
Dear Jill and Supporters, I hear you - you want so many wonderful changes, changes that I want to see, too. You are angry at the status quo, upset about the inequality and all of the “isms” and feel that radical change is needed. I understand and I agree. Like you, I want climate action, racial justice, criminal justice, a fair economic system and major reform to the political system and government as a whole. At this hour, Jill - amazing public servant that you are - you are still polling at best at 3%. I believe the time has come for you to demonstrate your true dedication to America, to democracy and to planet Earth. Please, please, step down from the 2016 Presidential race and place your full support behind Hillary Clinton. You have proudly served your cause and your...
This is a copy of a message that was originally posted on 8chan on November 3rd, 2016 Anonymous Thu 03 Nov 2016 02:52:00 No. 95128341 I do not confirm or deny that I work for any law enforcement or intelligence agency. However, I have intimate knowledge of the ongoing investigation(s) into what exactly was discovered at Anthony Weiner’s residence and the subsequent investigations that followed. First, people must understand, the Clinton Foundation investigation and the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server are two separate case files but they overlap, frequently. To address her use of a private server, the investigation only pertained to whether classified information was transmitted, stored or archived. The FBI determined, internally, that all...
For the first time in American history the U.S. Government has five different ongoing FBI investigations of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who has been endorsed by Neocons and 12 different billionaires including the Koch Brothers, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc. Even Paul Wolfowitz and George Bush Sr, a lifelong Republican and former CIA Director has endorsed her. Hmmm... But even more suspicious are the voting machines being used in the upcoming election manufactured by Dominion and Diebold, both of which have been linked to numerous election frauds all over the world. Recent revelations by CBS News, DNC emails obtained by Wikileaks, and a brilliant Computer Science geek in Memphis, named Bennie Smith prove beyond any doubt that it is VERY EASY to program...
Dear America, The land of the free and a bastion of hope for over two hundred and fifty years. Not a perfect union but a perfect representation of the hope for a perfect union. Leader of modern democracy, knight to the rescue in two world wars and the perennial ‘greatest nation on earth’. You, and the world, are at a crossroads. Democracy is a comparative infant in the human race’s quest for a world that at its best could be a free, equal and plentiful planet for all to dwell in peace on. The reality is different but the quest should always continue. America has been the model that many countries have wanted to follow and base themselves on because of the quest, the pursuit of the dream and the belief in better. Democracy allows everyone to dwell within one ‘tent’....
Carrying the Weight of a Second Trimester Termination for Medical Reasons (An Open Letter to your so- called "Pro-Life" friends) I'm sharing my story in light of recent politicized discussions about late term abortions and consequently the social media frenzy that followed. I simply can no longer sit back and watch women and families be ridiculed and vilified for making the choice to terminate a pregnancy, especially after going through the most heartbreaking loss they will ever face. If you think this story can reach anyone on this issue – please read and share. A few days before New Years Eve last year, I was ecstatic to see the pregnancy test was positive. I couldn't wait to show my husband as soon as he walked through the door. We were overjoyed...
To the honest FBI agents still remaining at the FBI and members of the House and Senate... You all know the score. You all know you have been derelict in your jobs, asleep at the switch, or deliberately turned a blind eye to win favor with superiors, or return one. I was also asked to do the same when I worked 5 years in federal law enforcment. First I protested, and then I was black-balled, and then I resigned. At least I am alive. Some of my colleagues were not so lucky. One was murdered, one committed suicide, and one was shot five time and left for dead. When he lived he was paid a few million dollars to sign a gag order. His name is Jurgen Schmidt and he lives in a wheelchair in Hollywood, Florida if you doubt my words. But that is ancient history. Today we have even bigger...
I decided to write this letter after I read another open letter from a man with a daughter. How you had given her hope and how "cool" it will be for her to see s woman be POTUS. Hillary it would be cool it really would. As a woman who's journal ,at ,10...
Dear Dr. Tyson, I've read your article titled "If I were president", where you state the problem with politics isn't with the electorate, but with the people who elect them. While I agree with this statement I would like to take things a bit further - I'll begin by quoting you. During an interview on Bill Maher's show you made an observation regarding the backgrounds of the current senators and congressmen that asked; "What profession do all of these people have in common? Law, Law, Law, Businessman, Law, Law". I would also like to include a quote from Albert Einstein " We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them". Your observation combined with Einstein's insights identify a serious and troubling issue that has been allowed to...
Lettre ouverte aux responsables de la page Facebook "Partage info police". (https://www.facebook.com/PartageInfopolice/?fref=ts) Page Facebook en soutien aux policiers. Je vous écris afin de vous faire part de mon indignation.J'ai été choqué de découvrir dans le fil des commentaires de votre page facebook, des propos antisémites et raciste (anti chinois). J'ai cru bien faire en voulant vous le signaler en vous demandant de faire le menage tout en indiquant avoir fait le nécessaire de mon côté pour signaler ces faits en déposant une plainte en ligne sur les sites de la police nationale et de la Licra ainsi qu'à une association de défense juive. La réponse que vous m'avez envoyé en retour m'a encore plus choqué, voici vos propos, je cite (fautes incluses) : "vous avez une drôle...
Dear Hillary, No, I will not be referring to you as Mrs. Clinton. I refuse to do so because I am personally offended by your choice to stay married to your husband. I am 17, Hillary, and I have never been more affected by something than the letter I read that was written by the victim of Brock Turner. Surely you know who Brock Turner is. He is a young man from Stanford University who was convicted of brutally raping an unconscious woman. He probed unsanitary objects into her body, along with his own male parts. Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like someone else you know? To me, it seems oddly familiar to a man you know well. Maybe your own spouse? William Jefferson Clinton, your "faithful" husband, was the 42nd president of the greatest country in the world. At the...
