
My man Floyd! My name is Anthony 'The Man' Mundine! I am the uncrowned best athlete of all time! (check my resume). I was a rugby superstar before I quit at the top of my game due to racism...
I thought this would never happen but it is time for me to say goodbye to Chelsea. The club I have lived every single minute for since joining in July 2004, the club in which I thought I'd hang my gloves and boots one day and finish my career. But life doesn't always turn out the way you think it will. Since 2004 it has been an incredible journey with so many highs and not many lows. We have managed to win every single English trophy as well as the Europa League and the biggest of all - Champions League. Looking back at all the achievements, including our first-ever league double in 2010, back-to-back titles in 2005 and 2006, and multiple EPL and FA Cup wins, I couldn't be more proud! As a team we made history together! Last summer, things changed and I understood I was no longer...
Dear Steve... Coach Kerr, Steve-o, The Steve Man, The things you've accomplished with the Warriors in half a season are downright impressive. Kudos. It's clear that teams who have spent years looking for a franchise head coach should have been looking no further than you. That includes the previously aimless Houston Rockets. And don't worry about Mark Jackson, that's just sour grapes. The entire league has your back. When you've got a team with championship pieces but can't keep things copacetic you're not doing your job as a coach. Klay Thompson deserves big ups as well. Setting league records, knocking down threes and making the All-Star Game. I think it's safe to say he's proved every front office executive that wanted to deal him for Kevin Love dead wrong. Well, it's not...
Dear Boss, A big month ahead of us, wouldn’t you say, Gaffer? The Hammers entertain us over the weekend, and then Burnley turn up for a mid-week romp. Still, a cursory glance at our fixtures this month would tell you that we could very well walk into March having won five on the trot. Before you fly off the handle, boss, bemoaning my impudence, let me say something. This is a very academic exercise, reserved for the inner recesses of my mind – a happier place where I actually have the balls to write you a letter. Which is why concerns of language have been thrown out the window – the idea is to express my thoughts free of any boundaries that would exist in real life. Now that we have that out of the way, let me return to a quite glorious prospect – 12 points from four Premier...
Dear Rafa, I'm writing to you today just weeks after writing to your brutal boss Roman Abramovich (it still amazes me that he thought you were more than an apt replacement for our legendary Roberto Di Matteo) and I'd like to notify you that I will be praying for the club to decide against extending your contract when the summer comes. I thought I'd bring to your attention the fact that the fans do not like you. The reason I'm doing this is only because you are either a) thick-skinned enough to simply ignore the boos that ring around Stamford Bridge or b) hard of hearing and therefore require a hearing aid. Unlike many other Chelsea fans, I was quite satisfied to see you take the reigns at Stamford Bridge. Of course, I was still smarting from the manner in which Di Matteo departed...
Dear Gus, I remember my first experience of the Stadium of Light. It was the magnificent Niall Quinn-Kevin Phillips era. Sunderland steamrollered teams with their high-energy, passionate football under Peter Reid. One year they were in second place in January and had a showdown with leaders Manchester United. The noise, the anticipation, the hope. It was the high watermark of the modern era on Wearside. But that’s “living in the past”, like you said. Living in the present has become painful. This season, watching Sunderland is a drag. BPIAnthony Reveillere of Sunderland rues a missed chance on goal Two home league wins means that usually I walk away from the Stadium of Light drained of inspiration, ­frustrated, with an empty feeling. And I get paid to watch. This was...
Dear Danny Ainge, Man, I seriously don't know what to think of you. There are times when I like you and times where I absolutely fucking hate you. I credit you for bringing the Big 3 together and bringing us Banner 17, but I also credit you for the demise. I don't think we needed a complete rebuild but maybe some tweaks. First, you trade Paul Pierce who is Boston. He could've been a lifer like Dirk, Kobe, and Timmy but you ruined his legacy. He could've been a good piece with this year's playoff team. You could've had him for a 16th year here rather than a forgettable year in Brooklyn. KG and Ray were good pieces too but it looked rocky since you were trying to trade Ray since 09. KG was always a good piece too but I know he's a T-Wolf at heart. Then you get rid of Doc and Rondo...
Dear Gary Bettman, Commissioner of the National Hockey League, Tom Renney, President and CEO of Hockey Canada, and David Branch, President of the Canadian Hockey League; Canadians have always seen themselves as fair minded and tolerant people. Studies conducted by various sources (e.g. Canadian Human Rights Commission, Ekos Research Associates, Ipsos Reid, etc.), however, show that racism remains a fact of life in Canada. What’s more, it’s prevalent in all aspects of society. Even the “sport of hockey” is not immune from the disease that is racism. Messrs. Bettman, Renney and Branch, racism in all its forms in hockey is often overlooked, downplayed or underrated as a critical issue. As noted in the Annex (History of Racial Incidents in Hockey -
Dear Sir / Madam, On behalf of the committee of the Melton Warriors Rugby Union Club, I would like to introduce you with the opportunity of becoming a sponsor of rugby union, in Melton. 2015 Marks the 40th anniversary of the Melton Rugby Union Football Club and our aim with the current committee is to renew our reputation as a family friendly club, that will continue to grow and become an integral part of the Melton community and provide an ongoing opportunity for Rugby enthusiasts to play the game. With support from the Victorian Rugby Union...
Dear Sean Taylor, I want to thank you. I know you’re gone and we as football fans miss you but everyday you continue to inspire me day in and day out. I’m a Hurricane fan to death and you were by far my favorite player to dawn the orange and green that few get to. Every time I watch the tributes and the highlights I tear up, we all know that you were taken to soon and we know that we’ll never get to see you hit another receiver again. Though it may seem almost contradictory, you’ve connected with football fans even though you rarely talked to the media. Through the interviews I’ve watched, you’ve been one of the most humble and everyone loved you. When players like Clinton Portis is worried that they’ll lost their job to a freshman running back and are surprised that you’re...
