Sharing The Priestly, Kingly, and Prophetic mission of Christ by Az

Subject: Sharing The Priestly, Kingly, and Prophetic mission of Christ by Az
From: Reader
Date: 10 Mar 2022

To a fellow Christian I greet you with affection and
joy. From time to time I thank God for assigning me
to share His son's mission and to continue it and I
would try to share it throughout this world that
was created. As someone who was born as a
Christian I had to find the true reason to share
and pass on His will and Priestly, kingly, and
Prophetic mission of Christ. This letter's purpose
is solely to share my opinion on why we should
even share it in the first place. Firstly, I think it is
considered as our mission since it is a must.
Basically it is a way for us to truly partner with the
Holy Spirit in that work. I believe it is a task all of us
Christians. If being honest, it is simply that as a
Christian born in the world there is no other reason
other than stating it is a sin and just by the fact that
We have been commanded to do so and we must
preach the gospel to all creation as a way to thank
our creator for bringing us to this world!
