Dear Mr. President Trump:
As our new elected President, I expect you to be honest with me. With all of us. In return, I’d like to be honest with you. I didn’t vote for you. I don’t think you’re what our country needs in a leader. My lack of support for your campaign wasn’t based on an individual topic; but on the lack of personal sacrifice you’ve shown for the greater good. I always thought I knew what that meant… the greater good. Today’s events brought so much clarity to the meaning and we need you to see it.
My life changed the day my children were born. I imagine, today, you have a similar feeling. With this life-changing event, I ask you to remember that it is life-CHANGING. You don’t get to be the person you were 25 years ago. You don’t even get to be the person you...
I have lived my entire life in America born and raised. I have lived on both coasts. I have always believed in picking the right person for the job regardless of party. But tonight has filled me with a great sadness. How in the hell can anyone justify picking a complete incompetent moron such a Donald Trump for president is beyond me. I felt with the last two elections I was lucky enough to see and end to the color barrier when Prisident Obama was voted into office twice. I think it is ironic the ignorant part of the populous would be ok with a half black president. But not a white woman. I truely believe that the main reason for not selecting the democratic nomination has more to due with the candidate being a woman than being Hilary Clinton. For those of you who suffer from short...
I decided to write this open letter as a heartbroken German citizen who, ever since I was a little child, dreamed of living in the United States. A state of which I heard, would offer me endless opportunities and a bunch of chances to become whatever I wanted and even more. Something that my own home country could not offer me, the way that America promised, even in my deepest wishes. I was so close to actually make my dream true and becoming a part of the American community, as I was already planning to spend a semester abroad next year. But now? All that is left for me to see, is a country that is now being leaded by a man who has basically been constructing his whole campaign on the infamous “wall” or the ban of immigration for Muslims. I am Muslim myself, but even if it wasn’t for my...
Not that it's a shock, but #ImWithHer. Not because she has a (D) by her name, but for who she is as a person, who she stands for, what she represents, how she's evolved in her career, her strength, her grace, her grit, stamina, her determination and her ability to get things done.
I've found in my life that I was both born into and thus surround myself with women who share these qualities. My grandmother owned and operated a business in rural Ohio for the majority of her 92 year life while her husband worked in the mines and died of lung cancer in 1982 while raising four children.
My aunt, her daughter, taught students with special needs for 30 years. She did so after contracting polio at age 5, countless surgeries, endless physical therapy, graduating from Ohio University...
Dear American media,
It's only a matter of time before those of you suffering from cognitive dissonance, or perhaps afflicted with an absence of conscience, come to the stark realization that the only smoking gun you found was the one left in your hand after Hillary Clinton's character assassination. For years you have engaged in false narrative, unfounded accusation, reckless speculation, sowing seeds of suspicion, all the while disregarding crucial details in order to sensationalize so-called “scandals” that are much ado about nothing. Regardless of whether you were provided with a reasonable evidence-based explanation, you would focus on optics instead of performing your job with accuracy by reporting all the facts, the details, the nuance, countering arguments that have no basis...
It’s the day before the election. I can’t help but sit here pensive and nervous waiting to see how tomorrow turns out. If I’m nervous, how much more so are you feeling these moments? I can’t imagine being you…well, ever…but most especially right now. You are on the cusp of making history. Our history. Women’s history. You, I believe, will forever change the landscape of what women see when they look in the mirror each day. Forget that. You already have. Because of you and those who paved the way, I got to take my nine-month-old daughter with me to cast a ballot for a woman for president. I wanted her to see history happen even if she won’t remember it; she won’t have a bedtime tomorrow either. I am determined to give her this gift. A gift she can’t understand right now. But, maybe when...
Take a step back for a minute or two and find a quiet place somewhere. Close your eyes and try to turn off all the thoughts and memories of everything that's happened recently. Breathe. Wait until the stream of everything running through your mind takes a back seat and then...
Picture a blank page. A white void.
Picture what is most important to you - the people and places, activities and objects, thoughts and feelings that make up your world. Picture all the things you have rather than the things you don't.
Let your mind go until the page is filled with these things even if there are only a few on the page.
Now imagine your page is just one page in a book. A book with your page and the pages of others - people you love, friends and relatives - people you admire and respect,...
Dear Americans,
Election day is nearly upon us, and the current political race has done well to show us a little about ourselves as a nation, a society, and as individuals. Over the past several decades, politics, and society, have grown increasingly partisan. Red vs. Blue, Conservatives vs. Liberals, Americans vs. Immigrants, Christians vs. Muslims…”Us” vs. “Them”.
We’ve witnessed our government shut down because one side refused to reach across the aisle. We’ve witnessed name calling, mudslinging, and demonizing throughout this election. But, politicians, elections, and governments are merely a reflection of their citizens. There is no “one party” that is to blame for the state of things. It is a collective choice based on the individuals casting the votes, and the society...
Dear Lego.
I love Lego. My 6 year old son loves Lego. He inherited all of mine three years ago and his collection has multiplied many times since. We spend time going to Brickies, our local Lego club. All he wants for Christmas is Lego, and we're even taking him to Windsor for a stay in the Lego hotel at Christmas.
It seems you can do no wrong.
But I'm concerned. For a few years now you have done free giveaways in the Daily Mail newspaper. And while holding back that wretching feeling, I've paid for a copy to get the free Lego pack. (And then promptly binned the paper) The poly bag packs usually end up as part of my sons advent calendar. Which he loves. But I'm afraid to say I can no longer do it.
While I disagree with their political stand I can accept their right to have it...
To all the people who put us in the position of having Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton be the primary Presidential Candidates,
It is with deep pain and sadness that I write this. I just mailed off my ballot, I voted on everything but the presidential candidate. I take my right to vote very seriously. I grew up as an American citizen in Taiwan during a very difficult time and saw people, bribed, beaten, tortured and threatened based on their vote, so I know how privileged I am to vote without worry of repercussions from others. I promised myself that if I did not vote in the Presidential section as a stance of solidarity against the injustice that this election has become, then I would at least be heard by my representatives.
I am very proud of the changes...