I first started reading the book I thought it was extremely boring, it was the type of book that when you read it you started to get physically tired because of how boring it was. Once I got about half way through the novel it actually started to get interesting because I could start to relate certain events in the book to events in the real world. In case you have not read 1984 hear is what it is about. 1984 is a book that talks about Big Brother and talks about how the government is always watching you and how they are able to control everything that you do and say. Winston is the main character in this book. One night he buys a journal in a random shop that he was...
Dear people who either have witnessed classism or who know nothing about it,
First off, if you don’t know what “classism” is, then think of it in this synonym: social discrimination. We all know what this means, hating people of a different class than your own. We mainly glorify it in the media, but this happens in the real world too. I was given an assignment in my high school English class where I had to read a classic novel and relate it to real world problems. The book I was assigned to read was Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, and keep in mind this book was written in 1861. The book follows the story of a young boy named Pip through his life into his early 30’s. Pip starts out being a low class kid living with his sister and his sister’s husband, Joe. They are a family that...
Open letter for our book
To anyone who agrees that segregation is wrong, I read the book and I think that opinion was wrong and I want to talk about the issue. I read this book in my English class because my teacher told me to read this book and it was hard for me at the beginning but I got a lot of things form this book. We had the book called “To kill the mockingbird” and I was interested in the part where they talked about racism. After reading that I started to wonder why they separated black and white because we are equal. I think everyone are the same and I don’t really get why they separated everything. For example: restroom, schools, church etc.
This book was talking about how people were separated because of their skin colors, Atticus Frinch is Scout’s dad, that’s because...
The purpose of my letter is for people to change the way they see immigrants and refugees for the better. I hope after reading my letter people start to realize that refugees and immigrants are a good thing, sure there are a few that are extreme, but like any other kind of group there will be extremists. One person does not reflect the group as a whole. I had to read the book The Kite Runner. In the book, an Afghani man named Amir gets a call saying how he can be good again. The book follows the life of Amir as a young boy and his friend Hassan. Eventually Amir and his father are forced to flee Afghanistan and the book details their time in America and the challenges they face as Afghani men.
I chose this issue because with Donald trump running (and winning) the presidential...
This is an open letter to all Australian Citizens and the Liberal National Coalition.
The government is hiding many ugly truths about the employment situation in this country of ours at the moment. They say we are headed for a recession I say that we are already in one.
The government and politicians in general are using programs such as the Certificate III guarantee and the Work for the Dole Program to hide the disastrous truth of the state of unemployment in this country. These programmes do not really increase the chances of gaining full time employment. By utilising these programs unemployment figures are falsely lowered because when people are participating in these programmes they are not considered unemployed and so do not count in regards to the unemployment figures...
Henry V Open Letter
I had to read Henry V in my English class for a project. This project to be exact. I picked this book because it was about war and I knew a little about Henry V. I wouldn’t recommend reading this book mainly because it is a play by William Shakespeare. The book is very difficult to read because the English in the book is very different than what we speak today.
Henry V was about a young King wanting to claim back some property that his family had lost a long time ago. He goes to France, who claim the land as theirs, and shows his evidence. France, obviously, doesn’t accept what he has shown them and they basically refused to give it to him. The thing is Henry really does not want to go to war without good reason. He was informed by his counsel and given the...