
You compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, in fact you called them the new KKK. However I've not seen Black Lives Matter Protesters hang people from trees, castrate them, mutilate them, and burn them alive. I've never seen children, infants, and pregnant women's unborn fetuses beaten, dismembered, and burned. How DARE you. By the way. All lives matter has NEVER advocated for ANY lives including AND excluding Black lives. In fact the ONLY time you hear all lives matter is in ARGUMENT of Black lives matter. However, that is contradicting, hypocritical, and moronic if all lives actually matter then doesn't that MEAN that Black lives matter? Exactly. You say Black Lives Matter is a division tactic but how can we divided unless you DON'T agree that Black lives matter. You can...
Dear President Putin, I regret that I must trouble you with this embarrassing request sir, but I only do so because our own American government recently demonstrated that we currently have a double standard of justice and selective enforcement of law in our troubled nation. We have Obama's "JUST US" for the wealthy elite, and we have real and severe justice for everyone else who is struggling. While Bradley Manning was locked away for 35 years for being careless with "classified" government information (leaking the "Collateral Murder" war crime video to Wikileaks), Hillary Clinton walks away from prosecution for being careless with "TOP SECRET" government information! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007_Baghdad_airstrike As you may know Mr. Putin, America jails the...
Dear America, The past 3 days have been filled with more vicious murders of Black men. More police officers sitting on paid administrative leave, as children bury their daddies, parents bury their sons, and family/friends bury loved ones. Yes, enough is enough when a group of people have been targeted for YEARS...DECADES...CENTURIES. It's even sadder when that same group of people are treated with less respect and dignity than animals. We're told to "get over it" when we talk about our history. We're told "All Lives Matter" when we say that "Black Lives Matter" because of the number of us killed by police officers. And before anyone comes out of left field saying, "we kill ourselves and that is ignored"; please know that I'm not minimizing that fact. Murder is murder no matter who...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Thomas Jefferson This. This is a loaded statement. It's been a loaded statement since its inception 240 years ago. In its original draft...
Dear BBC, ITN, and Sky News, As you know, voters in last month’s referendum were repeatedly lied to about the fundamental realities of the UK’s proposed exit from the European Union. Although there were undoubtedly untruths and exaggerations on both sides of the argument, it was clear then, and it is painfully clear now, that the balance of these untruths lay firmly on the Leave side. Presumably, in the run-up to the referendum, you felt (rightly or wrongly) that impartiality rules prevented you from pointing out this disparity. Indeed, it appears that you felt duty-bound to constrain any fact-checking efforts to relatively trivial, tit-for-tat factoids, rather than focusing on any of the fundamental lies underpinning many of the Leave side’s arguments. Much of the analysis...
To all the honest American women with a vagina... We all seem to be caught up in the novelty and excitement of electing the first woman into the White House. Indeed this would be a historic achievement. But will any vagina do? I am not insulting women mind you but I remind all of you that HONESTY and ETHICS may be more important than gender. BTW... There is another woman Presidential candidate named Jill Stein from the Green Party, and she has never been involved in any murder or FBI investigations. But I will tell you more about Jill another day. For now I just want to share something I recently wrote to Hillary Clinton who has been trying to seduce people with her vagina as her best qualification to become our next President. And no, I would never vote for that Racist Trump neither...
To the lying thieves of Westminster... My faith in politicians has always been thin, but since the joke that was the referendum even more so. As I've gotten older and learnt more about history and more about the world, it's made me very much appreciate the UK where I was born and raised. We have the NHS (until the Tories have their way), and we live in a civilised society that's not just tolerant, but embraces other cultures too. A country that has survived two world wars, and managed to pull ourselves out of the debt and destruction from them. This last week my belief in democracy, and faith in my country has been deeply shaken. Yes voting itself was an exercise in democracy you may say. An exercise in democracy would have been a referendum based on truth. The country has voted based on...
Mayor Strickland, As the daughter of a Memphis city police Officer, I would like to express how sad, scared, and disappointed I am that you have been elected mayor. I did not vote for you. I voted for Mike Williams because I wanted a mayor who would stand behind our police officers and make decisions that would keep them safe, allowing them to return to their families when their watch ends. Unfortunately, we are stuck with you. I don’t trust your decision-making skills for the police department. The city council? mayor’s office, and local news organizations are notorious for treating police officers like junkyard dogs – but instead of starving them from food, you starve them and their families from peace of mind. It is painfully obvious you have no idea what it is...
Dear Mr Donald Tusk The people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have spoken via a referendum held on 23 June 2016 and voted in the majority for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. The official result has been declared and the entire process is deemed to be democratic under the constitution of the United Kingdom. The mere fact of this referendum result alone should serve as notice under Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community of the United Kingdom's intent to withdraw from the European Union. Unless the Treaty of Lisbon specifically denies notice under Article 50 to be served in the aforementioned manner you should declare that notice has been duly received...
Being a person of color is being asked where you’re from and having them respond with “No, where are you really from?” Being a person of color is not worrying about your qualifications, but worrying if the interviewer is racist. Being a person of color is avoiding all police officers when you know you are innocent. Being a person of color is being too afraid to speak up for your rights. Being a person of color is knowing that you will apply for a hundred jobs and get two responses. Being a person of color is having customer service talk to all your friends in French, but speak to you in English. Being a person of color means knowing that there will always be someone who wants you deported. Being a person of color means accepting that some...
