A British Apology

Subject: A British Apology
From: Derek Hollier-Day
Date: 30 Jun 2016

To: The leaders of Europe, and all the good and honest guests of the UK from your countries.

It is with a heavy heart that I watch as the worst scum, and villainy surface to the top of the pack, hurting you, insulting you, and making you feel like dirt.

I want to apologise on behalf of the good and decent Britons here in this country, for this senseless attack on your culture, but most of all on your rights as a human being. I can't imagine the troubles, fears and pains you may be going through, and I won't insult your intelligence by pretending I do. Words are nought but a weak balm at best.

For each of you our dregs of society make uncomfortable, the poorer our country becomes, not in wealth or markets, but as humanity itself. I, and many like myself welcome you with open arms, enjoy your efforts here, your drive to make a life for yourselves. Without you, Britain can never be 'Great', your determination, and that of the good people of Britain, are what make this such a great country.

The Brexit vote was never meant to be a cry to battle for the racist bigots, an open invite for them to unleash their personal demons against you. For most of us, this behaviour disgusts us, I'm ashamed of this country's behaviour.

People of Europe, I applaud you for choosing these lands as your home, I won't welcome you to 'these lands' I welcome you home, as our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Britain is your home as much as ours, I apologise for the treatment you have received from the racist few.

D Hollier-Day
