Dear Mr Loft,
In these times of global warming, recession, and exhortations by Governments to reduce our energy consumption and the carbon footprint, are you aware of the lack of a contribution you and your Homebase stores are making?
You may be aware that some 25% of household energy bills are composed of lighting costs. You may also be aware that there has been something of a revolution in the lighting industry in the last decade, with Compact Fluorescent “energy efficient” bulbs taking over from the traditional wasteful incandescent bulbs, and more recently, with LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs being the successor to CFL, halogen and fluorescent strip lights. LED bulbs use much less energy than other bulbs, do not generate heat, are versatile and come in a variety of shapes and...
I've only ever been on the other side of an administration; I'm normally the one getting up early to try and get 20 per cent off a TV or a few Xbox games for cheap. This year, for 2013, I'm the one in the firing line. Approximately one hour before I was meant to close my store, I was informed of the news not by my manager, not even by my area manager, but by Sky News. My employer, Jessops incase you hadn't already guessed, was in administration with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
I'll tell you a little more about working for Jessops. It's cushty.
Don't get me wrong, there are alot of things that make me lose my shit whilst working; most unfortunate is the fact that they have hands and heartbeats, but I still insanely enjoy my job. I'm a photographer; I have an incredible knowledge of...
Dear Mr Glickman.
When I go to the cinema, I go to see one of your (or your rivals’) films and I am prepared to sit through a number of new and fresh trailers that tell me what new films I might choose to go and see in the future. That’s all well and good. If I like the film you have produced, then I may well buy it on Blu-Ray DVD later.
But the watching of a film in the privacy of my own home should be a different experience to the movie theatre/cinema. I usually have a limited amount of time to see the film. Perhaps a couple of hours before bed, or before I go pick up the kids from school, or maybe I stretch the limited tolerance and impatience of the people I am watching the film with before they get fidgety and want to see something else or go off and do something else....
Dear Mr President
Your Space Agency, NASA, have announced that they plan to put man on Mars by 2037. That is some 80 years after the first space escapade; the successful launch of Sputnik 1 by the then U.S.S.R. The main thrust of the plan is to begin to build extend our “civilisation” onto other planets. Oh yes, and to see if there is or was any life on Mars.
Since the landing on the Moon in 1969 many trillions of dollars have been spent on space travel and subsequent expeditions to the moon. What has been the result? Apart from a damaging “space race” between the then two greatest worlds super powers that could have spilt over into nuclear Armageddon, what else was achieved? The invention of Teflon non-stick coating for saucepans, and Velcro hook and eye fastening are two. Oh and a...
Not that I’m promoting stalking, or saying you’re doing it all wrong, but I thought stalking was something like
that scene from Friends, (the one where Phoebe accidentally ends up dating the stalker meant for her sister.)
Okay, that’s an example of stalking going right, but still. In the present day there is no need to even leave your house, with the click of a few buttons we all seem to be doing that thing we call “Facebook stalking” from the comfort of our sofas. Adding ‘Facebook‘ in front of ‘stalking‘ does not make it okay girls and boys.
You don’t even need to be on your sofa in fact, with the power of smartphones you can be walking down the street checking out what your ex did last Friday.
Isn’t it all getting a bit weird?
Studies have shown that we are all getting...
Dear Twitter,
When I first saw you, it was love at first site. I knew we would connect. We connected. We continued staying connected. Until one day you closed down my account, god only knows for what reason.
After you closed my account I wrote you a love letter, but you ignored me. I hated you for a while. I thought you were not fair, you were cold, you were evil. But then time heals all wounds.
Years later, I proceeded to open up a new account. After all, bygones are bygones… Besides, there was a time when in all fairness we really connected… Just as expected, when I opened up my new account, you have sent me an email asking me to verify my email address. This I wouldn't really have minded, if it had worked. Firstly you ask me whether I am human (no, Twitter, I am an alien...
Dear Mr. Cutts,
For the past year, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation has conducted an investigation into a set of business practices that are being used in the household goods moving industry. This investigation has documented a number of troubling practices that certain companies use to confuse and mislead consumers while they are shopping for the services of a moving company. Because some of these practices involved consumers’ use of Internet search engines, I am writing to share the findings of this investigation with you.
Congress and law enforcement authorities have been working for years to protect American consumers from '‘bait and switch” moving scams, where moving companies agree to move consumers' goods for one price, but then dramatically...
Dear Nigerian Prince,
Thank you for your e-mail. I am ever so sorry to hear that your funds are trapped. However as good as your claim sounds I have decided against it. Therefore you will not be receiving my bank account details. But I don’t want you to think I am making the wrong decision so please read on to find out all the reasons why I decided against taking you up on your wonderful offer.
Reason One – You Cannot Spell
Over the years I have received a number of e-mails from you and each one has been riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. It has made me doubt that you are in fact a prince. If you had the amount of money you say you have I would have thought you would be able to spell. It also alarms me that a prince or government minister – whichever you are has...
on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 at 18:23 originally published on Facebook
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.
To make this possible, we have focused on giving you the tools you need to share and control your information. Starting with the very first version of Facebook five years ago, we've built tools that help you control what you share with which individuals and groups of people. Our work to improve privacy continues today.
Facebook's current privacy model revolves around "networks" — communities for your school, your company or your region. This worked well when Facebook was mostly used by students, since it made sense that a...