Love Letters

Its just another one of those nights since you left me, I am still confused as to how I feel about you. Its funny, the other day I was thinking about all the things you can tell people thats bad about me but when I thought about what I could say about you I was surprised I couldn't think of one thing, I don't know what that means and I honestly don't wanna explore it (too sad). I know you are probably doing great without me your very strong, but I miss you. Its crazy how even today it feels as if you broke up with me yesterday. I think a lot about us I miss your smile, your voice, your smell, your laugh, your everything I hate how cheesy I may sound but its true, I realize a lot of the problems were my fault but then again I don't know. I thought disappearing for a while would be good but...
You said something today which I didn’t expect, or feel was fair. I haven’t fancied or slept with anyone who has rented my spare room in all the years I’ve rented it out; about 7 years off and on. That does not mean that men haven’t tried it on with me, they have! And whilst we are on the subject I haven’t slept with anyone at all in the last 18 months. Business is business and sex and love are something else. If you made that comment based on the fact I once said you could stay here then your comment has some validity. When I said you could stay here it was because I had feelings for you. You know I am in love with you, and I know you don’t feel the same way about me, and I have to accept that over and over again. I have so much goodwill and compassion in my heart for you, I’m...
It has been 3 months since the time I got aware of your existence. I was skeptic at first, but you opened up about your condition. For some reason, it didn't turn me off. It actually made me interested and drawn to you. I liked how open we were to each other, or at least I think we were. Whenever we didn't understand what the other has said, there were no hesitations to ask for clarification. These past few days, however, I noticed something strange. Something that may have already happened to me in the past. I know you didn't want to talk about our past, but I think you should know where I'm coming from. I've been cheated on a couple of times in just a span of 2 years. Yes, same person. I know I was stupid enough to forgive that person over and over even when I knew what he was doing...
I want to be in love with someone who is completely utterly pathetically in love with me as well. So in love it inspires everyone. So in love that they don’t know how they lived this long without me. A love that makes romantic movies relatable but still doesn’t demonstrate how much a person can love another. I have so much love to give and I just want someone to match it with me. I watch all these shows and movies and I always see how love is depicted. It makes me think if that’s how it’s supposed to be. I know it’s not supposed to be perfect but it’s supposed to be worth the little obstacles and tough times may come up. But love never fails. Love doesn’t hurt, it isn’t supposed to hurt. Love is a great ass feeling and I can’t wait to feel that because all I’ve been feeling is...
I need to know. I need to hear him tell me. At times he’s so close. Why can't he tell me how he feels? I know he's 1,171 miles away and I know I always said "amor de lejos amor de pendejos" (love from afar is love for idiots) but was I wrong. I’m so confused. It started off all platonic and I loved you instantly. He's told me numerous occasions he loves me and he's grateful for me which is how I knew he valued our friendship. His personality and his sense of humor fit so well with mine. We became such great friends in such a short amount of time. My love for him was platonic like you know when you tell someone you love them it’s because you love them as a human being. Just like you love your best friend, sibling, dog, parents, etc. Yeah, it was that love and it still is because he is such...
I see you. I watch you with our children and I see how much you love them. I see the way they love you in return. Your love is un-conditional and beautiful and I am in awe of you. I have felt your love, in your kiss, your touch, and the things you do. I see you... I see you. When no-one is watching I see your pain. I see it in your eyes I hear it in your laugh when you say "oh its nothing" but it's not nothing. I know just the slight bits of the things you have shared. I know there's more, much more, more than you think I can bear. Yet you bear bear it in silence. Many who suffered as you have expressed feeling worthless or wondering how someone could love them...and act out in self destructive ways not even knowing why. I see you I see you Past my own pain at the...
I’ve never been that girl who has dreamed of slow kisses or the ideal romantic dates. I’ve never went out of my way to talk to a guy at a bar or even smiled at a guy from across the room. Sure, I have been on a date. I’ve been stood up more times than I’d like to admit. I’ve been disrespected and mistreated by a guy. I’m a little too familiar with the experience of a guy ignoring the word “no,” instead favoring his own ideas of a “good time.” I’m in my early twenties and I had never been in a real relationship. By all means, I’d given up hope that I could qualify for any kind of normalcy in my life. I’d figured that since I (really) love cats, I would end up as your stereotypical crazy cat lady. Single my whole life, spending eternity in pajamas with curlers in my hair, a house that...
I could never tell you these things, or anyone for that matter. I'd lose everything I have and so would you. When you checked in, I wasn't even here. I was at home spending time with the man I thought I was in love with. The one that I thought would stop my tears when something or someone made me cry. The one I thought I could share whatever with...when you checked in, I had no intention or reason to meet you. When I came into work that Friday everything changed. I've been really down the last couple of weeks. I've been on the verge of possible suicide. Although I'm not completely sure where I would've ended up, I know you stopped it from happening. You came down to the desk and although you were obnoxious and kind of foul - something about you stopped me in my tracks. Your smile...
I never expected to fall in love with you, at the time I thought my heart belonged to someone else. You made me realize that it didn’t. While we went about getting together all the wrong ways, it got me to you. To the man that cried on our first date while I laughed uncontrollably because I thought it was cute. I never told you this but I knew in that moment you were going to be a big part of my life. You wanted to love my kids like they were your own and you do even now that we’re not together. To the man my family loved at first because they saw how happy I was. I remember exactly what changed, a misunderstanding that I informed them otherwise but didn’t matter. Our relationship changed after that. It became more complicated, and we parted ways. Six months had passed, and...
I see you, but do you see me? You occasionally talk to me, but I don't think you're getting the butterflies like I am. I don't think you even realize how much I see you. I see you when I'm driving and a song comes on. I see you when I am stuck awake at night thinking. I see you when you aren't even around. How can someone do that to another person's mind and not even realize it? How do you see me? Do you see me as a friend? Or do you see me as more?
