My words to you, America

Subject: My words to you, America
From: A concerned young adult
Date: 10 Nov 2016

Dear American people,

We have chosen wrong. Yes, we. We've chosen a hateful man to lead our nation, and in turn we've screwed ourselves. I hoped that I had underestimated the decency of the American population- but I am just disappointed. It's sad that I, and so many others, now live in fear of our new president. How do we explain this to the children? How do we tell them that the man that openly discriminates against others different than him, and because of this people are afraid? How do we tell them that this hate monger is now the leader of our nation? How the man that grabs them by the pussy has won?

I can't answer that personally, but I do know this: we are even more divided that we thought. Our basic human rights are at stake, sitting at a low priority to our new President. It's a shame, the year we live in, and are dealing with such hate crimes against minorities, and have to fight for our rights. But this is our call to action.

As a young, queer female I can say with certainty: this is not the America I want to live in either. I want a country that I can freely be me, with absolutely no consequence of my gender, my sexuality, my religion (or a lack there of), etc.

You may think that it'll all be okay but I want to tell you that it's not.


Everything we fought for, it's slipping from us, but we have to keep a tight hold. He won't take this from us. We have to stand together. There is strength in numbers. We must not become more divided than we already are, more divided then he will make us. We are strong, we are determined, and we will fight the good fight. We will strive for equality. For opportunity. For life.

The world is a lot darker now, and it's going to be a long time before this darkness is lifted; however, stars can't shine without darkness, and now is our chance to give it what we have. To be the light in the dark.

To all Latinos, Muslims, women, LGBT+, African Americans, and other minorities: We have let you down. We have come so far and we've brought you to this mess; and for that, I am greatly sorry. Our progress is unraveling before us, but we are strong, we won't lose our grasp. But I do I fear for you. Please, stay safe. You are loved and important. You are valuable.

To the children: I am sorry. We have failed you and we have no one to blame but ourselves. But we won't show our fear, our doubts, or our anguish. Instead, we will keep our chins up, with open hearts and helping hands. We will push forward: for you. To make this a better place for you. We will show you that the bullies of the world will not lead us- that love trumps hate. Remember: You are loved and important. You are valuable.

All in fear of our new President, know this: we are stronger together. We must always find something to fight for. Whether it be our religion, sexuality, gender, our anything and everything. We fight and we never stop. We never sit. We never wither.

We, as the American people, will strive, as we always do. Even so, this time will be difficult, we will do it. I believe in me. I believe in you. I believe in us. We will not divide, we will stand with our feet firmly on the ground. We are Americans, we are united.

We will rise above the hate; and show this country what love is.

With an abundance of love to leave with you,
a 17 y/o queer female,
Kinberlyn Sterns
