Edward Myles Chism was counting on the Bush family to keep this story out of the news. And they did. In fact you would have heard about this story sooner but the book manuscripts of a federal whistle blower were seized by FBI agents at gunpoint as explained here... http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/off-topic-messages/91146-uncle-sam-s...
But Eddie Chism was the president of American Financial Group in Aventura, Florida after he worked for the U.S. Justice Department in Panama for 20 years where he was pals with both General Noriega and CIA Director George H. Bush. Also after he married the personal banker and secretary of Noriega - a hot babe named Teresita Tapia. Now we fast forward to the scandal and the cover-up...http://americanfinancialgroupfraud.wordpress.com
And now the great "Just Us" we have in America...http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/international-law-news/91891-former-... Not only did he get to play tennis everyday while in a Florida "prison" for 8 months, but he also was allowed to keep his $60,000 a year federal government pension, and they never did find that "missing" $87 million!
Now that you know this tiny tidbit of hidden news, the big story behind this leak is that Jeb Bush and some crooked FBI agent friend named Terry Nelson had smuggled more than $1B of drugs into Canada for 15+ years and even continued after getting busted by the RCMP in Saskatchewan. Chism and his American Financial Group company helped to launder the drug proceeds on Wall Street and then liquidated the stocks in Canada. Over 60 families filed for bankruptcy because of this government crime. Chism had to be convicted or he would become a credible witness against the Bush boys who did business with Noriega for years while he was employed with the CIA. America has about 800 political prisoners at any given time - people who are jailed not for what they did, but for what they know.
Read up here... http://meetthecriminaljebbush.wordpress.com