An Open Letter to the Human Race: Love One Another

Subject: An Open Letter to the Human Race: Love One Another
From: Holly C Barker
Date: 19 Mar 2016

Our children are simply not going to be prepared for the world we are handing them if we keep heading in the direction we are in. It’s a two-fold reason.
1.We shelter them from so much. Do you remember our childhoods when we disappeared into the woods for hours only to emerge at dinner time? Wasn’t that an awesome experience?? But because of the state of our minds these days we collectively shield them from all the negativity out there in the world. And even with our most intimate family struggles we don’t tell them what’s happening and the authentic reasons why. We want to protect and preserve their innocence of not knowing what we know. This does not serve them for their own growth and understanding of how the family dynamic can work with positive outcomes (whatever they may be) so they understand and use the knowledge gained as a means to build their future relationships.
2.We are creating that world that we want to shelter our kids from. We are the cause and effect of what we don’t want for our children. This starts at a personal level and how we treat each other all the way to how global communities react to each other.

For this simplistic reason alone we must learn to love and trust each other again. We need to put focus on the positives of this world through our own eyes and thoughts all the way to what the media wants to show us from a global perspective. If we want a positive news story and ask for it- they will show it. If we as people gravitate towards the positive, the “powers to produce” will create opportunities in the media to show us that which we ask and yearn for. It’s the responsibility of the media, our governments, and our collective selves.

To be fair, we do look for the negative because we want to be informed by what’s possible out there so that we may protect our children and our own wellbeing. Which is a just cause. But only to a point. We have let our worst fears of the what could happen take over our mindset and then those fears took over the media, which in turn fed our minds that we were correct in our assumptions about that which we fear the most. But the magnitude of fear was only an illusion that began to then manifest over these past few years. Folks- this is dangerous and we are collectively headed as a society in this direction. This is where our momentum and focus began to shift and the manifestation of our fears are becoming true. We need to pull the reigns in and turn this horse back to galloping into the sunrise of a new direction and perspective of our futures and the human race itself and what we want to hand to our children.

Seek out the positive. It takes less energy. It makes you feel good. It makes you feel safe. It makes you feel love and compassion for the people around you. And it makes you happy. When we collectively turn our focus towards positive types of energy and actually want and ask for it???? Our families, the media, governments both local and national, the governing world bodies and organizations will have to take notice.
We will save ourselves by starting with how we treat the person next to us with loving, respectful, compassionate intent.

