“To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values. We have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals. At our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. This is the bridge across our nation’s deepest divisions.”
- George W. Bush, at the memorial service for slain Dallas police officers, July 12, 2016.
“And here is what I have to say, finally: Let’s invite one another in. Maybe then we can begin to fear less, to make fewer wrong assumptions, to let go of the biases and stereotypes that unnecessarily divide us. Maybe we can better embrace the ways we are the same.”
- Michelle Obama, from the Epilogue of her book Becoming (2018, Crown Publishing...
Open Letter to Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters
Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters,
Although common in teens, our older generations are just as guilty of texting and driving. As a teenager, we are blamed a majority of the time for dangerous driving, and I am writing this to help prevent this stigma and to prevent the loss of others from fatal car accidents due to distracted driving. Texting and driving is not a “Skill” in which we learn and can become a professional at. It is something that is very dangerous, not only to those who are behind the wheel attempting it, but also those who are behind the wheel following the laws and doing nothing wrong. Texting and driving is dangerous at any age, therefore a stricter punishment should be put into place to help eliminate some of this...
Dear citizens of the USA who worry about the safety of their children,
Just imagine. Parkland High school, February 14, 3:18 pm. The sound of gunshots echoed down the hallways, closer and closer, louder and louder. The glass in the door shatters, and into the room comes Nicholas Cruz wielding an AR-15 and shooting maniacally. That day, 17 innocent lives of children were lost, all in vain . Now we talk about it, later, when it is too late, what could have been done? How do we stop this from happening again? I’m here to say, gun control is not the solution.
The scenario described above is one of many that have occurred in the US, in just 2018 alone, 36 school shootings have occurred and a total of 42 lives have been lost in the process (“List of School Shootings in the US”, 2018)....
Dear Donald Trump,
I am not sure what exactly you have said and done to Kanye West but YOU DID SOMETHING and that is the reason his name is being slandered and the reason he is not acting himself.
You have abused your position that has been given to you and not earned (like so many of you in power). You have turned the White House into a family business and you continue to hide behind your demonic ways. You have him hostage and you may be able to fool others but not me. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
involuntary servitude or involuntary slavery: is a...
First of all, let me state that I am an independent voter, has no affiliation with any party and I am planning to stay independent.
However, after the last hearing I had an impression that Senators on the democratic side of the Judiciary Committee lost their human face.
Well, let see why the confirmation of the very deserving judge has been severely delayed. And now the left mob wants to delay it even more. Based on what? The Senate hearings did not break Brett Kavanaugh a bit.
It became even more obvious that the President's choice nominating Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court was the right one. It would be very difficult to find more qualified and impartial nominee.
But now it was time for the radical left to find an accuser or even better several of them!
Considering that "Me...
Dear America:
I know what I'm about to say will cause backlash. I know there will be basement dwelling neck bearded white knights furiously typing up a storm. I know there will be green and blue dyed hair hairy legged land whales turning red and purple in anger when they read what I'm about to say.
Just know that I'm never going to read you comments. I could care less what you have to say. Your political views are pretty much ruining the country and I have to sit here and watch it happen powerless to do anything about it.
This #metoo witch hunt against Brett Kavanaugh has to stop. His accuser
Christine Blasey Ford is not a victim she is a fraud. She has no witnesses, she doesn't remember when, she doesn't remember where, but somehow knows it was Kavanaugh.
Lets play a...
Dear World Leaders (political or spiritual, captains of industry, power-brokers, oligarchs, tyrants, megalomaniacs, and such):
On behalf of what I think is the vast majority of human beings on this planet I would like to say: "Enough!". Enough of the wars and destruction, enough of the greed and the crimes, enough of the racism, discrimination and violence directed at us, your companions on this celestial ride we call life; enough of the rigid orthodoxy and blind allegiances that bring so much cold-hearted suffering into our lives; enough of the power-grabbing lies, deception, and manipulation that seem to bring so many of you such pleasure. We, the average, good-hearted people around the globe who approach our daily lives with integrity, effort, common-sense, and kindness, we have had...
What is the rush to the supreme court seat to fill a couple of weeks or three isn't bad. It should be a real investigation of Brett Kavanaugh of possible sexual assault of christy Blassey Ford speak to witnesses former school friends etc don't just sweep it unde the rug like this incedent perhaps didn't where you have guy seating on the supreme court seat for years. You're nominating a guy that might have committed more alleged crimes so before you nominate kavanaugh a investigation should be presented as well give Mrs. Ford a chance to present the full story without attacking her . This investigation should be presented before both Kavanaugh...
Dear Mr Corbyn
As a British Jew and one-time Labour supporter I am troubled by your approach towards your stated goal of achieving lasting reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. I share your desired goal and as someone involved in commercial negotiations I know the way to sustainable agreement is by being tough on the issues, soft on the people and walking in the shoes of all parties to the deal to best understand their unique perspectives. As a politician motivated to achieve the near impossible you too should know this and live by it.
I don’t mind that you associate with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO as was, PFLP and other militant anti-Zionist organizations; I’m not concerned that you share conference and social media platforms with Holocaust-...
Hello Mr. President, I want to start by saying I voted for you and I think you are doing a great job. Second, I am an Iranian American with a Bachelors is in Political Science with a focus on Mid East Studies. I am also a Texas Real Estate Broker and Hair stylist. I was born to a father who immigrated here from Iran in the 60’s and I know one of the most special days in his life was the day he was naturalized. My father Mike Farhoudi loves this country with all of his heart. Mr. President please understand that the Citizens of Iran are innocent.
Most Americans don’t know that the United Stated assisted in the overthrow of Iran’s Democratically elected government in 1953 and installed a dictator to enforce our agenda. Most Americans also do not know that we funded and...