Broken Hearts

I feel compelled to write this letter after meeting a work colleague who had essentially shut up shop emotionally and chosen to live out his days on a barge in solitude. I don't want my opening sentence to sound as though deciding to live in a barge is 'the end of your life', rather that I heard his story from a friend who informed me he had once been in love with a women but things hadn't worked out and he had never gotten over it and then decided to isolate himself. I too had my first serious love when I was in my mid-20s and needless to say that didn't work out, so I know how heartbreaking and depressing that time can be. But I've never understood how some people can just seem to drop out of life and settle into feeling miserable on a daily basis. If anything you should want to be...
Dear Ex-Boyfriend, You were my first love, the first man in my life. I really looked up to you, and perhaps I still would, if not for the recent events post our break-up. Alright, I admit I have made my own mistakes, which are probably not easy for you to accept either. You never expected that I would walk out on you. Well, here’s the truth. I don’t know if you will like this or not, but here it is. I didn’t like the person I had become when I was with you. Simple and straight. I thought, since I loved you, I should make all kinds of sacrifices I possibly could. So, I did. I let go of all my friends, my family, my social life, and even my own individuality. I gave myself up to you completely. My life, my days started with you and ended with you. Somewhere down the line, when I started...
Dear Mr. Barkley: I write you out of love. I write you out of profound pain. I write you out of deep concern. I hope you accept this letter in the spirit that I write. Mr. Barkley, I understand that you said, in so many words, that slavery was not so bad and that you were tired of people bringing up slavery. I was shocked by both statements. Then I was mad. Then I was terribly disappointed. Finally, I was just in deep hurt and great pain. Now, I am trying to help you and all those who may think like you. Mr. Barkley, allow me to tell you why slavery was "not so bad," but very, very bad. First, African people were snatched from their families, their villages, their communities, their tribes, their continent, their freedom. African people were made to walk hundreds of miles in...
You are likely reading this and thinking, "crazy ex girlfriend, jealous and obsessed" Just move on and forget it already. Believe me I`m quite sane and I have moved on and I only lost something I never should have allowed in my life in the first place. I am not thinking wishful thoughts of how I can get him back nor would I want to be in your shoes ever again. I am not a vengeful ex girlfriend or do I wish to be. I do wish to save you the pain I endured at having allowed this man in my life. You see I am the previous ex girlfriend after his estranged ex wife dealt with him for years. I am not his first girlfriend since he separated and I wasn`t his last and very likely neither will you be. His track record isn`t very long since his marriage ended. You see I...
To a cheating husband, I'm not blind to the fact that a partner cheating is something that can happen to anyone. But when I found those text messages and found you had been unfaithful for almost four months, I found it a bitter pill to swallow. Of course I had some suspicions that you were deceiving me and I began to see your behaviour and feelings to change. As a remedy to this I attempted to make much more effort to make you happy and I felt as though this would get things back on track. I find it so difficult to understand how having an affair for an extended period of time is an easier thing to achieve than it is to talk to the woman you married about your feelings. My feeling that something wasn't right was confirmed when I looked for reassurance by going through your phone...
To those in the aftermath of a divorce, To begin with I am not writing this letter as a way of venting a bitter grudge against my former partner. There have definitely been some tough times of late with the loss of my house and of course not wanting my children to see my current predicament. But I am determined to not dwell in a state of self pity and would actually say surprisingly that I am still happy! The first step that anyone must take when going through a divorce is to not let anger and emotions get in the way...couples don't generally come back from divorces so you should be prepared to accept it in order to get the best and most amicable split possible. After all you don't want to do any further damage to your situation and potentially affect how much access you get to your...
In life all thing intertwine. That being said... I've been there. I'm the woman who has been through everything you could possibly think of. I've survived numerous sexual assaults, abuse, prostitution, depression, drugs, alcoholism, and I think myself the stronger for it. Being through what I have been has created an enormous amount of strength and compassion in me. My heart goes out to every person that I see in pain. I am proud of my heart. It's been beaten, ripped apart, and spat on, but it's still beating. There are women who have been through tremendous amounts of pain, such as myself, who go through the pain and fight back...who I immediately care for and want to support. You are not one of them. Because there are also people who haven't been through anything hard in life...
An open letter to people who won’t let go, I consider myself a good friend and pride myself on being honest and offering unbiased advice that will hopefully have the best outcome for my friends. However over recent months I have found that several of my friends are going through elongated breakups whereby they aren’t willing to drop the remnants of their relationships (no matter how useless or past the point of recovery it is). The issue that arises with this is that it is very difficult as a friend to give the right advice when it is the last thing they want to here. My girlfriend and I have an honest relationship and I like the idea that we wouldn’t keep things from each other…although she likes this, she does note there are definite times where honesty is not the best policy!...
You, Where do I even begin? I want to scream right now with all this pent up emotion. You broke my heart in the worst way possible, you lied to me with all your empty promises, you just are the worst person I will have ever encountered, and yet a part of me still loves you. From the start we were destined to last forever, we had eachother and that's all we ever needed. We had the world in our hands and our lives ahead of us. We promised eachother that we were it, we would never let go. We made it through a lot, and yet we still lost it all. We invested so much time and effort into eachother, for what? Nothing. A few years went by, still feeling like we were on top of the world. I purposed to you in the sweetest way possible, which was wasted. I wrote "will you marry me?" In the...
An open letter to my over-friendly boss, I like my job…I like to think I worked hard to get it and also hard to maintain my position. The last thing I expected when I was entering the corporate world was to deal with an “overly friendly” boss who seems to be unaware of the boundaries between an employer and their employees. Of course I am familiar with how the likes of sexual harassment is portrayed in television and film but I always expected this to be somewhat exaggerated for entertainment. Little did I know that I would be experiencing it on a near daily basis. Without wanting to brag I am a fairly pretty woman in her mid-20s, I take pride in my appearance (especially at work) and don’t mind being complimented on it…when the time is right. But I must say I was quite...
