The truthers, according to Senator Bob Graham and the notorius "28 pages" were telling us the truth all along - 911 was an inside job that the Saudi government paid for. Yes, that's correct, over 3,000 of our fellow Americans were murdered and three governments (possibly 4) knew in advance of the "attack" - America (Bush was warned by the CIA), Israel (Mossad warned key Israeli bankers in Manhattan to avoid NYC on 911) and Saudi Arabia which bank-rolled the hi-jackers and had secret meetings with Bush family members about the tragedy BEFORE and after the controlled demolition that brought down 3 buildings - not 2. Yes, of course planes hit the buildings but after 15 years of continued investigation, 60% of Americans know the 911 commission lied to all of us. By the way, the 4th government...
My heart hurts because of our political state in general. Neither Trump, nor Hillary seem to be "religious" or "moral" candidates. A President's personal religion is irrelevant, however. All religions are present in America, and we all have equal rights. Presidents have to make tough decisions, but at the basest level, a president should be FAIR. Despite their personal beliefs, Presidents should fight for the poor, the rich, the white, the black, the Christians, the Muslims, the gays, the seniors and the youth. We ALL matter.
How can a true Christian vote for anyone who believes that a certain group of people (based on whatever reason) are not worthy of respect or rights. I've heard Trump offend women, fat people, Mexicans, Muslims and the list goes on.
Here's a confession. I...
OK enough is enough. I am sick and tired of hearing that a vote for anyone other than Hillary or Trump is a vote for Hilary. Well that's just so much bullshit!!
There will be other choices on the ballot that would be just as capable, if not better than Hillary or Trump and if you don't like those choices you are certainly free to do a write in vote.
I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils, as if the Democratic and Republican parties were our only choices. I don't know about anyone else but im not willing to be a sheep lead to slaughter come election time.
So, if you don't care for the fact that I choose to make a choice other than Hilary or Trump then just shut up about it and vote how you choose and stop trying to fob your choice off on me, by saying a vote for so and so is a...
No, I am not a fan of Donald Trump (I actually supported Bernie Sanders until he endorsed Clinton) But that is NOT the point of this post. I just did my own experiment at Reddit using two different user names. As one user I posted Pro-Trump comments and links, and as the other user I posted almost identical pro-Hillary comments and links. I posted a total of 24 posts equally in favor of both Trump and Hillary.
92% of my Pro-Trump comments were usually within 10 minutes,(removed by mods) yet 94% of my Pro-Hillary comments remained intact. I can only conclude 3 things;
1) Hillary's team infiltrated Reddit over a year ago and many became moderators (Brilliant but unethical move by Clinton)
2) Reddit owners are part of the 1% (Advanced Communocations is one of the top 100 largest...
All religions and beliefs agree about one thing. We all descend from the same father and mother, often referred to as Adam and Eve. I am therefore writing this open letter to my Turkish brother Erdogan. The letter is actually intended for all my Turkish brothers and sisters. I am your Dutch brother.
A most severe incident has occured in your country.
Some have in their hatred and lack of respect, opened a direct and violent attack on you and your government. They have sought to kill you. They have killed those who shared your convictions. They would rather have killed you as well.
In the wake of all this, all now depends on insight and wisdom. Your response will decide your future and your countries.
None of this can happen without invoking fierce emotions from within you...
I just recently attempted to notify both Glenn Greenwald ( and Seymour Hersh (The New York Times) by email of the below link and after I received error messages two times, I tried a third time and was told my hotmail account was "suspended"! So now I am forced to transmit this message to both investigative reporters publicly as follows:
Dear Glenn...
Since the FBI flat out refused to do their job and investigate the Clinton Foundation for money laundering, my spouse and I have been investigating the Clinton Foundation issues as part of a group of volunteer investigators at, And in only two weeks here is what our group learned. (Surely the FBI could find out a lot more than us - IF they actually wanted to.)
If we can spot these felony crimes, we are certain the FBI can do the same - if they wanted to...
•The Saudi government is now funding 20% of Hillary's current presidential campaign - ILLEGALLY.
•Four foreign leaders have contributed over $100 million
•Bill Cosby even donated $100,000
•Of the $6 Billion donated so...
Maybe you should stop plagiarizing and be real.... seems like your campaign is based on Jack Donaghey from the show 30 Rock. I kept wondering where I'd heard all of your nonsense before and I finally figured it out. Amusing. He's a characterization of how ridiculous most republicans sound to democrats and you've brought him to life. -a caricature. And your "wife" damn near stole her entire speech from Michelle Obama. You guys are an embarrassment. You epitomize what's wrong with the backwoods hicks that support you but can't vote for you because of their felonies. Grow up you small handed, orange tinted, completely ridiculous "haired" fascist gas bag. Go back to your gaudy mansions, 3rd soon to be ex barely talking pair of tits...I mean your wife and let's not forget- something you're...
To: All of Australia ethnic or otherwise and the rest of the Western Democratic Values World.
As an Australian citizen I for one am tired of the Islamic Muslim community hiding behind the banner of racism when anyone dares to either criticise or make other comments about the Islamic Religion and Moslems they are immediately termed racists by the Muslim Islamic community and this view is often encouraged by the Australian and World Wide media.
This is to make you aware that there are many different races who are involved in Islamic Extremism. Black African Islamic Extremist in Africa, Malaysian Asian Islamic Extremists in Indonesia and other Malaysian Countries, Middle Eastern Islamic...
Dear the Reverend Bill Crews and Sirs/Madams regarding the Uniting Church in Sydney
We oppose the "comfort women" statue in Sydney you are planning to found.
Sydney doesn't need things to divide people.
Sydney needs things to have people understand each other and get along.
---- 1. The determination-of-facts is in dispute regarding "comfort women" issue.
--Koreans' assertion:
200,000 women suffered abduction/abuse/rape/massacre. Systematic criminality by the national policy of Japan.
--Japanese's assertion:
No systematic atrocity. Koreans' assertion contradicts the fact.
"Comfort women" were wage workers ( prostitution was legal at that time ). Japanese military was involved in such as transportation and medical checkup. As exceptions, there partly existed...