
OPEN LETTER TO ANONYMOUS REGARDING A MESSAGE PUT OUT ON THE WEB THAT STATES ANONYMOUS HAS DECLARED WAR ON DONALD TRUMP. This has been conveyed all across the YouTube Community with video tiles like “Anonymous Hackers Declare War on Donald Trump” I Beseech you to read this in its entirety, please. Anonymous, Real Anonymous. I have in the past held a great deal of respect for you and others like you. However, the turn of events in which you attack Trump is unsettling and calls to question with me your true patriotism and your honoring of the Constitution as well as supporting our Representative Republic, and our Capitalist business style. You all of all people should know who stands for what. It is very very clear that any other Republican will try nor have the power to bring...
Edward Myles Chism was counting on the Bush family to keep this story out of the news. And they did. In fact you would have heard about this story sooner but the book manuscripts of a federal whistle blower were seized by FBI agents at gunpoint as explained here... http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/off-topic-messages/91146-uncle-sam-seized-book-manuscripts-protect-jeb-bush.html But Eddie Chism was the president of American Financial Group in Aventura, Florida after he worked for the U.S. Justice Department in Panama for 20 years where he was pals with both General Noriega and CIA Director George H. Bush. Also after he married the personal banker and secretary of Noriega - a hot babe named Teresita Tapia. Now we fast forward to the scandal and the cover-up...http://...
Dear George Osborne, What the hell are you playing at?
In book manuscipts that were seized from whistle blower Bruce Gorcyca at gun-point in 2000, he wrote about teams of government "dirty trick squads" within the U.S. Justice Department along with government crimes that include: * Murder of Wall Street insider Al Chalem - a government informant who was under 24/7 surveillance when he was murdered. See: http://norealmystery.wordpress.com * Murder of George Morales (Contra smuggler/informant) and Canadian Jon Pierre Gonyou (witness to Enron crime involving Dick Cheney) * The $43 million fraud committed against Canadian investors by the U.S. Justice Department See: http://AmericanFinancialGroupFraud.wordpress.com * $1Billion of drug smuggling into Canada by friends of Jeb Bush including a corrupt FBI agent (Terry Nelson) who owns $...
Hello, I am abhorrently disgusted with Brian France's endorsement of Donald Trump last week. While his defense for publicly backing Trump has been "I am a public citizen," it is also the case that he is a public figure and is inherently tied to NASCAR as a whole. In other words, his statements, for better or worse, represent all of NASCAR to the general public, whether he likes it or not. I have been a fan of this sport for all 25 years of my life. In this time, NASCAR has done a wonderful job in turning its image around, with programs such as NASCAR's Drive for Diversity. While not perfect, NASCAR has attracted more fans outside of its key demographic: older, Southern white males. NASCAR even came out against Indiana's anti-gay legislation last year. These steps forward are what...
Why is it that the middle class is constantly abused? My son needs tubes for his ears. He has constant ear infections; the doctor told us that the fluid in his ears is likely impairing his ability to hear, and thus talk, as well as his ability to walk because his balance is altered. In the past 4-5 months, my son has been a maximum of 6 days at a stretch without antibiotics. He would finish the antibiotics and within a week, we were back at the doctor. We never balked at the constant expense of doctor visits and medications. We followed the recommendations of the pediatrician and the ENT and scheduled a date for what we were told is a 10-minute procedure. We get a call 36 hours prior to his appointment stating that his procedure will cost upwards of $4000 oop and that this needs to...
Dear Senators, Congressmen, and GOP leadership, This is an open letter to the GOP leadership, a final plea before your epitaph. It is no secret that the Republican Party is in a fractured state and has been for sometime now. With the rise of the Tea Party movement in 2006 many Americans have woken up to the massive amounts of corruption in Washington DC, the ever increasing massive size and roll of the federal government, the fiscal irresponsibility, the grotesque amounts of spending and continuing resolutions, as well as the gradual intrusiveness and erosion of our constitutional rights. While it may appear to some that the all of the ills and issues that we currently face are symptoms of the last seven years under our current radically progressive presidents administration, what...
Dear President Obama I am writing you today on March 2, 2016. If my grandmother were alive, she would be one hundred years old today. She had looked forward to this day since at least her eightieth birthday. She was aware that one receives a personal letter from their president on one’s hundredth birthday. She passed away back in 2012, at the age of ninety six, four years before she would receive her centenarian letter from you. As a last rite of sorts, I find myself writing you this letter. My grandmother epitomized American grit. She was born and raised on a ranch in rural Colorado. She milked cows. Churned butter. Herded cattle on horseback. Killed rattlesnakes. She built her home in Eastern Washington, and her lake cabin nail by nail. When my grandfather grew ill with ALS, she...
Fellow concerned citizens. We must not discount the value of Donald Trump. While he may not be the best suited candidate to be our president, he is tapping into a frustrated America that no longer is willing to abide with the status quo. Below is a draft letter I would like to propose to Mr. Trump in an effort to see him use his power where I believe we need his assistance. Dear Mr. Trump: I am writing to you in hopes that you will reconsider the intent of your current presidential win and redirect it to an even more powerful goal – the restructuring of American government. By taking on such a campaign you will not only change America forever but will truly secure it as a powerhouse in the governance of the world while also securing your place in history as the new father of...
Dear PM(Prime minister Narendra modiji) and FM(Finance Minister Arun jaitelyji). I am big fan of BJP govt. and whatever work BJP has done so far is great in terms of increasing Govt. reserve by various means like not decreasing fuel prices, implementing swach cess, increasing service tax, limiting gas subsidy to ltd earning class, etc. This gives me hope that govt. reserve will help the party to run indian govt. in better ways and they will create more opportunities and benefit to independent public of india. But great disappointment when i see the budget from mr. Jaitely where instead of giving more focus on growth and opportunities their budget focus more on taxing more to middle class or lower section of people who save penny from thier monthly income which comes as part of...
