You compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, in fact you called them the new KKK. However I've not seen Black Lives Matter Protesters hang people from trees, castrate them, mutilate them, and burn them alive.
I've never seen children, infants, and pregnant women's unborn fetuses beaten, dismembered, and burned. How DARE you. By the way. All lives matter has NEVER advocated for ANY lives including AND excluding Black lives. In fact the ONLY time you hear all lives matter is in ARGUMENT of Black lives matter. However, that is contradicting, hypocritical, and moronic if all lives actually matter then doesn't that MEAN that Black lives matter?
Exactly. You say Black Lives Matter is a division tactic but how can we divided unless you DON'T agree that Black lives matter. You can't divide people who agree on the matter in which is trying to be used as a division tactic. It comes down to a simple yes or no. This isn't multiple choice or an essay question: Do you believe Black lives matter or not? Yes or no. Simple as that. The only way the ADVOCATING for Black lives could be used as a division tactic is IF you disagree on the matter of Black people's injustices needing to be recognized. Ignoring racial issues, doesn't equal all lives mattering. When in the history of EVER has purposely ignoring a SYSTEMATIC FLAW EVER had a positive effect? Exactly. People like you disgust me; because you pretend to care about people while at the same time stating that those people's issues are invalid. What actually even gives you the right? Have you ever been Black? Do you now firsthand what it's like to BE BLACK in a country with a government created with the specific EXCLUSION of your human rights? No you do not. Do you know what it's like being in fear that your future children will be killed walking home from school because they "looked suspicious?"
I'm not racist either, I have White and other races of family members and friends, one of which, my White UNCLE being an African American Studies professor who doesn't see the Black Lives Matter organization as racist, or a division technique. Do you know why? Because he actually ADVOCATES for minorities' lives. He's more #AllLivesMatter than you'll EVER be. You are fraudulent and racist, and purposely ignorant. All lives can't matter if Black lives don't. Where's the logic. #Pitiful You say WE are the racists and WE are rude and WE are the criminals and that WE need to calm down but how does comparing a positive organization about Black awareness to an organization created solely for the purpose of harming people, primarily BLACK to disarm the situation!?! My great grandmother was born in 1900....She died with hate in her heart because of the things she witnessed at the hands of the KKK.
What you said disrespected her and ALL THE ABUSE she took from White people while having no choice but to remain silent or end up with her, her husband, and her son HUNG UP. How DARE you? How DARE you! You are a racist bully! You are SHAMEFUL to the entirety of America. How DARE you.