An Open Letter for Parents of High School Students
Dear Parents of High School Students:
Hello, I’m the second semester student at Grossmont College. Actually, I just came to the United States after graduation from high school in Afghanistan, and I have been in the U.S. for three years. When I start going to college I realized that there are lots of responsibilities that the parents of high school students should pay attention during their children are in the high school and they have plan to go to the college after they finish high school. For example, preparing the right classroom, help them to focus on their lessons to get good grade because having good grades is really important for high school students and help them for enter to the colleges without any assessment test. One of...
An open letter to parents of high school children.
I am writing this letter to make you more aware about what your child could be doing on the internet. I am also writing to encourage you to take action by watching and protecting your kids activity online because of how it could hurt your kids chance of going to college.
I am a mother of 4, so I care a lot about the safety and success of my children. Social media is always changing these days and it's so hard to keep up. That’s why I always try to talk to my kids and stay updated with what they do online. Especially with my 2 high school kids. If i keep an honest relationship with them that is also healthy, then it is easier to keep them safe and presentable for colleges looking at them.
Now you might think this is too much to...
Mehri jafari
Spammer 19,2019
Dear High School Students.
In High School, student study and learn about the wonders of the world. In High school, they learn about the world wars, what pi is, what photosytheis is, and anything and everything in between. Also, they learn how to strive and study to read their goals.
Students need to know what happens around the world, it is good they are learning, but sometimes they use technology to make communication closer or to make relationships with other people around the world. In social media, sometimes people post things that sound dangerous or threatening, young people write their opinion on those issues when a student wants to go a university, the university prevents him from entering because of their posts.
Students should be...
An open letter to the parents of high school students
Dear parents of high school students:
The Internet and social media provides the young students with rang of benefits such as communication with others ,making friendship and sharing information , but the negative side comes when these students post inappropriate comments or even some of them they go further than that and their posts become even racism.
The students in this age their brain is not mature, they do not realize the consequences of their comments would cost them their college admission dream.
So, should you be worried about a college rescinding an offer of acceptance? What are the common reasons that colleges revoke offers, and how can you avoid them?
Now, more than ever, college...
I am writing to the parents of high school students with due respect to pay attention and care about their children’s online activities that they are busy with it daily.These activities can have possible impact on your children’s future educational life.
This is important to know that some of the online activities are addictive, such as online games, and social media networks. These activities can waste your children time and energy. It is also important to know that some colleges investigate student’s background to see how students spent their time online and what kind of languages were used in their day to day activities.
Parents should make their children aware of this important subject and let them know how it could affect their college admission in the future. As Neeraj...
Dear Parent of High School students, I know you don’t think you don’t need my advice, but as an old enough man, I want offer you a guidance about how online presence may have a negative impact to your child in the future.
First of all, help your child to understand the purpose of social media account what they hope to gain from posting certain things or what their account are communicating. for example, tell them not to share photos or videos on social media which is they may regret later.
Second of all, warn your child on social media not to commenting with racist or bad language because this kind of activity it might cause a problem in their future. For example, they may disqualify a transfer to universities and not to succeed in their future. This happened to kyle kashuv who...
An open letter to the parents of high school students
Dear parents:
The Internet and social media provides the young students with rang of benefits such as communication with others ,making friendship and sharing information , but the negative side comes when these students post an appropriate comments or even some of them they go further than that and their post become racism .
The students in this age their brain is not mature, they do not realize the consequences of their comments would cost them their dream college admission. An example for that would be Kyle Kashuv (Harvard had rescinded admission to Parkland shooting survivor over racist comments he made two years ago by Kelly Mclaughlin).
Young students should be monitor and certain web should be prohibited. It is parent’s...
Dear Parents,
I am writing this letter to appeal the Parents of High School student to stay aware and take action in monitoring their children’s online activity because that can impact on the college admission.
Nowadays, we live in the Internet and Smartphone time where information goes fast. When people post public videos or public contents on social media. It is immediately available on the world wide, and all people have access to the contents.
Now young people use a lot the social media and they have an unlimited access to internet. But they don’t always use it in the right way. For example, some people use social media to post bad contents like racist content, misogyny content and other. They are not aware about the consequences. That can have consequences for their future for...
Dear Students,
I am writing to respectfully make you aware of social media, and how we have to use it. We have to be careful when we post something at the internet, we have always ask ourselves some questions; how this post is going to affect our lives? Who is going to read or watch?
Sometimes bad things can happen as a result of what was posting. I read a article about Kyle Kashuv, 18, survivor of shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Portland, he had made online some racist and vituperative comments two years before his application at Harvard, because of the comments Kyle Kashuv was not accepted to study at Harvard.
Students, if you feel doubts about what to do online or what you do not post, I recommend you talk with your teacher or parents...
Dear High School Students,
I know that you do not like to be sermonized, but I still wanted to share a very important information about the dangers of social networks.
Today in the era of Smartphones, information travels at high speed, suddenly when an event happens, everyone is quickly updated through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
You must be aware that everything you read, whatever you write in the Web remains visible to a wide audience and even if you think you have deleted the content, you are not safe that someone one who saw your article did not save it somewhere.
I share this information because it is urgent to understand that anything you can write can turn against you and have consequences in your future.
Take the example of student Kyle Kashuv, 18, who...