To: The leaders of Europe, and all the good and honest guests of the UK from your countries.
It is with a heavy heart that I watch as the worst scum, and villainy surface to the top of the pack, hurting you, insulting you, and making you feel like dirt.
I want to apologise on behalf of the good and decent Britons here in this country, for this senseless attack on your culture, but most of all on your rights as a human being. I can't imagine the troubles, fears and pains you may be going through, and I won't insult your intelligence by pretending I do. Words are nought but a weak balm at best.
For each of you our dregs of society make uncomfortable, the poorer our country becomes, not in wealth or markets, but as humanity itself. I, and many like myself welcome you with open...
Dear Mr Farage
Yesterday in front of millions of television viewers, you were branded a liar by President Jean Claude Juncker. I fully expected you to refute the claims and back up the statistics used in your Brexit campaign, but instead you looked like a petulant child who had been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. In addition to not defending your campaign, you have not filed a lawsuit for defamation of character either.
If you are not defending your campaign and not defending your name, it would intimate that you have indeed lied to the people of the United Kingdom and falsified facts for your own purpose.
If the Brexit vote to leave was based on falsified information, surely the validity of said vote should now be brought into question, prior to article 50 being...
Dear Excellency,
I must tell you, I feel privileged and honored to be a part of the official visit of the President of India H.E. Shri Pranab Mukherjee to Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast and Namibia) from 12th – 18th June 2016. This visit has exuded a flavor of rhymes and has given me courage to put forward this letter.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have preconceived notions of Africa as beforehand spread by other media, the news of devastation, tragedy, poverty and death about African countries to rest of the world. It’s high time that discrimination against Africa and Africans needs to be addressed at this point.
I’m curious to say that Africa, at present, is a mixed bag, full of surprises and I am without doubt, convinced that the best of Africa is yet to come. The continent is...
To my fellow Brits.
We have been lied to.
We have been lied to by those in the highest halls of power.
"The EU!" You cry! But that is not true.
With the Brexit vote's victory the population voted, sadly to leave the European Union.
But why?! The rest of the world cried.
To be a part of the union is to be a part of the greatest trade body in the world. To have a say in the world stage. To be a part of an ideal. Further as part of the EU Britain recieved special treatment and opt outs that no other nation enjoyed.
With the results announced the financial world went into panic as the world struggled to understand our decision. Why would we throw away a good thing?
Because we, the people. The ordinary working class. "Honest decent people." Were lied to.
The brexit...
To who it all concerns,
Over the years, people have had to adapt to the new world views, that's nothing out of the ordinary. Some do it fluidly while others do it with some reluctance. But then there are some times where you gotta question if this is right, or if this is more of a step back than a step forward. This year is one of those times. Recently according to the social medias like twitter, facebook and tumblr, it's a crime to like certain fictional mediums without being labelled among most things, racist, sexist and homophobic. The accusers of that crime, the so called peacekeepers of Social Justice. Also known as the Social Justice Warriors. When these people started out their intentions were somewhat noble, see discrimination, point it out, rinse and repeat. However as...
Dear Mr Cameron
We all are only on this earth for a split second of time and only a few of us make such a mark that their actions will be remembered long after they’re dead.
You are one of those people.
As it stands you could go down in history as the Prime Minister who demolished Great Britain and quite possibly the EU.
You said in your resignation speech “the British people have made a choice”. Legally, that’s true but actually almost half of the British people made the opposite choice – to remain in the EU. You were one of them.
Yesterday I felt ashamed. I had been worried for weeks that the Leave campaign would win because they were making such a good job of appealing to the hearts rather than the heads of voters who were legitimately fed up with not being listened...
An open letter to the United Kingdom,
I wished to write this letter after the outcome of Thursday's (23rd June 2016) EU Referendum. This is not something I would usually do because, to be quite honest, I don’t usually care what people think about my opinions, beliefs or ideas on anything. I don’t hold any social networking sites or anything like that so I don’t have a forum for things like this anyway, however, this is a subject that has really irritated me the last two days.
Ok, so I am one of the majority who voted to leave the EU, so I am very pleased with the outcome of the referendum. The issue is the press that we who voted to leave are receiving. I am 31 years old so I don’t know if you would class that as 'the older generation who have sold the youth down the river'? I would...
Boris, Nigel, Michael and Priti,
As someone who considered voting Leave (albeit for a short period of time) I can appreciate some of the concerns of Leave voters. And I appreciate as a Londoner I can be largely isolated from the views of other parts of the country. But it is with a heavy heart that it now seems my country, our country, is driven by greed, nostalgia and a fear of ‘others’ which you have helped to cultivate. Whilst other factors were at play, these three were clearly up on the priority list as voters made their decision yesterday and you did your upmost to peddle that view to the public. The future, my future, and that of thousands of young people is being chipped away by your egos and personal desire to run whatever is left of Britain. This outcome is not what’s best...
At age ten, I am deemed responsible enough to have committed a crime. Starting at age 15, I am entrusted to make choices in my education that will impact the rest of my life. At age 16, I am able to smoke. At age 17, I am responsible enough to drive a car, possibly endangering my own life and others on the road. All of these pressures and responsibilities are placed on myself and the young people of Britain and yet in a referendum that will impact OUR futures, we were helpless.
Young people are tired of their futures being played with. We are tired of being responsible until slimy and lying politicians decide that it does not suit them. Parliament has failed us, our parents have failed us, our grandparents have failed us. A 'golden' generation that has grown up with healthcare free at...