Love Letters

I need to know. I need to hear him tell me. At times he’s so close. Why can't he tell me how he feels? I know he's 1,171 miles away and I know I always said "amor de lejos amor de pendejos" (love from afar is love for idiots) but was I wrong. I’m so confused. It started off all platonic and I loved you instantly. He's told me numerous occasions he loves me and he's grateful for me which is how I knew he valued our friendship. His personality and his sense of humor fit so well with mine. We became such great friends in such a short amount of time. My love for him was platonic like you know when you tell someone you love them it’s because you love them as a human being. Just like you love your best friend, sibling, dog, parents, etc. Yeah, it was that love and it still is because he is such...
I see you. I watch you with our children and I see how much you love them. I see the way they love you in return. Your love is un-conditional and beautiful and I am in awe of you. I have felt your love, in your kiss, your touch, and the things you do. I see you... I see you. When no-one is watching I see your pain. I see it in your eyes I hear it in your laugh when you say "oh its nothing" but it's not nothing. I know just the slight bits of the things you have shared. I know there's more, much more, more than you think I can bear. Yet you bear bear it in silence. Many who suffered as you have expressed feeling worthless or wondering how someone could love them...and act out in self destructive ways not even knowing why. I see you I see you Past my own pain at the...
I’ve never been that girl who has dreamed of slow kisses or the ideal romantic dates. I’ve never went out of my way to talk to a guy at a bar or even smiled at a guy from across the room. Sure, I have been on a date. I’ve been stood up more times than I’d like to admit. I’ve been disrespected and mistreated by a guy. I’m a little too familiar with the experience of a guy ignoring the word “no,” instead favoring his own ideas of a “good time.” I’m in my early twenties and I had never been in a real relationship. By all means, I’d given up hope that I could qualify for any kind of normalcy in my life. I’d figured that since I (really) love cats, I would end up as your stereotypical crazy cat lady. Single my whole life, spending eternity in pajamas with curlers in my hair, a house that...
I could never tell you these things, or anyone for that matter. I'd lose everything I have and so would you. When you checked in, I wasn't even here. I was at home spending time with the man I thought I was in love with. The one that I thought would stop my tears when something or someone made me cry. The one I thought I could share whatever with...when you checked in, I had no intention or reason to meet you. When I came into work that Friday everything changed. I've been really down the last couple of weeks. I've been on the verge of possible suicide. Although I'm not completely sure where I would've ended up, I know you stopped it from happening. You came down to the desk and although you were obnoxious and kind of foul - something about you stopped me in my tracks. Your smile...
I never expected to fall in love with you, at the time I thought my heart belonged to someone else. You made me realize that it didn’t. While we went about getting together all the wrong ways, it got me to you. To the man that cried on our first date while I laughed uncontrollably because I thought it was cute. I never told you this but I knew in that moment you were going to be a big part of my life. You wanted to love my kids like they were your own and you do even now that we’re not together. To the man my family loved at first because they saw how happy I was. I remember exactly what changed, a misunderstanding that I informed them otherwise but didn’t matter. Our relationship changed after that. It became more complicated, and we parted ways. Six months had passed, and...
I see you, but do you see me? You occasionally talk to me, but I don't think you're getting the butterflies like I am. I don't think you even realize how much I see you. I see you when I'm driving and a song comes on. I see you when I am stuck awake at night thinking. I see you when you aren't even around. How can someone do that to another person's mind and not even realize it? How do you see me? Do you see me as a friend? Or do you see me as more?
Hello, Weird isn't it? Why would you want to read a letter from your current partner's ex? Do you have to read all the things we've done before you? All the memories and promises that we made together and hoped for them to be true? Listen, I'm not bitter at my ex anymore, it took me awhile to finally move on from that relationship. I'm not going to lie, I still love him, but in a friendly way. A way where I want to see the best for him and only see him happy. So listen to what I have to say to you. He was my first love. A high school love. Dated right after we got out from the doors and into the first year of college. It wasn't a love at first sight thing for me. It took time for me to realise I really did love him. He felt like my other half, someone who I can lean on, and I went...
I know you don't want to hear this but I hope you see this. It's been 4 months since we broke up. We still talk and see each other when we can. I just want you to know that I still love you, I'm still crazy about you, I miss you, I miss us and everything we had. I would do anything to get it back as I've been trying to do. Love is a crazy thing and I have never fought so hard for something as much as I have fought for you. I hope that it means something to you. You still mean so much to me. You are someone that it's not easy getting over and I hate how things are now. Seeing you this past weekend was amazing but it was also very hard knowing that it was going to end so soon to only go back to what it is now. I loved spending the night with you, but also hated it at the same time. I...
I hope you know you're lucky, even if you feel as if you aren't I hope one day you understand you are lucky to be in his life. Make sure you make him feel special. It's the little things he gets happy about. If he's playing ANYTHING, watch him play his game, like really watch him, he'll talk a lot while playing the game, and he'll expect you to listen and respond about it. He wants you to pay attention and get into the game with him. He loves it. He gets mad very easy, he wont mean to take it out on you, but sometimes it happens. When it does happen don't make him feel like shit about it. He'll most times punch things and yell about everything. Leave him alone, he'll come back and he'll explain to you that he's sorry, that he didn't mean to get so angry and definitely that he didn't...
A heart will do some crazy things that go beyond what's morally right or wrong. A heart won't care about the consequences of its feelings. A heart just feels. You can't always come up with a rhyme or reason for why your heart falls for someone so shitty. Just like you can't always explain why your heart just isn't into it with someone else that's so great. The heart is so unpredictable. So when I fell for you, I didn't feel guilty for very long about the way I felt. My heart couldn't have picked out anybody better to fall for. Your blue eyes are so comforting, and your smile will light them up brighter than anything else I've ever seen. And the more we talked, the more I realized your personality tied it all together. That's a beautiful thing when it all comes together. My heart just...
