the offices where the Colonial and Sargent Major are. All you do is answer phones and take messages deal with taxis and people who wouldn’t be able to make it to PT and work in the morning. Dealing with cabs because people are to drunk and not able to pay for the cab. Dealing with fires and cleaning all day and night. Not being able to sleep until the next morning when you finally get to go home.
The little to no sleep at night to early mornings to long hours and traveling for days just to make it to a country that’s going through hell. And you get stuck in the middle of the chaos. Most people I ask who have been in, would do it all over again just because it was an adventure that them through their one way or other.
With all of that being saidt was a crazy time making friends...
As someone who has spent a considerable portion of their life on the internet—playing games and browsing social media—I have certainly witnessed a lot of toxicity. Sometimes I will be the direct target of insults cast from a user with a cloak of anonymity. Other times I will overhear my little sister and her friends talking about a girl at their school who was absent because she was harassed by a group of bullies on snapchat.
Cyberbullying like this is everywhere. If you ask your own kid if they have seen it take place they will almost certainly say they have. Anyone can go to any site with user-generated content and see some form of cyberbullying taking place. It isn’t all that rare to bear witness to a horde of girls commenting venomous insults under another student's Instagram post...
(open letter, 13/04/2020 Easter, Germany)
At the present the Corona virus is spreading like wild fire all over our planet, infecting millions and killing hundred thousands of men. We know from the history that this did not happen first time. There had been more severe pandemics in past 2000 years, infecting or even killing half of the planet inhabitants. As well as in the past as well as now scientists, leaders and general people have been trying to understand the cause, the cure and possible prevention to such pandemics. So far the success is not coming through. Apparently unless this matter is completely and scrutinizingly understood, studied and put into effective practice, the solution will not materialize as a miracle despite all the wishful thinking. I beg you, and warn you, to...
As Covid-19 Easter approaches, I am struck with the awareness of the unusual juxtaposition which life has taken on for many of us living across the western world. For while death tolls continue to grow, we, the isolated unaffected by personal loss, are watching spring unfold outside our windows. With many or all responsibilities outside the home suspended our fast paced lives have come to a standstill, and for the most part I think it is doing us a lot of good. Many families feel more connected. Those whose jobs and social obligations regularly deprive them of getting a full nights sleep are feeling rested.
I’ve always believed in finding a silver lining, to look at the brighter side of things, but it seems disrespectful in light of the many people who have already died, and the many...
You’re probably heard of the diseases listed below. Many other outbreaks, plagues, and diseases struck during each time period shown. The first "pandemic" seems to have been a cholera outbreak in the early 1800s. Some of the diseases mentioned, such as smallpox, have been eradicated. Many others (such as measles) can now be prevented by immunization.
15th – 17th Century
bubonic plague, chickenpox, hepatitis B...
An Open Letter to my fellow Americans
We stand at the brink of catastrophe. Public health experts now concur that the American hospital system will be overrun with millions of critically ill COVID-19 patients. With a shortage of intensive care units and ventilators in America - to say nothing of even more advanced life support technology like ECMO (ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) systems - it is certain that in the near future, on a massive scale around the country, medical caregivers will be forced to pick out a sizeable majority of their patients to let die.
Meanwhile, even those awake and aware are largely sitting by and watching this disaster come.
Unless we, as a whole, step up to meet this challenge, unless we mobilize at every level and stop wasting time waiting...
There is no one to blame on whats goin on, we all need to stay at home and pray to our God the savior ,to heal those are sick, and save us who are not yet infected pray for the safety of those fronliners, Our God is Bigger than this Virus or any diseases.
Hey T!
Remember the time when you asked me if I could imagine a safe space and I said that I am not sure, what is it supposed to feel like? I think I may know now. Thanks for putting it on the map for me, so that I can navigate my way to it whenever I am in need of one. I didn’t even know I was missing one, until that one session when I did. I had no idea that acknowledging something, you didn’t even know you’re in denial of could break you down like that. Even though I do not like to revisit that moment, yet I am glad it happened because it was in that moment of vulnerability when I first felt like I could trust you. You know me well enough to know that for me, to trust or not to trust, that is the question, but I am learning to trust you. Even when the sessions get tough and life...
To vitamin and dietary supplement users alike, I, too, have believed that many vitamins and dietary supplements on the market will work to and significantly improve my physical appearance and health. After all, supplements are designed to support good health and healthy living. However, after completing much research for an English project that required us to find the answer to a difficult or compelling question, I found that these vitamin and supplement claims do not all necessarily hold true to this fact. Many vitamins and dietary supplements could potentially place users in great danger.
In one specific case, a woman who had been consuming an herbal weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia arrived at the emergency room for nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. This case of...
Being on a never-ending quest to find the one with whom you’ll build an unbreakable bond and spend the rest of your life can be a difficult, tiring and sometimes seemingly impossible endeavor. But why does it often get so stressful? Are you truly doomed to spend the rest of your life alone or could the culprit be the endless fairytales and love stories we were fed from an early age that gave us an unrealistic idea and expectation of what a healthy and loving relationship should actually be? From my personal dating experience, every relationship is an entirely unique adventure, but they all have one thing in common – they are two-way streets that require both partners to meet in the middle in order to achieve success.
Firstly, it’s essential to do some introspection and realize whether...