I want to say to all you conservative commentators pundits that come on the shows just wish you would absolutely have legitimate facts when you present your case to the journalist/anchor when you're defending Donald Trump .you know the journalist is going to fact check your views whether in front of you or later .I know you 're trying to impress or make one audience happy...
Kedves demokraták!
Azért döntöttem úgy, hogy levélben szólok hozzátok, mert sok mindent el kell mondanom nektek annak érdekében, hogy április 8-án felelősen tudjatok választani.
Mint tudjátok, vagyonos ember vagyok, mégis a nép gyermekének tartom magam. Szerencsés vagyok, mert egy olyan asszony van mellettem, aki mindenben támogat és akinek családjának köszönhetem előmenetelemet. Apró Antal, akinek neve bizonyára sokatok számára ismerős, a kommunista diktatúra jeles alakja és drága feleségem nagyapja volt, sokat segített nekünk. Neki köszönhetjük csodálatos Rózsadombi villánkat, hiszen Sebestyén Aladár zsidó származású első világháborús hős elkobzott ingatlanában élt az Apró klán és miután ezt a „szociális bérlakást” később feleségem, kedvezményesen megvásárolhatta az...
To America -
In 2008, the election of Barack Obama signaled a change in the United States. We were moving further to the left. We were deep in a recession that started during a Republican Presidency that could be attributed to Right-leaning Democrats and Republicans in the 90s pushing banking deregulation and tax cuts that were passed during George W. Bush’s Administration. Barack Obama was the idea of hope that our nation could climb out of a hole and be better. But as soon as this black man with a funny name became the front-runner racism almost immediately took effect. From burning effigies, accusations that the soon-to-be President was not even an American, or Christian, for that matter, we were bombarded with propaganda that stemmed from a surge in the use of social media and the...
To the Councillors and General Public of Montgomeryshire and Powys, regarding Jane Dodds. This letter is to be posted online as an open letter, to lower the risk of Dodds offending again or becoming an MP.
Dear Councillors and General Public cc Jane Dodds and Karen Arthur,
If this letter regarding Jane Dodds' unsuitability for office is considered to be outrageous, remember, she felt that it was acceptable for a vulnerable adult to be destroyed publicly.
You have an unsuitable candidate for Montgomeryshire Liberal Democrats. Her name is Jane Dodds, and she is unsuitable both as a political candidate and as a social care worker, because she was willing to see a vulnerable adult killed in order to cover up for abusers. Jane Dodds poses a risk to the vulnerable and that needs to be...
Donald Trump the more you open making falseless claims idiotic comments sometimes I wonder you have a high I Q for you to stand up their in a rally constantly insulting members of congrees just because you don't get your way whether ending daca or your stupid border wall what ever you nothing but a seventy -one year old punk baby that need his past erfurt! I really wonder why do you always attack women whether it journalists congresswoman actresses etc particular african americans women like sports journalist congresswoman Maxine Waters that make you a big man not really it just make you a small man who hate to answer to women .Maxine Waters is one of decent kind loving person in congress .Mrs. Waters doesn't need me to speak for her but, I have to speak about this guy who...
hi, my name is Michael mesh and in my English class I had to read the book The Crucible. The Crucible is about witchcraft and how crazy people went about it. I was supposed to relate a real world witch hunt, and I chose marijuana.
U.S. new, on December,14 2017
the government shut down 26 legal marijuana dispesaries and made arrests. Also the jama network has facts that proves marijuana is beneficial.
I personally feel marijuana is not a drug and is perfectly fine. I also think marijuana can change lives. I fell its medicinal values can be very important for certain people.
The government is arresting people who are providing medicine for people. While they are ruining peoples lives in jail, they are also taking peoples medicine away. Marijuana is a plant that is proven...
The crucible is about people who are to religious and can be manipulated by children and think witches exist so they start hanging people the children told them to hang. It also shows how people can be deceived and how easy it is for people who can't understand make things up to make sense of the encounter.
Charlottesville spread across the U.S., many responded with disbelief, insisting that such abhorrent behavior and views were un-American. There was also a scene in they play when they thought that killing the people was unjust and bad. There were big protests and in the book crucible there were also protests.
I choose this article because I felt that this related to the play and my personal connection is I feel like this kind of stuff in society needs to stop. In both the...
The Modern-Day Witch Hunt vs Mental Illnesses
An Open Letter by Bilal Jabr
In the late 1600’s, a small town named Salem located in Colonial Massachusetts, was inhabited by villagers called the Puritans, a group of Christian Extremists who live and die by the order of God. If something goes wrong, it has to be blamed on somebody. Witch Craft, is believed to be in sequence when a group of girls are caught dancing in the forest, “chanting and dancing with the devil”. They are accused of working with the devil because they are seen as paranormal, and not even given a chance to prove innocence. This was almost 400 years ago, but the Witch-Hunt on the Paranormal is still very much thriving and alive. I am writing about how the bipolar schizophrenic part of society is seen as not normal...
The Crucible is a book based in the town of Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials. In this book, many people throughout the town of Salem believe a child is dealing with the devil. This belief drives the townspeople into hysterical fits. As the child is investigated, adults and children alike are accused of dealing with the devil and people end up losing their lives for falsely confessing or refusing to give their lives to lies. Unfortunately, in today’s society, similar accusations are being given, just as in the Me Too movement. Some of these accusations may be true, but an end needs to be put to the false accusations being given just to gain attention.
“Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about; I think you’d best go down and deny it yourself” (9-10). Just as the...
The Crucible is the 1953 play, written by Arthur Miller. Based on the witch hunt in salem, the mass hysteria based on false accusations (and even true accusations) caused mass murder. The accusations and yelling of the devil are very similar to the cries of how evil the gender non-conforming are.
Personally I have seen students, in our class even, say that those who don’t identify as they were born, are fake. I’ve dealt with this many places. Internet, indirectly, and my friends also have. I could tell you endless stories about how trans people have been targeted, killed, suicide bated, so on and so forth. It happens to all LGBTQA+ people. Non binary, agender, asexual, aromantic. If it’s non-conforming, it’s bad to the bigots out there. It doesn’t fit the norm, so they need to hunt it...