
Dear Bernie Sanders Supporters, I get it. Really, I do. I wanted a Sanders presidency. I voted for him. I believed in his vision of revolution, in the quiet, colossal power of ordinary people. I believed in his vision for the poor, the destitute, the forgotten. I still do. The invisible have never had so furious a champion. The quiet have never had so urgent a voice. But it’s time to face the facts; he lost. He lost not because he was screwed by the mainstream media or some shadowy group of political elites. He lost because people didn’t vote for him. They voted for Hillary Clinton. That’s math, that’s democracy, and that’s the decision we’ve made. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary because he was the candidate on the ballot that I felt most shared my vision for the future of...
To whom it may concern, The American people deserve change. You think so, I think so, we all think so. In order for a change to be successful, one has to be attempted. If you want to fight about what bills to pass, that's your prerogative... but stop playing games while doing so. The single-subject rule needs to be applied to Congress as soon as possible. Until then, you do nothing but play the "well if you do that, then I'll do this" game with bills. Aside from that... Democrats: Where was your sit-in immediately after Republican inaction when the Sandy Hook shooting happened? Why do you all of a sudden show up when the shooter is a radical Islamic terrorist? Why are you so quick to defend the tolerance of Islam, but not the lives and safety of American children? While your sit-in...
Today there’s been a loss in my family. And it’s the first time I’m actually realizing my life could change in only one night. This year has been incredible for me, I have been able to connect with other long time family members with whom I’ve spent the best times of my life so far. You and I had planned on meeting each other. As I was growing up I felt closer and closer to you each year. I wanted you to be part of my life. My mom told me so many good things about you. It’s like I’ve known you since I was born. I have been able to meet up with you on little occasions here and there but I’ve somehow never been able to really get to know you. You never really cared about all these family events. You’ve always been doing your thing on the side not listening to anyone else. This year I...
To my American Country men, In the wake of recent events and amid the torrid number of memes, posts, tweets, sound bites, news segments and comedic satire, I found myself engaged in discussions and debates like you. Then at several points during those discussions I was confronted by friends and community members. They argued that I was not providing any solutions to the issues of gun violence. Initially, I thought it irresponsible to provide a solution to this complex problem and it would be pompous to think a person who would provide a solution, has the right one. As a citizen of our nation my response began to haunt me. I observed over that last few day my critics had not proposed any solutions, provided any logical arguments or workable courses of action. I continued to observe our...
Progress is slow, and hard. Hope, and willpower, and love drives it forwards. History seems to show us that when you look at the big picture, things get better over time. Dictatorships gradually replaced with democracies. Though millions of people still struggle, in most countries the poor don’t starve to death like they did in ages past, and they have a right to an education so they can strive for a better life. In the last century the rights of women, ethnic minorities and LGBT people were fought over and many battles were won, progress which has continued into the new millennium. But in life things are rarely simple or easy. It can feel like we take two steps forward and one step back. For instance, we could say that the First and Second World Wars were one step backwards, when a...
On the Election: If you were to confront me back in January, I would tell you that nothing brought me more of a sense of civic pride than thinking forward to the time in September when I would be able to tap into my rights as a citizen of the United States and cast a vote in the General Election of 2016. I cannot express how drastically that viewpoint has changed. Over the primary season, a shadow of discouragement, desolation, and despondency has descended upon myself and Generation Z’ers alike. Our enthusiasm and eagerness to cast a ballot, engaging in our protected Constitutional rights is now all but decimated, completely crushed by the outlandish nature of the campaigning on both the Republican and Democratic side. Child’s play. That is what we observe. Actions and words meant for...
Dear Mrs. Wasserman, As much as you would like all Sanders supporters to embrace your gal Hillary (your personal friend for 15+ years) it ain't happening and I will tell you why... 1) We are not as dumb, naïve, and gullible as you thought we would be and we discovered most, if not all of your dirty tricks put into play at polling stations, especially in California which has been confirmed by veteran investigative reporters Greg Palast and Daniel Hopsicker as detailed at the link below. Election fraud is a felony crime Debbie. http://scam.com/showthread.php?704849-2-Credible-investigative-reporters-can-now-prove-Hillary-used-election-fraud-to-steal-California-from-Bernie-Sanders-and-maybe-Arizona-amp-New-York-too 2) You seem to keep yourself conveniently and deliberately...
Bernie, as a loyal supporter, I have a message for you: After all you have done for the progressives in this country, after all of the things you have done to reshape this party, you cant shape change from within the broken system. Arizona, New York, and now California. When it comes to broken primaries, The Democratic party has its share. I send you this message, not knowing if it will be received or even read, not knowing whether you will see my response out of the thousands you get daily; in hopes that a clear statement can get you to reconsider the decision I know you have been asked to make, and will soon cave to. I have seen very little in my time, as a voter, and as an American. However, what I have seen is very simple, and it is this: Without risk, there is no reward....
Dear Editors, Press regulation authorities, Home Office, Safeguarding Boards and other recipients, The Archbishop of Canterbury's corporation, the Church of England, is under investigation for systemic crimes against Children. Some of those children died as children as a result or committed suicide as adults as a result of their abuse. All survivors are affected for life by what they endured. I am a vulnerable adult Church abuse survivor who the Archbishop has publicly destroyed and discredited while falsely claiming, with the help of the press and media, that that the Church of England are very hot on safeguarding. The press and media buy this without question and broadcast it and mislead the general public, anguishing the voiceless survivors who know that the truth is very...
Terri – Do you really believe this, or is this just campaign rhetoric? Is there really wage discrimination or do many women choose to make their young families a priority over their careers for a period of time? I think you know the truth yet ignore it for the opportunity to tug at the heart strings of voters to serve your own political expediency. Shameful. Shouldn’t every employee be paid what they are worth? If you have skills that are in demand shouldn’t they be compensated accordingly regardless of gender? If I’m an employer, I want the best talent I can afford and will pay what I can for it, regardless of gender and I shouldn’t need a law to tell me so, especially a redundant one. I would have to believe that the many working women out there who have the highly demanded...
