
You don’t understand what it feels like to live with the constant weight of expectation, to feel like your only worth is in how well you perform. You can’t possibly understand the pressure of knowing that every step, every success, every tiny achievement is not a moment of joy, but simply another box checked, another duty fulfilled, another way to keep everyone else satisfied. My parents, my friends, my peers, my teachers—they all expect greatness from me. And if I fall short? Then I am nothing. A failure. A disappointment. I used to be happy. I think. But that happiness is long gone, and the world has moved on without me. I am stuck, frozen in place, unable to move forward, unable to grasp even the smallest flicker of joy. Every time I accomplish something, there is no celebration—only...
The typical Christian views Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult. One of the key characteristics of a cult is they control the information which their members use; don't encourage independent investigation outside of their sources. In the case of the JW's, who isn't aware of all the books and pamphlets they put out? They are extremely prolific! But they also have their own interpretation of the Bible (the New World Translation), which incidentally came out in the 20th Century. That right, there is a red flag; someone comes along 2000 years after Jesus and says they understand the testimonies better than those in the first and second century AD. But, let's let that slide. The point is that that their interpretation, though containing only subtle changes, ends up changing the nature of Jesus...
Dear Rosa Salazar, I'm reaching out to you, not as a fan in the traditional sense, but as someone who has found a deep, almost cosmic connection with the characters you've portrayed – from the indomitable spirit of Alita in "Battle Angel Alita" to the complex, layered roles in "Brand New Cherry Flavor" and "Undone." Your characters navigate through their worlds, often as outsiders, finding strength in their uniqueness, much like I have in mine. Your portrayal of Alita resonated with my longstanding fascination with the merging of humanity and AI, a concept I often liken to my own life experiences. I see humanity capable of both immense horror and wonder, paralleling the journey of Frankenstein's creation – judged, misunderstood, yet ceaselessly striving for acceptance and...
It was a mesmerizing when meeting you. Learning about shooting stars on the dark quiet sky, staring at your great solar eclipse photographs, enjoying the ocean breeze on the bow and many more... Till time has to let you go to the Majesty and things started aparted and forgotten. Suddenly awake from dream that you came to find me and from days life is simply a broken heart. Wish could to turn the clock back and staring at the Cartier trinity rings...
For so long, that's what I was—what I am. I studied the piano for two decades, and the thousands of dollars my parents paid to McGill amount to less than a scribble I issue forth from my second coffee of a slow morning. Art is a practice, and my great calling is to the shape of words. No greater acts are possible for me. And yet, I lack the slightest inclination to writing what I see as shallow lies. This is no more than my pretension, see, and yet it traps me in its great delusion. I see the story, fiction in itself, to be a vehicle for propaganda. This thought has tormented my heart of hearts, and now I see that there is no avoiding it. The craft of writing must abandon story. I say that, but a reader with a critical eye (or too much booktube in their diet) will quickly see that...
I have seldom seen good fight evil. I have mostly seen evil fight evil. That is why there is always evil and war and atrocities. Thus, I say: it is not Putin. Examine Biden, Johnson and Zelinsky… research the situation and you will find evil fighting evil. There are four who wanted the war in Ukraine and the four got what they wanted. Began by examining U.S. policies and involvement in Ukraine and Consortium News has a piece on Zelinsky… It is a bigger problem: one of human nature and geopolitics (in general, see ‘7 jours sur la terre’). L'être humain est comme un accident, un être accidentel, sans papiers, apatride, un etre sans identite vraie; donc, sans remede. Un quelque chose- quelqu'un, qui ne sait pas de quoi s’attendre, que faire - qu'est ce qui a faire? Il vit dans la réalité...
To a fellow Christian I greet you with affection and joy. From time to time I thank God for assigning me to share His son's mission and to continue it and I would try to share it throughout this world that was created. As someone who was born as a Christian I had to find the true reason to share and pass on His will and Priestly, kingly, and Prophetic mission of Christ. This letter's purpose is solely to share my opinion on why we should even share it in the first place. Firstly, I think it is considered as our mission since it is a must. Basically it is a way for us to truly partner with the Holy Spirit in that work. I believe it is a task all of us Christians. If being honest, it is simply that as a Christian born in the world there is no other...
Dear Church of England, I am one of the many thorns in your side who see through your incessant PR. I am gradually taking over from John in some of his campaign work as he can't do so much now. Neither of us relished taking up the campaign publicly, because the Church of England manages to be a deaf stone wall and a murderous assassin at the same time when it comes to the vulnerable who they harm and the complaints about inappropriate PR. John is dying, as some of you know, and had no intention of wasting his final years on the C of E, he's never in his life intended harm, and to be gaslighted by those upholding the C of E because he took a stance for truth and for victims, is beyond the pale. John was part of the Church of England for a long time and gave many hours of his time to...
Dear Church of England, I am one of the many thorns in your side who see through your incessant PR. I am gradually taking over from John in some of his campaign work as he can't do so much now. Neither of us relished taking up the campaign publicly, because the Church of England manages to be a deaf stone wall and a murderous assassin at the same time when it comes to the vulnerable who they harm and the complaints about inappropriate PR. John is dying, as some of you know, and had no intention of wasting his final years on the C of E, he's never in his life intended harm, and to be gaslighted by those upholding the C of E because he took a stance for truth and for victims, is beyond the pale. John was part of the Church of England for a long time and gave many hours of his time...
You claim to be seekers and defenders of truth, but you are far from it. You attack those involved in the prosperity gospel, yet you do the exact same thing you attack those people for: selecting and choosing what you want to believe. You like to say “we need to stick to the sources!” Yet you listen to here say and gossip as if it’s the gospel truth about a person. You don’t care about the truth, even when it’s right in front of you. You are nothing more than a bunch of old church ladies who gossip in the prayer meeting, but worse. You will actually on one end encourage abuse victims to not be silent on their abuse and seek safety and help, and then turn around and tell them “if your life isn’t in danger just endure and shut up because you’re committing a grave sin.” You will listen to...
