To the collective teaching body of primary schools,
As teachers, you possess a role of developing the young minds of our future, a heavy task to fill. It is through education that you the adults ensure that the younger generation are prepared culturally, morally, and intellectually to renew our ‘common world’. This exercise of adult authority is indispensable for the running of an effective system of education; thus, education must involve the passing on of cultural experience and knowledge to the next generation, something that cannot happen without authority. After reading “Wasted: Why Education Isn’t Educating”, I have found, though, that adult authority can have a negative influence on education, with many educators infantilizing their students- treating students with too much care...
Dear educators for the future,
I learned that there is a problem among many children in the United States with learning disabilities, and it seems more and more kids are prescribed medication to deal with these problems. The United States consumes about 85% of the world’s Ritalin which is the most common medicine to be given to ADHD patients to treat their issues. While the drug may help the child or patient temporarily, it also has side effects because it stimulates the brain in similar ways like cocaine which may cause undesirable changes in the brain over time.
The big thing we value in this country once a child has turn 4 or 5 is their education. When they enter school, you are the first teacher they will meet and learn from other than their parents and family since they were...
In no way do I have any experience as a teacher and in no way do I want to tell you, as educated and experienced professionals, how to do your job. I would simply like to give a glimpse of my perspective as an introverted student. Although no one is solely introverted or extroverted, people who lean more towards being introverted undoubtedly have different needs than extroverts in terms of learning. In contrasts to extroverts, introverts tend to feel drained by social interaction; therefore, they tend to behave more reserved, passive, and quiet. It may seem that the traits that make students introverted are more of a character flaw than a strength. Susan Cain believes that it’s quite the opposite though, just like how more extroverted people usually have the strengths of being...
To the Admissions Office it may concern,
In reflection of the recently past college application season, I have encountered a plethora of bitter emotions in regards to college acceptances and denials, many directed towards the admissions departments and officers who held applicants’ hopes and dreams, and many my own. However, in my introspection, I have come to the conclusion that I was actually to blame the whole time, and would like to issue an open apology for any misgivings I had in our American collegiate admissions system.
I would like to begin by apologizing for my 3.89 unweighted grade point average, and 1520 point SAT score. Choosing to suffer from mental illness in the 8th grade and receiving a 79 in French 2 is certainly a valid reason for why I am not...
Socialism is based on equality, which in itself is a false-hood. The matter of fact here is that, no-one is truly equal. Some people can do jobs others physically can’t, and vice versa.
That is why socialism, “which its goal is to have collective living and working arrangements, equal distribution of wealth, and equality of power”, doesn’t work. It kills the economy, creates governmental dependency, and lowers the quality of living. This is what George Orwell wrote in his allegory, Animal Farm, and the base of Ayn Rand’s novel, Anthem.
There is one thing that everybody has, the fact that they are them-self. This fact brings pride to them, a pride of self, or selfishness. Which, very few things, and or people, can get in the way of. That’s where governmental dependency comes...
After reading both Anthem by Ayn Rand and Animal Farm by George Orwell one message sticks out. That message is a warning against fanaticism. They work as cautionary tales of what happens when people blindly follow the rhetoric spewed by skilled orators instead of thinking for yourself. These books use the talking points of collectivist ideologies juxtaposed with the harsh realities that kind of mindset leads to in order to show how the extremes of collectivism are a complete failure.
Collectivism, primary the extremes of collectivism witnessed in these books are morally bankrupt. The similarities of both the book Animal Farm and historically in real life are almost ubiquitous. To begin with, we can look at the emergence of the new ruling a party. A group of people formed by the...
Race has been a controversial topic for years. The journey of eliminating discrimination and prejudice in society is an on-going journey to equality. We have gotten closer compared to the past decades but are still nowhere near close enough. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper lee, it shows the issues of race in their town of Maycomb set in the 1930’s. The town is divided and there are few openminded people. One of the few open-minded includes Atticus Finch who is the local lawyer who takes on all the controversial cases. He has two children, a daughter and a son. The daughters name is Scout and the son’s is Jem. Atticus throughout the book teaches his children life lessons through experience. He teaches them about the prejudice against the African American residents of the town...
Censorship is defined as the suppression or prohibition of any parts of films, news, etc.
Censorship by the American government has been ongoing since the 1700’s when politicians first censored news companies, publications, and reporters for printing information that made them seem like incompetent people and threats to society if elected to presidency. “Censorship in the United States” (Head). I was first exposed to the topic of censorship while reading the novel Fahrenheit 451, books and other forms of media are censored to prevent citizens from creating free thoughts and questioning what the government has done. Censorship is not a new practice, but it is one that needs to be considered now as a threat to societies safety.
The governments censorship is a form of suppression...
“No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” This is a quote from the Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream speech. He made this speech in 1963, he said those words over fifty years ago and we still aren’t at a point where everyone has justice. People still suffer from racism. It is better but still aren’t where we can be. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird we see Harper Lee show just what racism can do to someone.
Racism has affected our country so much. In 1865 there was an estimated 620,000 deaths, American deaths (Civil War Casualties). This was the cause of the civil war, a war that was caused by racism. We were at such a bad point that our country split in two and we fought against each...
I am a high school student who has just read Anthem by Ayn Rand and Animal Farm by George Orwell. Both have slight communist ideas in them. Communism is defined as each person works and is paid according to society’s needs, a decision not made by the individual. The most notable ones being the World Council from Anthem and, the animals in Animal Farm both representing communist ideas and how they will fail.
For instance, in Anthem, Equality 7-2521 discovery is not deemed as worthy even though it is something they need, right now in the book they only have candles. Equality is a scientist although his job as a street sweeper has been going on for a long time because he had no choice. By comparison, in Animal Farm the animals (communists) beat the farmer Mr. Jones and the humans (...