
The Crucible is a book based in the town of Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials. In this book, many people throughout the town of Salem believe a child is dealing with the devil. This belief drives the townspeople into hysterical fits. As the child is investigated, adults and children alike are accused of dealing with the devil and people end up losing their lives for falsely confessing or refusing to give their lives to lies. Unfortunately, in today’s society, similar accusations are being given, just as in the Me Too movement. Some of these accusations may be true, but an end needs to be put to the false accusations being given just to gain attention. “Uncle, the rumor of witchcraft is all about; I think you’d best go down and deny it yourself” (9-10). Just as the...
The Crucible is the 1953 play, written by Arthur Miller. Based on the witch hunt in salem, the mass hysteria based on false accusations (and even true accusations) caused mass murder. The accusations and yelling of the devil are very similar to the cries of how evil the gender non-conforming are. Personally I have seen students, in our class even, say that those who don’t identify as they were born, are fake. I’ve dealt with this many places. Internet, indirectly, and my friends also have. I could tell you endless stories about how trans people have been targeted, killed, suicide bated, so on and so forth. It happens to all LGBTQA+ people. Non binary, agender, asexual, aromantic. If it’s non-conforming, it’s bad to the bigots out there. It doesn’t fit the norm, so they need to hunt it...
POLICE LIVES MATTER The united states police. Our first line of defense against criminals. They uphold the law and serve their country just like any soldier. BUT, our nation has seemed to forget that. We have time and time again, slandered their name, like it was nothing. Like we weren’t ruining families, ruining American lives. When a shooter began firing on two Baton Rouge police officers in a July ambush attack, Deputy Sheriff Brad Garafola managed to take cover behind a dumpster. After calling in the attack on his radio, however, Garafola left his covered position, charging into the street to help the wounded officers. The shooter, armed with an assault rifle and a semi-automatic pistol, kept on firing, killing Garafola, Corporal Montrell Jackson and Officer Matthew Gerard....
POLICE BRUTALITY IN THE UNITED STATES. Police brutality in the united states, it is an issue to the entire public. There is not one, not two, not even three groups this is to. This is for everyone. There are numerous examples of it. If I just mentioned the words “police shoot down black male!” you would know who I’m talking about, because everyone has an experience with it. Oscar Grant was shot dead by Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer Johannes Mehserle in 2009 in Oakland, California. Mehserle and other police officers had been responding to reports of a fight, and arrested and handcuffed Grant and several others in a subway station. Grant was cuffed, unarmed and lying on the ground when Mehserle pulled out his gun and shot him in the back. He later received only 2 years in...
In the Crucible, there was a society dealing with mass hysteria due to these random and sudden acts of witchcraft. If you were different, didn’t follow religion, or didn’t follow the ways of others around you, you were labeled a witch and called to court. Most people who were called to court though were very much not witches, just simply misunderstood by their peers. This describes our society perfectly right now. Due to many misunderstandings, we are not addressing an important issue and group of people in the best way possible. School shooters have been getting a lot of the spotlight in the news lately. Along with many other issues our country is torn, not knowing how to approach such a thing. Some people are quick to say we need gun control, some say “guns don’t kill people, people...
In the book The Crucible, there are several elements in the story that reflected the definition of xenophobia, which is the fear of the unknown or abnormal. People were singled out for how they perceived life and performed activities that were different from their society, and when that society fell under hard times, they blamed them. Dozens of “abnormal” people were accused and convicted, 19 of which were executed. One of the strongest elements that led to such tragedy was the abuse of authority. Today, such abuse of authority is quite evident within American society. It is often referred to as police brutality. Officers of the law are meant to be looked upon as people who wish to make the world a better place, by preventing mayhem and death. It also means that these officers are to...
THE TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY The crucible. It as an amazing play, in the basics, about one group against another. Just like this issue. The issue in this play, and the issue here, comes from the same seed. I chose this issue, because it was an issue that the public media should talk about. I know a few transgenders, and I know a few people who have thought about it. I don’t think it is wrong, but I think we should be able to hold our own opinions about it. I want to reach out to anyone who pays attention to the public media. The transgender community has been the circle of attention for the last decade or two. No one has a good argument for either side. I don’t believe anyone reading this does either. “they can be who they want.” Yes they can, but why does that mean I have to see...
I am writing this to the police departments and I think police men need to stop killing because too many black people die from them. I chose police brutality because I saw videos of black people getting shot when they don’t have weapons on them and sometimes it’s by accident and its sad to see people die when there’s No weapon on them. The purpose of this letter is to change how police departments are doing things to people and not to kill people without weapons on them. In 2017, a lot of people died by police men and killed 1147 people in the U.S. there were only 14 days in 2017 where police didn’t kill anyone. Black people are most likely to be killed by police men than others https://mappingpoliceviolence.org. For example, Terence Crutcher, he was 40 years old and he didn’t do...
This is an open letter to the Kansas City Police Department, regarding police brutality. I’m writing this to make a difference of the KCPD in police brutality. Police are supposed to protect and serve, but they are using more excessive force then they needed to be. The changed I want in police brutality is that new recruits should be trained more and how to act properly against citizens. I care because if police are ending someone else’s life for just their appearance. Police brutality is the use of excessive physical force, including beating citizens with hands or batons, or using stun guns (such as Tasers), teargas, and even lethal weapons. For the vast majority of citizens, this is something they never have experienced. Similarly, many police officers go their entire...
Dear Mr. President, I am writing to you on behalf of the video gaming community, myself and others included. I have seen the controversy over a comment you made remarking that videos games and movies causing violent behavior. I quote "I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts. And you go the further step, and that’s the movies. You see these movies, and they’re so violent. And yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn’t involved, but killing is involved, and maybe they have to put a rating system for that." I would like to explain to you that there is little to no evidence of connection between violence and video games or movies. A German research study from HealthDay News shows that violent video games “...
