
Dear Kevin, As a late comer to the world of theatre I must say that I was truly impressed with your achievements at the Old Vic! There aren't many actors who will take that sort of risk and commit themselves to a project for such a long time. So I must say I (and many others) were very sad to here it has come time for your term to end...but the show must go on and I'm sure your replacement will do a good job. But where did that leave me? A new fan of yours looking to saturate my 'Spacey' needs with some of your best work. Well the solution wasn't far away and it came in the form of House of Cards. I must admit I was still a late comer to this show as well and having been told that the initial few episodes to the whole first series were pretty slow, it had initially deterred me from...
Dearest Kareena, I know that you have innumerable fans all over the world and I am just one of them. My life has been remarkably desolate but you are the one person who has always brought a smile to my face. I was 14 when you entered films and from "Yaadein" onwards you have been my favorite person in Bollywood. Although you are a remarkable actress, there is something about the person you are that always connected with me. I cannot be sure about what exactly it was, but I always guessed it to be your elegance. You came across as a unique blend of vulnerability and confidence to me. I have grown up watching your films and following your life. The way you have lived your life has given me so much strength. Unfortunately, my life will be over in a few days; and these are the most difficult...
Ok Maisie, so you might not be my most favourite character in Game of Thrones...you were up there at one point but this last series saw Arya Stark flounder around until her brutal climax of the series. It made me think that the writers had intentionally just messed around with Arya to the point where we honestly wouldn't have expected anything else to happen with her character. Anyway all this is besides the point! I'm writing this letter as a big shout out to you!! I don't usually take a particular notice of the media when it comes to 'showbiz stars' and 'celebrity news', whilst I understand that people like to get the gossip, there has always been an underlying tone of negativity or falseness that has put me off yet a lot of other people refuse to see. To those people; please...
Dear Darren Henley (Chief Executive, Arts Council England), As ambassadors and patrons of sketch comedy in Britain, working to support, develop and promote the art form, we are writing to air our concerns over the Arts Council England's position on comedy – in particular the view that it doesn't deserve any support or funding because "comedy is commercially sustainable". In the four years we've spent actively engaging the industry, we find this stance to be negligent and dismissive of the vast majority of live comedy and its artists, who are suffering because of it. In recent correspondence with your parent body - the Department for Culture, Media and Sport – we were informed that even though "comedy plays a major role in the country's culture and identity" it is believed that it...
Dear Emilia, I'm sure you get a lot of these kinds of letters and comments from Game of Thrones fans - so this might not be anything too new! I've always enjoyed your acting on the tv series and I have found your storyline one of the strongest alongside Peter Dinklage's whilst the others wained or were cut short for 'dramatic effect'. So in that regard I am looking forward to seeing the next series, especially as I know yours and Peter's storylines are perhaps the only safe ones left and if anything were to happen to you two then there'd be uproar. The reason I'm writing this is to offer some career advice from an outside perspective. After seeing the latest Terminator film I was quite surprised that you chose to do it, not that I in any way believe that you shouldn't be diverse...
Open Letter to RHONY Fans: Thank you so much for all your kind words this past week on social media and elsewhere. I watched tonight’s episode with equal parts fear and gratitude. Fear because, well, it’s the show, and gratitude because Bravo treated my story with grace and honesty. I’ve been on this show for three seasons now and it has been good, bad, and ugly. But the one constant is the integrity I try to bring to each story. I do not chase silly drama for the sake of story lines, though it sometimes seems to find me. I’ve found myself in hot water from time to time. I do not create events for the sake of television. I try to keep it as honest and real as I can with television crews following me around. What you see on the show is what is happening in my life. It’s as real as...
Dear Fans, I fucking LOVE my fans! And you know this!!!... If you asked anyone that knows me really well they would tell ya the same thing...Tommy loves his fans. He lives for this shit...he eats,breaths,shits music 24/7. They’ll also probably tell ya that he’s a down to earth grateful life lovin dude and a nice guy too. What I have a problem with is... Taking pictures! I hate it! Irritates the fuck out of me when people say...you owe it to your fans, they put you where you are, etc etc! I certainly dont owe anybody anything! When I bought all my Led Zeppelin records and concert tickets I didn’t say “one day these fuckers are gonna owe me a picture” It’s the least they can do for me!...wtf people? You dont admire something so that it can give back... You just cherish it! And to those...
Dear Zac: For years, you have been invading my sex dreams due to your rock hard abs, swoon worthy smile, and your gorgeous puppy dog hair (that I would love to someday see in my lap). I know you see my numerous tweets, asking you to sit on my face and I am sure the only reason you have not responded with confirmation is because you are afraid Perez Hilton will barrage you with proposals. It's okay, I understand. Ever since I first met you and your super fake tan in High School Musical, my heart was stolen and I finally knew what a boner was. Since that pivotal moment in my life, I have followed your acting career. Your performance in Hairspray made me want to be a fat girl (for a second, I swear) in the hopes you would fall in love with me, 17 Again made me wonder if I would...
My name is fabienne I’m 24 years old, I’m a nurse student and I live in Switzerland. I’m a big (big isn’t enough) fan of you First because of your Acting: My first movie of you was Ram-Leela, but the first thing I watched with you in there, was the song “Nagada Sang Dhol.” At first I didn’t like the song and I didn’t know it was you. At that time, I was looking for something to watch on a European group of fan of Bollywood but when first I hear the song I didn’t like it at all! But now it’s like a ritual since I watched ram-Leela to listen to it twice a day and I been almost a year since I watched the movie for the first time! Then, a day when I was looking for an Indian movie I saw the poster of the movie with this legend below “ ... Roméo et Juliette version Indienne...” (......
Dear Amy, I just finished reading your book Yes Please and I’m struggling with that. I wished that your wisdom and stories were endless so that I would never have to stop reading them. I rarely buy books anymore (supporting your idea that robots are going to take over the world and kill us…right?) but when I saw yours on the shelf at Target I had to buy it and own it and keep it forever. I knew it would be a great read but I never knew how much it would impact me. Ever since I made the decision to start watching Parks and Rec, I’ve loved you. Your character on the show reminds me a lot of myself. I started to watch your skits from SNL online and read about you and other things you’ve done and accomplished. I just plain liked you…especially for a reason you mentioned in the book. “...
