I don't know where you are now.
Maybe close to me.
Or in a distant country or outside the solar system
But I'm sure you can read this letter
Do you remember me
i'm ali, a useless person as you call me
Do you remember when you were telling me "you can't do anything"
Do you remember when you were telling me "you can't Walk in this way".
Do you remember when you were telling me "you cant become a programmer".
Do you remember when you were telling me "you're useless".
Maybe you forgot everything
But I still remember
I still have memories from when I was child: no one wanted to play with me, they would tell me things like "you're blind— we can't play with you. Go and look for [another] blind person to play with you. You're different from me, go away."
You stand in my...
We don’t live in fantasy. We live in a world that isn’t just a simple folktale with happy endings… this is reality, and reality brings us disappointment and sad endings and unfortunately death and life changing things in our life… In the realistic fiction book, Slaughter House Five is about the WWII and a tragic solider named Billy who had to suffer through the harsh war witnessing the Bombing of Dresden, and the pain from the war. War isn’t always the answer, lives are being sacrificed every day for so what called the better for the country.
WWII was a very manipulative war ruled by Hitler himself. He had a very specific POV of what a perfect country will look like and how the people will represent the countries he and his troops has invaded. Therefore, killing millions of Jews,...
Disorders of depression aren’t handled in a responsible manner. Especially in our day and time where the statistics of people having cases of depression is exceeding. We can’t just resort to not paying attention or not inducing as much effort like we did in times like the 70’s and 80’s. The novel, Ordinary People, set in 1976, illustrates the problematic results of not providing enough help and ignoring the patient’s mental illness in general. Judith Guest creates a situation in her story that applies to topics of our generation. By providing a combination of the statistics and details from the story, the argument of society not indulging in helping patients experiencing problems of depression can be proven.
In the novel, Conrad, son of Beth and Calvin Jarrett’s, is a patient of...
There are many countries and party’s that control what you read, hear and know, the government controls the flow of information. The novel 1984 written by George Orwell is about how big brother controls the flow of information, including the way they think.
Censoring of media and the flow of information very rarely causes an issue. A lot of the times, censoring of media includes inappropriate books and books about death and things like that. Censoring of media does not include controlling what people think. Towards the end of this novel, Winston is arrested and tortured. Big brother tortures and brain washes people because he wants to ensure that they will not commit crimes in the future, but how does he know that the people will commit crimes? Big brother wants everyone to support...
The CDC says 4,400 deaths per year are caused by suicide. That’s 4,400 wives, husbands, daughters, and sons who will never be seen again; the only relics of their lives are the hurt souls of their loved ones and the photos of their drained faces. These 4,400 will never hear another “I love you” or see another rainbow; these 4,400 people will never have the chance to be happy. If this isn’t terrifying enough, the CDC states that over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. According to Yale University, bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims. As bullying continues to occur, the numbers will continue to...
What does poverty mean to me?
By: Jett Sutton
The effects of poverty are more than just missing a meal. Millions and Millions of families struggle with chronic food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition. When families don’t have the food that their minds and bodies desire, their health and livelihood falter, trapping them in a vicious cycle of affecting one generation after another. The only way to combat the problem is to break the cycle of poverty and build strong communities. This enables every person to have enough nutritious food to live a healthy and productive life that many people deserve.
While I read The Part Time Indian, the main character Junior seems to be the definition of poverty. The lack of food, resources and transportation he experiences makes the reader feel...
Decreasing Suicide
By the time you finish reading this essay, about 5 people will have died from suicide; and even more attempted it, resulting in about 800,000-1,000,000 suicides a year. This is shocking, however, there is a way to decrease this number by recognizing when someone is at risk for suicide and helping them receive treatment. One major factor that puts someone at risk for suicide is a mental illness like depression. In the novel Ordinary People by Judith Guest, the main character, Conrad, has depression and attempted to kill himself. Through treatment at a hospital, his psychiatrist, and support he is able to gain hope about his future again. By helping people with depression and taking it seriously, the total number of suicides a year can decrease.
To know if someone...
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
We, as American citizens, have the something called the First Amendment which allows citizens to freely express themselves. The first amendment is arguable the most important amendment for America and its people. Everyone should have the right to express themselves in their words, actions, and even just showing the religion/beliefs they have. In the novel 1984, Winston, the main character, lives in a totalitarian society where freedom of speech, press, religion, and overall expression is forbidden. Although not always...
Suicide is the leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18 (http://prp.jasonfoundation.com) reason for this lead in death being depression. Depression is a disease which makes a person to have a lack of energy and dislike themselves. The effects of depression are described in the book Ordinary People, about a boy named Conrad who suffers from depression and has cut and attempted to kill himself as a result of it. Showing the extent that people go to because of depression this shows that this issue needs to be addressed and more needs to be done.
Depression can strain from many different places, one of these being stress and overscheduling. Stress for teens can cause prevent them from having free time and time with friends. With the immense amount of stress and pressure...
Suicide effects a lot of people, with some people you may not realize until it’s too late. In the novel ordinary people by Judith guest one of the main characters, Conrad, suffers from depression and even attempted suicide. A lot of people may never know until it’s too late or just not know how to help. No matter what I think any help at all is good.
Suicide is not a thing you would normally think about unless you/someone you know is thinking about doing it, it was in the news, or just on a tv show or movie you just watched. In ordinary people suicide and depression are talked about all throughout the book. It’s a very big deal in the circle of people inside the book. Conrad handles his depression fairly well after his suicide attempt. He does what he wants to do and thinks for...