The local atlanta news let me say their are Stephany Fisher &others that was let go by management or they left on their own terms.The former anchors reporters ect should be back on t.v to be they're good at presenting the news stories regardless their presentation wasn't good enough to sudden people(managment). Shephany Fisher should at least be consider to be rehire if a available position at any of the local Atlanta affiliate stations whether it be a anchor or reporter shetoo good be doing avarage work . The second thing I like it would be nice if any of the atlanta local stations would consider of hiring female sports anchors &reporters it's time to get women prospective &views on sports they're just as good as men!the last thing that I to say is that woman should get equal air face time as men about important issues of today's news as men just my view.
fox 5 Atlanta CBS46AtlantaWSB-TV 11Alive
Subject: fox 5 Atlanta CBS46AtlantaWSB-TV 11Alive
From: Eldorado Walters