
La Passion du Sabre Laser Brille à l'Aube des Jeux Olympiques de Paris Le sabre laser, une icône de la culture populaire et un symbole de force et d'agilité, fait désormais partie intégrante de l'univers sportif. Avec les Jeux Olympiques de 2024 à Paris qui approchent à grands pas, la fascination pour le sabre laser s'intensifie, réunissant des passionnés de tous horizons. Dans cet esprit, SLF - Sabre Laser France, un leader dans le domaine des sabres laser de haute qualité, explore l'impact de ce sport futuriste sur l'événement mondial. Un Sport en Pleine Expansion Le sabre laser, autrefois relégué aux films de science-fiction, a gagné ses lettres de noblesse en tant que sport à part entière. La Fédération Française d'Escrime l'a officiellement reconnu en 2019, marquant une...
For those of you who have maybe invested more than you should have into Bitcoin, this article may save your holdings provided you don't panic. Down below are links all the brokers, traders, and exchanges hope you don't read. Instead they prefer you listen to their calming sales pitches so they can build up enough trading volume to dump and run themselves. Yes, Bitcoin has enjoyed a 5 year bull run and now has corrected itself. We are in the beginning of a deep bear market, that could very well be the last days of bitcoin IF the Central Bankers and elite schemers of the WEF have their way. Here is what is happening behind the scenes... The NWO globalists funded by the Central Banksters, billionaire oligarchs and Big Tech have a master plan in place to have a one world digital...
This goes out to the IRS. I got a letter from you today asking if the tax return that's filed with my name, my bank account, and my social security number was actually filed by me? Because you're looking out for me to prevent identity theft. Well, isn't that nice of you. Though I am a bit confused. You have my name, my social security number, my bank account (where I had to establish who I was), my tax return that I filed through Turbo Tax (which has only information I would know), and you even sent a letter to my address, via USPS which is a Federal Agency... But you need to verify it's actually me filing the tax return? Good thing is you gave me some options. 1. I can go up to and set up an account and send them my license, a selfie, and give them information that can...
All eyes on Trudeau and what's going on in Canada. Clearly he is on his way to becoming a dictator rather than a servant of the people like he was elected to be. Will he be successful? Will he give up the emergency powers? Will the courts force him to? It's already clear that the conditions for invoking the act do not exist... There is no justifiable emergency, just citizens demonstrating against an oppressive government. Needless to say that his unwillingness to sit down with the people and have an open discussion shows him for who he is. He talks about protecting the people and their freedom and in the next minute he's taking their freedoms away and infringing on their right to peacefully assemble. Hypocrite, Fascist, and Egomaniac, are words that seems to describe him and his...
To those buying cryptocurrency, Know the system you are buying into. It is not as simple as many online make it out to be. Cryptocurrency is not a black market banking system, and it is not the straightforward conversion of currency either. Cryptocurrency is something that is blowing up in the media, with currencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin being ever-present in today’s headlines. This has only been encouraged with notable celebrities and entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban expressing interest in the industry of cryptocurrencies. You might see these wealthy people and decide to follow their investment. Cryptocurrency is a growing industry, which is great for the people invested into it. An expanding industry allows for people to make more money, which is something that I am...
Dear Non tippers, Imagine being a server at a restaurant that just sat a 40-person table. The table orders and you must keep up on refills and make sure everything alright with the order as it’s coming out. The big table leaves, and you are left with the biggest mess you have ever had in your life, but you worked hard and are waiting on the tip that the table leaves. As you are cleaning up, you see a couple dollars sitting on the table, so you put it to the side and finish cleaning, but as you finish, you don’t see anything else but four dollars. If it was just one or two people, you would be happy, but it was 40 PEOPLE and you worked your ass off and got FOUR DOLLARS. I bet you would be pissed because I know for a fact I was. If you can't afford to tip your server or driver,...
I have been contact staff of teamviewer to seek help from to have my subscription terminated. I sent emails, made phone calls, even posted on teamviewer community. So far my request has either been rejected or ignored because of a condition stipulating an advance notice of at least 28 days in advance. I admitted I was a few days when I made my first contact regarding this. Yet I do not understand why there is this condition, which does not make any sense. Does it take 28 day to complete the paperwork when it comes account termination? I doubt it. And when teamviewer debits subscription fee, it debits the sum total for an entire year. And now the situation is that I am told that I have to make the payment for a service that I will not use anymore because it is too late to cancel the...
I claim that money is a heresy. Money is a financial category and heresy is a religious one. How one may be the other? Heresy is a kind of false information. Money is also information, an information about economical relations. I claim that money is a false information (fake documents) and moreover money is a heresy. You either believe in God or in money, not in both. God is a nonprofit. (1Jn. 4:8) “God is love”. The word agape (“love” in Greek) also means “charity”, that is nonprofit in modern language. Nonprofit it is what makes utility not described by money. If you believe in nonprofits (including God), you believe that money is a false description of utility. You believe either in money or in nonprofits. If you don’t believe in nonprofit, you don’t believe in God.
Dear Rude Customer, If you received this photo shown above, how would it make you feel? If you have children, bills, and whatever else your paycheck depends upon, how would you truly feel? Heartbroken? Failure? What am I going to do about these upcoming bills that must be paid on time? Yeah well, now you see how I feel. Seeing this made me feel like a complete failure, though it was not even my fault that the kitchen was backed up on orders and it took a while longer for your food to come out, I brought it out as soon as I could. What else do you want me to do about it? I cannot go into the kitchen and cook it myself. Also, just to let you know, the majority of my paycheck comes from tips. So those bills I have to pay, those children I am raising by myself, and the groceries I get to...
This is in light of the your recently published article entitled "Wondering What Happened to Your Class Valedictorian? Not Much, Research Shows", which can be found here: It is undeniable that this article has a grain of truth to it. There are facts properly backed up by research, but what went wrong? Why am I here writing an open letter? First and foremost, I believe the title is completely misleading. What do you mean by saying that "nothing much" has happened to those academic achievers, while at the same time, also writing that "Nearly 90 percent are now in professional careers with 40 percent in the highest tier jobs. They are reliable, consistent, and well-adjusted, and by all measures the majority...
