
An Open Letter To Congressman Chaffetz, I respectfully ask you to read the letters sent to Senator Hillary Clinton and to FBI Director Robert Mueller dated September 15th, 2001 - one week following the 911 mass murder of almost 3,000 Americans here http://www.scam.com/entry.php?3644-Hillary-Clinton-The-FBI-Director-and-the-Bush-Family-Knew-The-Saudis-Paid-For-the-911-Murders-BEFORE-and-Again-1-Week-After-911-Here-Is-The-Proof! Fedex confirmed that all four recipients received their packages containing these letters and a video and audio tape, and related evidence in the form of dated phone bills including calls to (202) 456-3345. The recipients are identified at the bottom of page 2. One letter was signed by former RCMP officer and then lawyer William Gilmour, and the other letter was...
An open letter to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ: As we are on the verge of the first presidential debate for this election cycle, many are getting pumped up and ready to watch their guy/gal destroy the other person and “win”. I humbly ask you to think about this? Who will win the debate? Will good triumph over evil? Before we fill-in-the-blank with the name of our favorite candidate, let me rephrase the question. How is a “win” possible when we are divided in the Church? We are divided in the Body of Christ, brother against brother and sister against sister. Who wins when we lambast the other side more than we pray for them? Who wins when we don’t see that both sides have good and bad viewpoints? Who wins? Not the Body; not the great commission, not what our Lord and Savior...
Attention American Voters - Our Elcoral Process has been hijacked and subverted by the 1% to keep the banksters and their puppet politicians in power - forever. Excluding Jill Stein and Gary Johnson from the debates and sabotaging Bernie Sanders was just the beginning. Here is what you are not supposed to know... First the proven primary election frauds of New York, California, Nevada, Iowa, and Arizona cheat Senator Bernie Sanders out of the DNC nomination while the FEC and Congress turned a blind eye. Now the FEC is allowing Presidential debates to continue with only half of the FOUR presidential candidates to continue depriving WE THE PEOPLE of the opportunity to know ALL the candidates including Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. This is a disgraceful example of passive censorship...
---- Why Freiburg canceled the statue Freiburg canceled the setup of "comfort women" statue. - http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2016/09/21/0200000000AEN20160921007900315.html Before that, Matsuyama-city ( sister-city ) expressed their concern and Japanese government officials protested. They would have explained the basis why they expressed or protested. In Japan, it is not disclosed what the explained basis was. But many Japanese know it would be "The statue does not merely symbolize the eradication of violence to women. But it symbolizes a condemnation and ethnic denigration of Japan. Therefore, it evokes diplomatic conflicts among Germany, the South Korea and Japan." - http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/comfort-women-statue-freiburg-prosecuting-japan-they-publicly-disclosed...
To the Office of the Holy Father, I have now had several email exchanges with prominent Catholic figures in the US (mostly one sided but I have had a few replies). The hour is grave. We have people pretending to be Christian while promoting a fear-mongering racist demagogue. We know that several phony evangelicals have pledged support to Trump as long as he masquerades as a Christian during the election and promises to repeal the "Johnston Amendment" if elected (not that his promises carry any weight). What it really boils down to is that if the Catholic Church can support a vile opportunist who embodies all the worst of humanity then the Church is nothing but a fraud! I was raised Catholic. I have always (and continue) to believe in God. What is in question here is the legitimacy of...
From all different angles, the videos show the same thing. An unarmed black man walks on a Tulsa, Oklahoma, road with his hands in the air. Police officers follow closely behind him as he approaches his vehicle. He stands beside the car, then falls to the ground, DEAD. The officer's attorney says she was afraid Crutcher was reaching for a weapon when she opened fire. Again. The officer's attorney says She was AFRAID Crutcher was reaching for a weapon. He did NOT have weapon to reach for. To be frank. I don't give a fuck if he said "I'm gonna blow up the White House and rape your children if you don't shot and kill me this very instant". There is absolutely no excuse for the police to shot anyone who is unarmed and/or not clearly putting someone else's life in immediate...
Dear Mayor Salomon of Freiburg, Germany Regarding the "comfort women" statue proposed by Suwon-city, the South Korea, I'm informing you of the below. Hope you'll fully consider this matter. .. It is reported Freiburg will erect the "comfort women" statue in the city-owned land. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/09/116_213474.html The Committee in Korea for the Promotion of this activity disclosed the manifesto. It says; - "The statue symbolizes the national solidarity of Korea to prosecute Japan for war crimes." - "The meaning of the statue in Freiburg is to extend the solidarity for this prosecution to the world." The above is disclosed publicly in the Internet - http://news.joins.com/article/20565824 . People in the world can understand the intention of the...
Dear Mr Trump. Considering that I have never met you, I wouldn't like to refer to you as anything but Mr as that is the polite thing to do. First things first, let's take a look at your policies. Crime - 'legalise drugs to take the profit away from drug cartels'. Now forgive me if I am wrong, I don't see how this will take away profit from drug cartels. When you legalise drugs I doubt that it is going to be free, so all the drug cartels have to do is lower their prices and their target market will come flooding back to their door. You may want to rethink this policy. Foreign Policy - 'close parts of the Internet to prevent ISIS from attracting recruits'. I would like to apologise because I wasn't aware that Internet was the only method of communication. You may want to do a...
On Tuesday November 1st we go to the polls to vote for our next president. I am so tired of hearing that a third party candidate can't win. And way too many people this country feel that way, and also seem to think that no third party candidate has ever won. Either the history now taught in school is sadly lacking, people have forgotten what they were taught in history, or both. No matter which one it is, the fact of the matter is that once upon a time we did have a third party candidate who was not only on the ballot, but also won! All the votes that went to the third party candidate was NOT a vote for either candidate in the other two major parties of the day. Way back in the 1800's, two parties dominated politics. At the time of election in question the two...
Open Letter to the people of India I am writing this letter very humbly to people of India. I am a Kashmiri who is appealing you to convey to your government to stop using violence against Kashmiri people. India is a great civilization with a remarkable history. It is the land of Ram. Ram means peace,brotherhood, magnanimity, sacrifice and immense love. It is the land of Gandhi who preached and practiced non violence. He stood up for the oppressed. He was selfless. It is the land of Buddha where ahimsa, tolerance and love emerged. It is the land of Ashoka and Chandragupta Maurya. Rulers who shed lot of blood but later on they became voices of peace, love and brotherhood.Ordinary citizens of India are great people. India the land of sadhus, sufis and saints should only represent love....
