
Little is remembered of our nation's history, even less is being taught in our schools. When the white people wanted to eliminate the American Indians, the first thing they did was to wage all-out genocide against them. The U.S. Army then got involved and used lawyers to convince the Indians to first give up their arms, then their lands, then their culture. This may be an oversimplification but the details are too painful for me to elaborate on. I have noticed that the white man is now using this tried and true method on Black Americans today. The democratic party started with the creation of the KKK to keep the slaves in their proper places or eliminate them forcibly. When that was insufficient to the task, the Abortion League(aka Planned Parenthood) was created to keep the genocide...
Mr. Khan, you are wrong. Let me educate you about America and about Donald Trump. You seem to know nothing but what is said in the lying media. Are you that naive? If you had read the constitution like you claim, You would know that the President is duty bound to protect America from all enemies, foreign or domestic. This includes the ISIS killers who are actively trying to compromise our immigration systems. This includes the cartel members, drug runners, and human traffickers who today walk freely across our southern border. In all these respects, President Obama has been derelict of duty and a complete failure. Have you never talked to the families of the immigration enforcement officers who have been killed in the violence? Have you never talked to the families of Kate Steinle...
Open letter to Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump Dear Mr. Trump: Please, please, please stop taking the BAIT from HRC. If you were big game and I was a big game hunter you would be bagged and on my wall as a trophy. That is exactly what’s going on here. You are the big game being the Presidential nominee in opposition to Hillary Clinton. She and her minions know just how to get your goat and rage you onward. Please don’t rage. So let’s consider this. First, you should know that I am one of 13 million Americans across this great land who are a part of your constituency. I am fed up with the government elite from either party and HRC is the epitome of the elite. Big difference is that you are driven by values and not ideology. But remember that this is not your election...
Mr. Kahn You left many believing that sacrificing a son is the only sacrifice worth talking about. Make no mistake your son was a hero. A brave soul who chose to become a part of the greatest Army in the world and he was sent into harm's way. He alone, as a leader, decided to risk his life for his fellow soldiers. As a high ranking captain he could of made a tough call and ordered a subordinate to inspect that car and they would have done it without question. He was a true leader and a hero, there is no question about that. Please know that sacrifice comes in all different shapes and forms, and comparing pretty much all sacrifices to your son's, is not even measurable. Your son made the ultimate sacrifice and died for his men and country. However, to use your son'...
An Open Letter To: Wikileaks Anonymous Julian Assange Matt Taibbi Seymour Hersh Peter Schweizer Greg Palast The ICIJ Edward Snowden Judicial Watch The Intercept Breitbart Glenn Greenwald The GUardian The New York Post The New York Daily News Haroon Sidiqui The ACLU 911Truth.org RE: 911 Saudi cover-up by Hillary Clinton and receipt of $10 million "donation" (hush money) by the Clinton Foundation Dear Friends of Free Speech...
I voted for Dr. Ben Carson in the primaries, an educated, kind, well-spoken, and wise man whose book literally changed my life by inspiring me to enter the medical field. I am also a gold star wife. I actually am not fond of the term "gold star wife." It makes me feel like I'm being told I did well by sacrificing my beloved husband and now get to have my gold star. Although, I suppose it is kinder than calling me a war widow. But I digress. The reason I am writing this today is because although Mr. Trump was not even close to my first choice candidate, I have come to realize that conservatives must coalesce behind him if we do not want to lose our country forever. I say conservatives because this is much bigger than the petty Republican party. We are at a crossroads as a nation...
I am with you. But this issue blurs the color lines. This is rich vs. poor. Powerful vs. powerless. As a black woman who has come face to face with the barrel of a police gun...I am with you. I know you are angry, I know it hurts. But perhaps it's time to change the course of this narrative. This story is ours to tell, let it be one of peace and activism, of change and progress. Let us not become what some expect of us. We have proven ourselves worthy, now let us listen to those that do not understand, use their criticism, learn and grow from it to further our cause. As long as our police are militarized protest is dead. Take to the streets only with the intention of bringing communities together. Get people voting, running for office, educate, organize, uplift...inspire...
Some of the smartest and most genuine people to come out of this process are speaking to us and we're not listening. Bernie himself, is speaking to us, and we're not listening. They're asking us to be smart. Like most everyone involved with the Bernie campaign, I too feel ignored, I feel silenced, and most of all, I feel angry. The events of the past week have forced me to internalize these feelings and really evaluate what the best steps are for our revolution to continue. The truth of the matter is —we lost. Bernie Sanders will not be the next president of the United States of America, and nothing pains me more. Bernie or Bust is getting smaller and less relevant each day, we're fading out into obscurity because people are refusing to admit that we lost, yes, it wasn't fair...
Dear America, You are beautiful, you are strong, and you are worth it. Although you may have a low self esteem and support politicians that are crooked, and hateful, and treat you poorly, I want you to know that you deserve so much better. You encompass all of the love, the hard work, the tears, and the smiles of people from every race and ethnicity. Do not ever let a politician tell you these different ethnicities make you ugly, or weak or anything less than you are, which is beautiful. You are filled with intelligence, and innovation, and entrepreneurship. Please, I beg you oh beautiful America, do not ever let these scum politicians try to lessen your successes and achievements by slandering your American Dream! It is clear to me America, that you have no idea of your worth. It...
I recently left Austin because I was illegally evicted Thanksgiving week, 2015. My belongings were thrown on the curb by my Landlord, Karla Kelsey, which was overseen by Constable Carlos Lopez of Precinct 5. More disturbing is that I sent over 20 emails to my City Councilwoman, Leslie Pool, for assistance or some type of intervention to no avail. Judge Herb Evans quickly denied my requests for a court-appointed attorney and for that matter, denied almost every motion I filed. William Warren was my Landlord's attorney, and it pains me to say that he is good. I couldn't keep up with the legal process while working a full-time job. I spent my time googling terms like "no jurisdiction" and "Pauper's Affidavit." The eviction was preempted by my exercising my right under our Texas...
