
Dear CeLLo 12, "It's not your fault"'ll be okay... God is in Control". It's 2:34 pm. You've just woke up. It's November 2nd, 2007. This day.....this random Friday....You'll never forget. Also, your nickname, CeLLo 12. You won't hear this anymore. Who am I? I'm CeLLo KTBT. I'm the *5th chapter in the book of *you; 9 years into the future. I know you're wondering what the KTBT stands for and why there's a book about you...those answers will come why I'm writing you this letter. I know what you’re about to read is beyond belief but I'm here to let you know that "It's not your fault".'ll be okay... God is in Control". Tonight at about 10pm, while you're back in Middlesex for family day and O-fest, you're going to get a phone call that Slim...
Lanz, You were just a little puppy when we adopted you. I remember how Papa and Mama would spend their money just to buy you a milk. Right after school, you're the first to be checked and be carried on even when I am still in my uniform. I would carry you and even sing you a song. I was in 5th grade, you were my first pet. You taught me a different kind of love from then on. Years passed and I didn't even notice how big you became. I cannot carry you any more. Instead, every time I went home you would run to me in the gate, wiggle your tail as if you were very happy to see me home. I'm sorry cause while growing up, I have taken you for granted. I thought you would always be there. I thought every time I would enter that gate, I would see your face and I would call out; "hey buddy!". High...
Dear CeLLo 12, "It's not you're fault"'ll be okay... God is in Control". It's 2:34 pm. You've just woke up. It's November 2nd, 2007. This day.....this random Friday....You'll never forget. Also, your nickname, CeLLo 12. You'll never go by this again. Who am I? I'm CeLLo KTBT. I'm the *5th chapter in the book of *you; 9 years into the future. I know you're wondering what the KTBT stands for...that answer will present itself why I'm writing this letter. I know what your about to read is beyond belief but I'm hear to let you know that "It's not you're fault".'ll be okay... God is in Control". Tonight at about 10pm, while you're back in Middlesex for Family Day and O-fest, you're going to get a phone call that Slim has been hit by a car...and...
Dear Hobby Lobby CEO, I want to tell you a story about how your corporation has affected my family. When we got the word that a Hobby Lobby store was opening up in our little city of Palm Coast, we became excited. It was promising to see a Christian organization that shared our values opening as a local business in our community. We became even more thrilled when we learned about job opportunities being offered to our residents. You see, my husband’s job was about to end. He was working as a parent coordinator to parents of children who have been deemed “at risk”. The position he held was grant funded and those funds were ending. His dream has been to work in ministry. As a matter of fact, he also runs a nonprofit ministry/thrift store designed to help the community. Unfortunately,...
Dear Family, Well, where do I start. This letter has been a long time coming. I have spent too many sleepless nights worrying about each and every one of you to the point of exhaustion and I am so angry at the way I get treated in return. Last night was the last straw for me so I warn you in advance that you are not going to like what I have to say so maybe it would be a good idea to stop reading here. I know you will be mad but in my heart of hearts I know this is right and need to say. If you felt this way you would have no hesitation saying it/yelling it at me. I feel that I’ve always have remained silent and always taken the high road but this has gotten me no-where and I’m sick of quietly sitting in the corner. Brother, I am sorry for showing interest in you and your life. I...
I will always blame myself for your actions. People will tell me it wasn’t my fault and maybe, just maybe, for a split second, I’ll listen, but I’ll never fully believe that. You see, there are so many things I could have done to prevent your actions. Thinks I could have said. Hugs I could have given. Actions I could have taken. All things that could have helped, but I didn’t do enough. I didn’t do enough to save you. I’ll never forget the first time you really worried me. It was that drunken phone call you made to me. You told me that you wanted to die. You said if it wasn’t for our mother, you would have already killed yourself. I tried to reassure you that she wasn’t the only one who loved you. I tried to tell you how many people it would hurt, but you didn’t listen. I should have...
I want to first start off by saying that I do not hate you anymore. I used to hate you. I hated you for everything you not only put us through, but also what you put mom through. I used to hate hearing your name, I hated thinking about what you did, and I hated thinking about all of the time I spent on wishing you were around. Then I came to the realization that I was wasting my time hating you. I was putting in too much energy that you just did not deserve. I have had so many people ask me about you. People who know you ask “do you speak to your father?” Or the people who don’t know you, I have to tell them I don’t speak to my father when they ask why I don’t ever speak of you. I read about people losing their mothers and fathers and I feel absolutely devastated for them. They had a...
Dear grandparents of my one month old child, Things were awesome at first. I couldn't have asked for a better support system than you. You guys may have been a little rough around the edges then but you only had good intentions. I appreciate everything you did for me and my daughter in that time. I'll say it again. Thank you so much. But then shit hit the fan, now I'm a bad mom. I'm a bad mom because I co-bathe, I'm a bad mom because I moved out after you told me I was an unfit parent, I'm a bad mom because I won't take your advice that goes against doctor's orders, I'm starving my baby because I let her sleep until she cries for a feeding twice at night, and finally I'm an unfit parent because I have depression AND postpartum. Now, you're withholding the only newborn pictures I have...
I hope this letter does eventually find you. I always wonder how you even get out of bed a pile on all that make up every day, knowing that today you know even less about your daughter than you did yesterday. What web of lies do you fabricate for your family and friends to justify why you haven’t seen your first born child in almost six years. I assume you place the blame on her dad and I, that we brainwashed her to turn against you. Well if brainwashing is showing her a home that runs on respect, love, attention, and working together while your home offered interrogation, blaming, constant arguing and confrontation, and abuse, then yes, you’re right, we brainwashed the hell out of her, or maybe at nine years old she started to do what you always said she would do “She will start to...
Dear Future Me, We have been threw one hell of a ride to get here such as your first time falling in love, first time getting into a fight such as physically and mentally, and it has always broken us down into tears once we are finally alone. When you finally grew up and stop playing with your toys at 14 years old even though you cried like a baby it's ok we aren't going to tell anyone that it's a secret between us. From the times you would play basketball, making someone fall and the crowd yelling and saying “OHHHHHHHHHH”. The times we stayed up playing video games from 3pm-3am. Times when we….. thought we had sometimes with a female and they turn around and nevermind….. Hey remember all the times your mom took you somewhere special for your birthday or just because. Many...
