
I was born into this world a few months after the shooting that changed the course of our history. I was born into a world where a mass shooting shocked the world and was unthinkable. I was born into a world where gun violence wasn’t a normal occurrence. But, I was born into a world that was about to change. The Columbine Massacre was something that no one had ever experienced before. It was a new issue, an issue that needed to be resolved right away. However, It’s an issue that’s only grown. 13. 13 people were shot and killed that day. 13 people walked into school ready for a normal day, but those 13 people would not have the opportunity to walk back out of that building. These people aren’t statistics, these people are exactly that; people. People whose families were torn apart...
Let me say this no one is saying that you don't have the right to defend yourself as self defense to protecting your live...
Why is it that everything that doesn’t happen the way you think it should, you say it is bad? Why is it that you, who announce tolerance, respect, peace, love, understanding etc. day and night, are the ones who are intolerant with those who think differently? Why don’t you give a bit of respect to those who think liberalism is not the right way? Why do you call a war against those countries who want to keep their nation the way it is? Why are you allowed to use hate speech on citizens and politicians of these countries? And last but not least, why is it that you think that you have the right to judge anybody? How in the world do you dare call a country a dictatorship or the PM a dictator? In your mind, why is a PM a dictator if he doesn’t kneel down before you? Do you have any idea what...
There is a house on a hill, in the far flung corner of the world, in northeastern India, a man who has difficulty in understanding the English on CNN, called his wife from the kitchen and then carried his four and half years old son and they together quietly watched the speech of the first black American president for about half an hour. And when his son inquired who is he, his father smiled and responded proudly, “My son, THIS IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.” This is respect and love. Mr. President. Respect and love from the purest fountain of the human heart. America is a great nation with a great people. And this resonate very well with the words of the 37th President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, “We must always remember that America is a great nation today not...
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Remember this, Mr. Ryan? Looks like you are in grave danger of violating your oath – which was meant for ALL Americans, not only your party’s members. During the last 13 months you have consistently put PARTY WAY ABOVE COUNTRY. You are protecting an autocrat/dictator-wanna-be president who abuses the constitution, constantly tries to blur the boundaries among the three branches and...
Re: Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Review of All Claims I write to applaud the recent announcement of the review of all PIP Claims following the High Court decision that changes to the PIP criteria introduced in March 2017 amounted to ‘blatant discrimination’. However, I also wish to express my concerns as to how these Reviews will take place and to request that the scope of the Reviews is extended to cover those who applied for PIP but were declined, those who transferred from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to PIP but were declined, and those who had erroneous decisions on their Claims for reasons other than that linked to this particular High Court Appeal. This is because there is more at fault with the PIP system than the in-built discrimination against those with...
Donald Trump you're a liar the unemployment for minorities particular african americans has drop tremendously under the presidency of the obama administration not Donald Trump .It was obama is the reason that unemployment has drop under started back in 2010 when the unemployment for africans americans was at 16.9 percent when obama took office then drop about 7.9 percent...
Where do you start? How do you compose words that tell a story of great sadness and loss. Dear Mr President, fellow Marines and their wives and children, fellow American Citizens and all the Patriots that have served and still serve and all those that support our Veterans: This letter could have been composed by any wife of any Veteran of the USMC whom had their husband stationed at Camp LeJeune during the water toxic poisoning. When you think of a Marine you think of a man that is strong, tough, physically fit and unstoppable. If you were to look in the mirror today of that same Marine you see a shell that holds little resemblance to that warrior from years past. What is it like to watch the man you love struggle to accomplish everyday tasks? What is it like to wait and pray...
Paul Ryan let me say this the tax bill that you...
I'm writing this letter in order to encourage people who are laid-off or who have or have had a disability, to call their US Senators'...
