
When will blacks understand this is how this country was formed. In great sin. Privilege is not for us! It's for whites only! It was never meant for our race to be free. The 1789 Constitution did not have Negro slaves in mind. They had to add the 13th amendment that abolished slavery. But did that abolish it? It declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction". So basically once you become a convicted felon your considered a slave. What race gets put in prison the most? That's right black America! The oppression comes back full circle. It's all systematic. Again, this country was not meant for us. With that being...
A letter calling for the resignation of Senator Ian Gorst and also calling for Freedom Church Jersey to introduce Safeguarding Measures regarding Senator Ian Gorst as he has been abusing a vulnerable adult to meet his needs and the needs of his conflicted and compromized colleagues in the States, Church and Judiciary Before you proceed to read this, if you imagine how I have fought these people for my life and wellbeing, what happens to the voiceless vulnerable and those who cannot stand up to Gorst and his corrupt authorities and instead get tricked or coerced into token meetings before public attacks on them are launched? 21/07/2016 Dear Senator Gorst, Your recent abusive self-interest and acting in the interests of your colleagues at my expense is nothing new, but it is...
I am writing this letter to implore Dr. Jill Stein and former Governor Gary Johnson to sit down and discuss the possibility of libertarian-green party coalition aimed at taking the White House. This coalition would make it possible to overcome the currently daunting reality of the two party system. I do not have to explain to you the polls or the past success of ‘independent’ parties. Given the current polls, it seems inevitable that the majors will continue to give little attention to either of you (neither of you are as entertaining as WWE veteran Mr. Trump unfortunately). If neither of you reach the golden 15% mark before the debates start I believe it is unlikely the numbers will be high enough to have a chance of making it into a runoff after the November election (which seems...
This 2016 presidential election is far more than just bizarre. It is sad and embarrassing to the American people, and frankly it insults our collective intelligence. We know we deserve better than this. We know the corruption is so bad that even the FBI is afraid to do their job without permission from the elite. Our Congress is polarized and we have two American families controlling the cocaine industry while private bankers own and operate our "Federal Reserve Bank" (Read THE CREATURE FROM JEKYL ISLAND for confirmation). Our politicians bailed out the Wall Street banksters and now dance to the tunes they play "or else" they threaten to crash the economy. By any real legal standards, Hillary Clinton should be indicted and stand trial for no less than six crimes that I myself (a...
We are inventors, entrepreneurs, engineers, investors, researchers, and business leaders working in the technology sector. We are proud that American innovation is the envy of the world, a source of widely-shared prosperity, and a hallmark of our global leadership. We believe in an inclusive country that fosters opportunity, creativity and a level playing field. Donald Trump does not. He campaigns on anger, bigotry, fear of new ideas and new people, and a fundamental belief that America is weak and in decline. We have listened to Donald Trump over the past year and we have concluded: Trump would be a disaster for innovation. His vision stands against the open exchange of ideas, free movement of people, and productive engagement with the outside world that is critical to our economy—...
Monica: From your YouTube video, I can see that you are a talented, and intelligent person, and, as a Jew, and a fellow musician, I would like to address your clearly well-meaning statements made in the video. First, I would like to apologize for the verbal abuse you endured as a German immigrant child from other, Canadian, children. This shows you that even children have the human propensity for cruelty to others. It's regrettable, but it is part of human nature, not just in Germany but in Canada, and the world over. Secondly, I completely understand the anger you had toward your parents as a child. In your young mind, you must have felt that they were complicit in the hatred, persecution, and murder of Jews that you had heard about, and you asked the question. And, in their...
Dear Fellow Americans, I invite you all to come join the "Never Ever Hillary Clinton Club" and no, you need not vote for racist Trump neither. This election must be something super special and I ask that you use your vote in protest of the massive corruption we have been subjected to for the last 30 years at the hands of the banksters and their puppet politicians. Friends, NONE of us know what threats were made to Bernie Sanders to induce his endorsement of Hillary today. We do know that people who threatened to expose the crimes of Hillary in the past have died sudden and violent deaths (read here http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?705829-Anonymous-summarizes-amp-documents-30-year-crime-spree-of-Hillary-Clinton) The murders of FBI Wall Street informant Al Chalem and former SEC...
Here are my thoughts on race in America; someone must care what an educated, young white man has to say. It matters that I am a white man. I have benefited. Have all whites benefited to the same degree as myself? Do they all have fond memories of their childhood? Did their parents make a living wage or have the time to love and care for them? Of course not. When poor or struggling middle class whites hear that black lives matter, they take a heavy blow to the gut. “What about me?! My hands are cracked and bleeding from work, and I scrape by every month.” I know in my heart that being a white male is a major advantage. But the losers in our economy come in all colors. Holding a less shitty hand in a game of capitalist playing cards does not cultivate a feeling of privilege....
Dear Fellow Bernie Supporters I know it is possible that Bernie might endorse Hilary. I am asking any fellow Bernie supporters do not give up or think he has sold out He has been on the right side of the issues his whole life. If he does endorse her before the convention make a last stand at the convention. Show up and protest. I also have seen posts from people saying they have heard from Bernie people on the Platform Committee saying he is being forced to make appearnces or they will shut him out of the convention. If he does endorse her he may be being forced to. Also he is still trying to get money for his delegates to get to Philadelphia so he is not suspending his campaign even with the possible endorsement. They are just trying to stop our movement. DON'T LET THEM. And if he...
First of all, I just want to say that these thoughts that I am sharing are things that have been on my mind over the past year or so and is about no incident in particular. I want to start out by saying that I totally agree that all lives matter. Yes, ALL lives matter. It does not matter what color your skin is. Your life matters. I am sorry to the families that have lost loved ones and I hope the violence in this world would stop. However, It’s really upsetting that society is turning against all police officers due to certain incidents. I read a text post saying “I’ve had it with people saying ‘Not all police officers are bad’ when a black person is murdered. That’s the equivalent to saying, ‘Not all men are bad’ when a women is raped.” A few things things: 1. I agree that when...
