
On election day, I will choose a candidate I believe in. I will choose a candidate with a proven track record of working across party lines to accomplish what is best for the people, not what's best for their party. On election day, I will choose a candidate who wants to bring our troops home and put an end to our country's involvememt in never-ending wars for regime change that have not only failed but have actually made things much worse in these war-torn countries. On election day, I will choose a candidate who wants to balance our $20trillion budget, not increase it. I will choose a candidate who has a proven track record for not only balancing his state's budget but, as governor, managed to cut taxes 14 times and leave his state with a $1billion budget surplus even while...
When I was six years old, I was repeatedly sexually abused by a boy I called my friend. I say “boy” because he was only eight at the time. And the worst part? I’m not even sure he knew what he was doing was wrong. You see, his mom had an abusive boyfriend, and I’m sure he hurt her in more ways than one. The boy’s penetrations of me were usually with foreign objects. 8-year-old boys don’t think of that on their own. 8-year-old boys imitate the actions of the adults in their life. The boyfriend would come over and the boy would drag me into his bedroom. I always went, even though I knew it would hurt. I went because he seemed so miserable and I was conditioned to be a caretaker for the men around me. So I went. I would kick and squirm and cry, but he would assure me that “this is what boys...
Wikileaks has fully failed the people of the United States. It has done so at such a critical time that we are left with no choice but to really question the true reasoning for the existence of such a site. In an age when knowledge is the most powerful weapon that any of us can own we have been told and made to believe in the altruistic purpose of Wikileaks and its creator Julian Assange. In truth, the only purpose served is that of creating a celebrity status for the creator Julian Assange. He has willfully and knowing misled the American public and the entire world by stating he and his site would release truthful damaging information on a person running to become President of the United States. Information which could sway the votes of many people, information rightfully belonging...
We have noted reports about HIV cure in UK. Some media houses prematurely announced that HIV cure has been found, this isn’t true, it is misleading and pose a serious threat in the behavior of people. There is an ongoing study in UK, 50 HIV positive people are currently on treatment trial. They were given a drug that forces the virus to emerge from hiding places in the body and a vaccine that aim to boost the immune system so that it can attack HIV-infected cells. This strategy is known as “kick and kill”. Scientist announced that presently the virus is completely undetectable in the man’s blood (one of the 50 people on treatment trials) after he completed the kick and kill treatment. The virus can also be undetectable for patients on ARVs, but they remain HIV positive even though it...
After watching this hacker demonstrate how easily Hillary can claim 1 fake vote for every 1 that is cast in her favor, I have no doubt she will utilize this tactic along with her voter suppression tricks as TrustVote.org and Greg Palast proved she used in the California, New York, Iowa, Arizona, and Nevada primaries which cheated Bernie Sanders out of the DNC nomination. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/rigged-presidential-elections-hackers-demonstrate-voting-threat-old-machines/ Even though the Wikileaks proved the election fraud was intentional, and forced the resignation of Debbie Wasserman, the damage was already done, and the law suits will drag on in five different courts, as Hillary just grins, and Bernie attends to the knife wound in his back. http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-dnc-...
Star Trek has always offered a positive vision of the future, a vision of hope and optimism, and most importantly, a vision of inclusion, where people of all races are accorded equal respect and dignity, where individual beliefs and lifestyles are respected so long as they pose no threat to others. We cannot turn our backs on what is happening in the upcoming election. Never has there been a presidential candidate who stands in such complete opposition to the ideals of the Star Trek universe as Donald Trump. His election would take this country backward, perhaps disastrously. We need to elect a president who will move this country forward into the kind of future we all dream of: where personal differences are understood and accepted, where science overrules superstition, where people work...
Dear Mrs. Clinton, Back in the early nineties is when I first seriously started paying attention to you. Your husband, Bill Clinton was running for President. The year was 1991. When Bill's affair with model, Gennifer Flowers came to light, I thought you were a strong woman for staying in the marriage. That took a lot of strength and courage. Well, that scandal didn't hurt him and Mr. Clinton went on to win the election. Then, in 1997 a young woman by the name of Monica Lewinsky came out and said that she too had an affair with Bill Clinton. After many denials from your husband and a blue dress that Ms. Lewinsky wisely saved with Mr. Clinton's DNA on it, he finally admitted that yes, he did in fact, have sexual relations with her. You continued to stand by him. I...
Sept. 29,2016 To all Americans, I am a small business owner who knows very well how complex our tax code is. I pay a CPA to handle my taxes as most business owners do. In fact, most working Americans either hire a CPA, use a “brick & mortar” like H&R Block, purchase software or use online services to prepare their taxes. The amount of Americans who sit down with an IRS instruction booklet and tackle the feat themselves is less than 10%. This is common knowledge and something most all Americans know and understand. My question is; how ignorant are people and the media who comment on the statements made between Trump and Clinton in the first debate on Trump’s taxes? Who in their right mind really believes a billionaire actually prepares his or her own taxes? Secondly, where is an...
Mrs. America Writes the Open Letter to the Trump Campaign "I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself, and then make a change." Michael Jackson Dear Mr. Trump, Wake up from creating Trump nightmares and Pray! Make the change to the bright morning of allegiance to SLAM, the silent current of SpiritLit Americans flowing beneath all the noise in the media. SLAMS, regardless of their heritage or religion, give first allegiance to "In God We Trust". These spiritual patriots practice faith and sincere prayer in private for their loved ones, community, and country. SLAMS also know that you are unqualified...
