Currently, more teens die from suicide than heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, cancer, and strokes combined. (Monroe) People are driven to this point because of the lack of guidance they receive. They’re driven even further into this deep dark abyss but have to keep functioning, keep doing their homework, keep living their lives even as they’re falling apart. The novel Ordinary People by Judith Guest is a prime example of this. Conrad, the main character. Suffers from depression and tries to live his life as normal. In the end, it does not succeed, and he tries to eradicate himself. He spends 8 months in a mental hospital recovering. Once he is released, he attempts to return to his normal life; but he isn’t the same person as before. He tries to figure out how to become himself again....
Persuasive Essay
All people should be treated equally, no matter who they are. “I was one of the only African-American students when I started attending an all-boys Jesuit high school in the mid-1970’s… I never doubted my place among my more well-off, mostly white peers.” ( This is the story of an anonymous victim of racism, just one of the many.
This student has had many appalling experiences at school, only for the color of his skin, “One day, I found some of my classmates gathered at the front of the classroom in a fit of laughter. When I approached them, I realized that they were gazing at a piece of paper… an image of a naked African pygmy woman with her breasts exposed, and there was some sort of sticky substance smeared all over the picture. There...
Did you know that depression is growing at a constant rate? According to WHO, depression has increased by 18.4% within the last decade. Many people see depression as “taboo” or “just a way to get attention” but it is a lot more serious than most people think. The literal definition of depression is “feelings of severe despondency and dejection”. According to Audrey Willis, a writer in NCHPAD, most people who have any kind of depression usually don’t seek much needed help. In the novel “Ordinary People” by Judith Guest, Conrad, the main character, struggles with depression on the daily and the readers are by his side watching how it affects his relationships, personality, and view of himself. Big signs of depression that Conrad feels are: emptiness, guilt, worthlessness, irritation,...
Before they’ve even heard my full case history and list of symptoms they’ve already decided they can’t help me. Each one I’ve met with clings on to one symptom relationship they identify with, the one they believe will hold the answers and ignores all the other ones. They are doctors, they are qualified, they have devoted theirs lives to diagnosing, treating, and helping those in need. But most seem to forget that the body is made up of many systems that function together, therefore, how could one symptom relationship definitively explain the cause of the problem when the system is so complex. Yes, my experiences have left me jaded and idealizing a utopian medical society in which doctors actually listen to patients and collaborate with their peers until they find answers like...
Some of you already know how I spend my evenings, but many don’t. For the latter, here is the reality. Each evening, while you and your friends are preparing to go out to dinner or attend the next big party, I am at home changing, getting ready for work. Pulling on my scrubs, grabbing the most unflattering but comfortable shoes I own, double and triple checking my personal equipment, then I am out the door. While you are stumbling home from a night of drinking, I am standing over the fifth college student to come it that night from a drug overdose, monitoring their levels, ready to administer another dose of Narcan. My life is different, it is hard and stressful, but it is beyond rewarding. When I get to tell a family that their child is stable and will make a full recovery, when I get to...
People ask why some students are idiotic and are not serious about anything, why they are always so careless? Moreover, why do they keep failing? I say yes, we are careless and yes we are stubborn but when it is time to do something we are the most interested people of the bunch and will go to any extent to get the job done, still we FAIL, why? The teachers, some of them do not understand the importance of how people should do what they do. I think it is their job to understand us and teach us. Instead, they just like to Torture they do not care about anything because of their arrogance and the destructive ego that they have. They do not understand that it is they who is causing us students to fail and not them in selves.
The unexplainable feeling that we feel when such...
Like many of my colleagues I had hoped that the University would improve with the appointment of a new Vice Chancellor and a new Board of Governors following the previous breakdown of governance. How wrong we were.
What was once a good, regionally focussed teaching University has been systematically reduced to a shell, every year we are forced to make deeper and deeper cuts in order to meet the ambition of becoming a 2nd rate Russell Group imitator. Our student numbers have fallen dramatically due to your lack of strategy, misplaced belief we can become the Devon equivalent of the University of Southampton and a blatant disregard of the needs of our students.
Whilst many universities have invested in their campus and student support, seen growth and have financial security, Plymouth...
Entering high school seemed daunting at the time. But, when third hour rolled around and I walked into your classroom for the first time, this sense of ease washed over me and I felt calmer. I hadn't taken an Art class since 5th grade, so I had no idea what this was going to be like. It was a Foundations class, so we learned the basics, but man was it fun! I learned so much and was so excited every time 3rd hour rolled around. You'd always greet us with a smile and told us exactly what you had planned for the day. I remember there were projects I hated, but I did them anyways. By the end of the school year, your class was my only solid A+ class, the rest were decent, except for math, but who cares, right? Sophomore year came and I was so hyped for my schedule that I checked the mail every...
Dear student,
As this fall semester has come to a close, so has your first semester of college. You have learned more about yourself in these few short weeks than probably in your whole lifetime.
You have successfully lived away from home for months on end, on your own. No one was there to save you when you needed it. No comfort, no safety net, no home cooked meals to warm you up. No one actually knew who you were, yet you managed to make a name for yourself. A new name, one of which people respect and look up to. Not because they know your past but because they know your present. You have planted the seeds, and now it is the time to begin growing a reputation that will leave your college a little more colorful and alive.
Every failure first required an attempt. You were brave...
“An open letter to Donald J Trump”
Dear President Trump, the dawn of a new year approaches, and with this new era. Comes new ideals. One being that you should maybe stop and consider the possibilities of what NASA could do with the military's $717 billion dollar budget(1). But then again, that's just a thought.
Now, before I state the possibilities. I would just like to take the time to state that my argument is not one sided, nor biased. For I do understand your vision with military spending.
Having the world's largest army can help reinforce peace. Being that no one wants to pick a fight with the big man (US). However, your country has held this mantel for over 100 years. Yet all you have done is abuse your power. Considering the fact that since WW2. The United States of...