
i guess its my first time spending 23rd of April to celebrate your birthday AND IM VERY HONORED. thank you for becoming a man that inspires everyone with your songs, actions, everything. i want to write you a story but it will be so cringe i dont want you feel that way so i better not to do it right hahaha. actually i dont know what i want to say to you except thanks for being here and bless you. so, good bye? ps. im rooting for your new album^^
Dear Mac Miller: The day was September 7th, 2018. Death and you met. In many of your songs, you talked about how when it happened, it would be your time to go. Malcom, when you died, a piece of me and millions of others did too. Music is something we all learn about when we are young. We remember Disney music playing through our heads. When I was young, my older brother would show me music, a lot of it I probably shouldn't be listening to, but I was anyway. One day, my brother introduced me to an artist named Mac Miller. As I began to learn more of your music, I became inspired. The way you used your words to capture the heart and soul of every listener would raise your name to the top charts. Over time, everything changed. As a young kid in High School, you were making thousands of...
Dear Radegast, Our various bands have enjoyed performing for your customers for over 8 years. During that time we have helped your popularity grow, and brought our fans to be your paying customers. But in the past few months, you have not only cut our pay, forcing us to fire musicians and downsize our bands, but have now cut our food (50%) and drinks. Please consider the following: What you propose to pay us now, without food and drink, is below acceptable minimum pay for NYC musicians. You made this change without asking or even warning us in advance. Some musicians showed up hungry, and you forced them to buy food that should have been part of their pay. Cost of providing limited food and drink for musicians is relatively minimal, but makes a big difference to us. Hourly mean...
I remember it clearly, in New York to celebrate a close friend’s 40th and my bedside reading magazine stack, purchased en route included Rolling Stone, issue 1160 from 5 July 2012. What grabbed me was not just Deadmau5 on the cover with his Jeff Koons-esque ‘mash get smash’ robot-rodent mask grinning back at me, it was also the key quote from the article about the life of this enthralling EDM-DJ: "Zimmerman, better known as the electronic-dance musician Deadmau5, is about to fly to Oslo to kick off his European summer tour. His flight was supposed to take off two hours ago, but he was late coming into Heathrow from Las Vegas, where he was performing one of his frequent gigs at the Encore Resort - for which he's paid, as his friend Steve Wynn, the resort's owner, put it, "more...
Eric Austin After reading and watching the crucible I noticed that the people who were considered to be superior in the town only believed what they wanted to believe. This is very similar to how people view hip hop and rap. My targeted audience in this letter is news and the media. News channels want to voice their opinions about how today's hip-hop and rap artists are encouraging young people to be violent and do drugs. These artists have become scapegoats for the public to use when any type of violence or drug abuse pops up from the youth. What people fail to notice is that in the 70’s rock music was centered around drugs. What people fail to see now is that artists like Demi Lovato do cocaine
Taylor Swift entered the music industry in 2006 when she was seventeen years old. She's nearly 29 years old now. It's been thirteen years and somehow, no one expected any kind of change ever. She changed from country to pop and I've seen hundreds of comments about how they miss the "old Taylor". Now, she's changed some aspects (less than a full genre change), but today, I saw a comment on my favorite Taylor Swift song's music video reading: "Old Taylor 1989-2017". No. Taylor Swift is allowed to change her style as much as she wants. Everyone considers themselves a "true fan" and says the "if you're a true fan..." crap. Well, then let Taylor change. You don't have to keep listening. I know damn well that tomorrow when Reputation is released on iTunes, I'll be listening to it all...
The news of Chester Bennington shook me to the core. The severity of one's pain and suffering is the most puzzling and foreign emotion to ever exist. We say what we feel, but there is still that void that cannot fulfill or reveal what is really taking a toll on our emotions. If it were to be, then it would be a "cure" to our suicidal thoughts. It will never be permanently removed. It will remain forever ingrained into our bones. For some, it will not impact their lifestyle. For others though, it will remain strong as ever to the point where they become lifeless and shed no emotion to the world. As I am finishing this post, I am currently hesitant because I have the tendency to feel very insecure and overly concerned about my grammars and what not. But today is a "I don't give a hoot"...
Dear Kanye, We are honored to be writing such an important star. We are not sure if we are worthy enough to address you, but we’ve been fans since day one. You have been a successful rap artist for a decade now and are coming off a year for the record books. We wish you and your family nothing but more success and more life. Anyway, please excuse our interference in your life for a quick second. We have been meaning to write you this letter for quite some time now, but after sitting through WRT 205 for a whole semester, we knew it was the right time. Being as famous as you are comes with a lot of status and responsibility. You have millions of fans who look up to you and adore everything you do as I’m sure you know, but with great power comes great responsibility and great...
Hello, my name is Rob. I am a teacher of music in northern VA, and I also play bass in a band here in DC, Wings Denied. We are managed and have toured nationally as well as many east coast ventures. For the past year and a half our singer has been unable to join us in the states due to visa issues. Our singer is from Croatia. He graduated from university here, which is where we all met. He is a good friend and hardworking band member. His name is Luka and he is no threat to the US. As a matter of truth he is an asset to our arts here and our ability to still follow dreams here in America. I would even vouch for him myself. The problem is Wings Denied is not large enough as a band to warrant an artist visa, we are told, yet he cannot tour with a band and earn a living without said artist...
Critics of the new Coldplay hit single ‘Hymn for the Weekend’ complain that it’s the old ‘Exotic India’ package in a new bottle – Holi, street kids, a cacophony of the usual sadhu-street performer combo. Most critics don’t seem to have actually ‘heard’ the song – it’s about celebrating the intoxication of love For those who haven’t really understood the lyrics (Coldplay songs are famed for needing a look at the lyrics sheet), the song is nothing spiritual, despite a first look indicating just that. When Coldplay frontman Chris Martin first wrote 'Hymn for the weekend', it was a party anthem. This is what band bassist Guy Berryman told the BBC: "It actually started off being quite a different vibe, this song… Chris was wanting to write a sort of party song. The words were '...
