As we prepare for the upcoming Doomsday event, we stand on the brink of a monumental challenge that will test the strength, strategy, and unity of us all. This is not just another battle — it is an opportunity to rise together, forge powerful alliances, and make history.
We, the top alliance of state 1451, extend a hand of camaraderie and strategic partnership. We invite you, the leaders of the most formidable alliances across every state, to join us in a special Line chat where we can come together to strategize, share insights, and plan our collective success.
This initiative is not about dominance or control; it’s about collaboration. By uniting our knowledge and resources, we can avoid unnecessary conflicts, maximize our rewards, and ensure a smoother path to victory for all our...
Dear Fellow Prince Fans,
I hope this letter finds you well, immersed in the timeless grooves and transcendent melodies of our beloved Prince. As a lifelong fan, I felt compelled to reach out to you all, kindred spirits who share the same passion and reverence for an artist whose legacy is nothing short of legendary.
Prince Rogers Nelson was more than just a musician; he was a visionary, a trailblazer, and an icon who redefined what it means to be an artist. His impact on music, culture, and countless lives is immeasurable. While his fame in the 1980s brought us unforgettable hits like “Purple Rain,” “When Doves Cry,” and “Kiss,” there is so much more to his legacy that we must cherish and preserve.
In the years following his peak commercial success, Prince continued to produce an...
Our core mission is simple: to help our artists and songwriters attain their greatest creative and commercial potential. To achieve these goals, our teams employ their expertise and passion to strike deals with partners all around the world, partners who take seriously their responsibilities to fairly compensate our artists and songwriters and treat the user experience with respect.
One of those partners is TikTok, an increasingly influential platform with powerful technology and a massive worldwide user base. As with many other platforms with whom we partner, TikTok’s success as one of the world’s largest social platforms has been built in large part on the music created by our artists and songwriters. Its senior executives proudly state publicly that “music is at the heart...
Open Letter to Kanye West……….
Since 2007 I’ve started my day working out in some form or another. The one thing that stayed consistent over the years was - the beginning of my playlist. Full blast “Did you realize, that you were a Champion in their eyes, Yes I Did”. That was my song, my motivation, my get your ass up and do the damn thang. Whatever that was for me at the time.
I developed a Love/Hate Relationship with you.
I hated the moment you tarnished Taylor Swift’s award acceptance.
I loved that you had the guts to say on camera that “George Bush” didn’t care about Black People.
I hated the moment you married Kim Kardashian. (Not because I don’t like her) But you never loved her. (And I don’t believe she ever loved you) She was simply the other end of your “...
Dear Showmasters LFCC,
I am writing this open letter in regards to this weekends convention at the Olympia London specifically Joseph Quinn.
Firstly I would like to state that I cannot comment on how Joseph felt during the weekend because I am not him and I do not know him personally. He stated during his talk that he was being treated well.
However I can comment from a fan perspective. As I'm sure you are aware, alot of Josephs fans have given negative feedback on the event, specifically on the Saturday. This includes but is not limited to;
- Overbooking of tickets/passes
- Rude and aggressive event staff
There are many reports that on the Saturday Joseph was being told not to hug or even to talk to fans during photos and signings and that at one point he was yelled at by...
i know that we live in a far different world compared to when i was younger, i think that part of me hates social media and hates the fact that we as people use it to pretend we know who a celeb is truly and what they are like.
Hollywood is fake we all know that what we see is not real, actors who pretend to be someone they are not to make us feel entertained.
social media as a way to connect us and celebs is not an idea but it can be dangerous,
we do not know anyone that we see on TV, and i think we like to feel as if we do.
social media is harmful to us a people and you throw in celebs and we have people that use it for the wrong reasons, or the fact that celebs try to use it to make a statement too.
social media is a way for anyone to show who they want to be and what they...
Adam Gibbs
54, Anthony Road
Date: October 11th, 2021
The Chairman
Well Homes Housing Society
Sub: Permission Letter For Construction of House
Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter to submit my request for constructing a house in your esteemed society. In 2012, I had purchased a plot in the society but because of some reasons I was unable to build a house on the same. Now as I am in a position to construct one, I would like to seek your permission to take the process of house construction ahead.
I am planning to construction a one story house the layout of which has been designed keeping in mind the house construction norms of the society. The expected duration of construction is around 12 to 15 months.
For your...
Dear Hollywood,
Throughout my time in quarantine or isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have really been able to spend lots of time watching movies. I considered myself a movie fanatic before the pandemic struck, but as it stands now I was nowhere near what I have become today. I have been able to sit down and really take note of the little details of each story that a movie tells more so than I have ever before. After the countless movies that I now see on my “Watch it again” list across my streaming services, I have come to notice some fairly disappointing things.
It seems really in light of the 2020 election taking place and with the majority of the world stuck inside due to the pandemic, the movie industry has been using their work as more of a source of political...
Open letter to Matt
You were my favorite bachelor but you got some things wrong in the end. Here’s the is hard to find. Really hard. And it takes lots of work to keep it. Don’t let too much time slip through your fingers as you contemplate ways not to be your dad. And while you honor your mom, make sure that you don’t let yourself live behind her lens of grief and loss. You are not your dad, but ironically some of your contemplations about how not to be him brought actions that actually put you in a lane with him.
Tonight, we saw you sitting across from Rachel; a woman who clearly loves you with everything she has. She’s been publicly humiliated, ridiculed and suffered tremendous loss for some stupid decisions she made out of immaturity and ignorance. Something we’ve all...
Why do we continue to support an industry that destroys lives? Why do we so eagerly consume products that cause harm to those producing them? I’m talking about the pornography industry. Maybe you’ve seen posts about this industry or the hashtag “cancel porn” all over social media. Maybe you’ve heard of some of the negative effects porn can have on a person. Either way, many people are unaware of just how harmful this industry can be.
This is a touchy subject, and there are so many different opinions and views on this industry. But, regardless of what your current beliefs are, I want to share some statistics with you. Every second, it is estimated that nearly 30,000 internet users are watching porn. About 35% of all internet downloads are pornography related. Globally, the...