
Could you please take a look at the student loan scheme when you prepare your next budget? I realise that your 2015 surplus target is looking increasingly out of reach, but I have a suggestion to help you get back there sustainably. New Zealand’s student loan borrowers are a parasite on the Government’s books, and a quick glance at the state of the Government’s balance sheet shows these parasites are in plague proportions. Solving this plague will definitely improve your chances of returning to surplus sustainably over the medium-term. Despite education being an investment in oneself, as evident by the higher average earnings of tertiary graduates, the Government seems content with continuing to subsidise graduates even once they have embarked on a successful professional...
Governor Perry: We write to express, in the strongest possible terms, our disappointment over the outcome of the regular and special sessions of the 82nd Legislature, in which every single one of the dozens of common-sense immigration reform bills died. As you are most likely aware, the overwhelming body of polling data shows that Texans are extremely concerned about the effects of unchecked illegal immigration on our state. A recent University of Texas / Texas Tribune poll of 800 registered voters in Texas found the following: Texas voters consider illegal immigration to be the most important problem facing the State of Texas, with the lack of border security ranking a close second.[1] Fully 87% of Texas voters, including 71% of Hispanic voters, support the passage of a...
London, 08.11.2012 Dear HMRC. I am very disappointed in the service I received from you over the last year or so. Having taken early retirement last year, I supplemented my pension with a small sole-trader writing work, mainly articles and reviews. I kept a note of all these payments, and when it came to the end of the year and time for me to fill in an online tax return, I read up all your literature. I was a Civil Servant since I was 17, and have drafted legislation, designed forms, and created and published guidance for areas of work far more complicated than our tax system. Try the international reciprocal enforcement of child maintenance for size! Given that I had been paid by the Government all my full-time working career and had just topped up my monthly pension with a few...
