
Let me this to you donald trump this voter fraud commission is a fraud a complete waste of time to taxpayers. Your mission is to remove all protential voters that vote democratic particular the minorities like myself...
I believe we have a once in a generation opportunity to pass some real conservative legislation. However I see nothing but a Republican congress squabbling over conservative legislation and letting this opportunity slip away. Instead heeding the mandate set forth by the American people in the last election, you offer up nothing but watered-down ideas, or you fail altogether. This could be a transformative time for our nation; solidifying our constitutional rights as a free people and setting us on a path of prosperity for generations to come. That is if you could only get out of your own way. The American people have spoken loud and clear. We want transformative tax reform. Not just tax cuts. We want impenetrable border security. Not just a shaky fence. We want market...
I want to say to donald trump you're a ignorant uncaring individual that ever represent the office of the USA government! Why in the hell you would reverse a bill that #44 president Barack Obama sign after the 2011 sandy hook killing of innocence kids to make it a law for mental illness people to not purchase automatic firearm weapons and you came into office reverse the bill for mental people to purchase a firearm just out of spite against Obama. Personally if anyone is responsible for the vegas shooting that killed fifty-eight people...
Dear pro-lifers, It is almost impossible to please everyone. In a debate, there are always opposers, supporters, and people in between that can’t commit to one side or they feel indifferent. But no matter what, even those that claim indifference or can’t pick a side, everyone always has a bias. As a woman, I may be biased, but biased towards what I believe is in the best interest of women in general. Abortion is a debatable topic that has passionate and biased supporters and opposers, and it seems as though the passion and biases are so strong that the opposing sides will never come to an agreement or resolution. I believe it is important to be open-minded, put your passion and bias aside, and view a debate from the opposite perspective. Although it can be very difficult to do, I ask...
Dear Flag Kneelers, “Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” As I finished signing these renowned words with heartfelt affection, there was a moment of awed silence that came over the audience. It wasn’t because of the way I sang, but the words of the anthem seemed to silently echo in the air. In this moment I was once again reminded of the unique way our national anthem brings Americans together and the beauty of the country the song represents. Only a year after I sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" at my varsity volleyball game, the words of our national anthem that should unite us began to bring community tension. During the customary playing of the U.S. national anthem before National Football League (NFL) games, many...
Dear Middle Class America, At some point, most of you have been told that poverty in the United States is “not that bad.” It’s true that poverty in America is not the same as it is in in other nations. Most poor people here have running water in their homes, and most eat at least once a day, so it’s easy to assume that it’s not that bad. However, despite the differences, I urge you to open your mind to the possibility that your understanding of this issue is severely limited. In the United States, poverty looks like children eating once a day at school because they get a free meal there. It’s sleeping in room with two other people, working full-time when you’re just a child, and never having a Christmas, Thanksgiving, or an Easter celebration. For some, it’s sleeping on the streets,...
I hope the house& senate intelligence committee as well congress will continue with the investigation of the russians&trump campaign .The american people need to know the truth whether the trump campaign was working with the russians to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election. The russians interfere in the election to help one candidate &to hurt another candidate. The intelligence committee should continue with the investigation until it solid prove to show whether or russians was helping one candidate to win another to lose as well to investigate whether the russians was working alone or with help from the trump campaign. The democracy of every american vote count legitimately that voted in the election Americans need to know the truth of the outcome of the election.
Representative Keith Sommer 216 – N Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 Dear Representative Sommer: I am sending this letter to both your Morton and Springfield offices in the hopes that one of them will reach you (and that you actually read it) before you have the opportunity to vote on a historic constitutional amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which will affect not only citizens in your district, but all of Illinois, and the nation. As you are aware, the national spotlight is once again on Illinois for at least two reasons. First, the Illinois General Assembly will vote on ratifying the ERA in the near future to amend the U. S. Constitution to assure that women in America are treated under the law equally to that of men. This vote, granting equal...
I like to say the way you presents the news is such a disservice to viewers & non viewers with false facts of news stories & not covering real instead covering stories that is less important by example the burger story on fox&friends instead of stories such as the russians indictments trump campaign..Fox news has been presenting false misleading stories since the existence of fox news going back to 1996 ara of Roger Ailes presenting false misleading stories about the obama administration whether the economy immigration trade deals especially the economy misleading facts of ownership welfare etc you lied to the american people of your viewers as well non viewers
I am writing this letter in my personal opinion, as a 30-something year old white South African man. I am proudly Afrikaans, or in the (derogatory?) plain sense, I see myself as a Boer. INSTANTLY, I am marked as a racist, for associating myself with my history. Yes, my forefathers made mistakes, and yes, me and my generation of Afrikaans and English white people in South Africa, are paying for those mistakes. We are living the life sentence of our racist forefathers, by being marked as racist (though majority of white people accept our fellow black South Africans as brothers and sisters) or being unable to apply for scholarships, tenders, employment or many of the things which we have already accepted as the norm in the “New” South Africa. We look at our farms and land being stripped and...
