
Dear David, Before you make your decision to either stay or leave Manchester United, you need to do a little reminiscing and soul searching. Remember that you were relatively unknown until the club introduced you to the world. Remember your first season when your confidence was so low you couldn’t hold on firmly to almost every crossed ball and everyone made a mockery of your talent. Remember how your confidence used to fail you so much you spilled Phil Bardsley’s feeble shot into the net in the final minute of extra time at the Capital One Cup semi final 2nd leg. It was Manchester United’s game against Sunderland in 2013/2014 season – a mistake that was a catalyst for the eventual exit of Manchester United from that competition. There were other frequently occurring embarrassing goofs...
Dear Jose, First I want to congratulate your side for winning the Premier League. I agree that it is the hardest competition to win throughout Europe. I also want to put a few things straight. Chelsea have undoubtedly been the strongest team this year and I will agree that many of the journalists and fans calling them ‘boring’ is pretty unfair as they have been set up to play to their strengths depending on which team they are up against. I can only apologise for some of the low comments made from Arsenal fans regarding this point especially when we have been in the past labelled ‘Boring, Boring Arsenal’, but this period was also very good for our club in terms of trophies. What I will say though is this. Football sometimes is unjust. Chelsea are a disgrace, have absolutely no...
Dear José Mourinho and various Chelsea fans, I gotta hand it to you. You've won this thing before a minute of football has even been played. No matter the actual outcome, you've got the inside angle on winning. If Chelsea win, of course, the story is simple: Arsène Wenger continues to be a specialist in failure. If Arsenal win, however much this complicates the plot, you can dismiss it in your snide, sneering self-serving way. It's only the Community Shield, after all. No one takes it seriously anymore – that is, if anyone ever did take it seriously in the first place. Yep. That's right. You and Chelsea are in the enviable no-risk position of going into a match whose outcome means nothing. Do whatever you want. Win, lose, it doesn't matter. And yet... In any other season, this might...
Dear Oscar Now that you've been sentenced, you may well be angry and sad, and unwilling to seek or take advice, but if you are to make the most of your future, which could still be positive and useful, now is the time to pause, take stock, and chart new directions. You've become very accustomed to paying a lot of money for advice, whether or not it was good for you, or mainly good for the folks charging you. This is free! Emotions: there's been much too much talk about these, and rather a lot of emotional incontinence. Express them in private. I think it was unfair when your emotional displays in court were dismissed as entirely mere playacting. I think they were exaggerated, though, probably with some unfortunate encouragement by those who should know better. And once one...
Dear Liverpool fans, Not to go all Britney Spears Youtube guy on you, but y'all need to leave Mario Balotelli alone. You are not making the club look any better by hating on Mario Balotelli. In fact, you're making it look worse. Y'all are part of the reason players like Raheem Sterling want to leave Liverpool. Who would want to stay at a club where the fans treat the players like sh*t then expect them to go perform miracles on the pitch? Not me. If Steven Gerrard, or even Jordan Henderson, had been the one congratulating Sterling you would have applauded it and said it reflected that person's impeccable leasdrship qualities or some other bullsh*t. Is this just racism? Is it because he's black? Is it because he's not English? You can't treat players like Balotelli like...
Dear Raheem, You're finally leaving us. Your games with the media have worked out for you and you're heading off down the East Lancs Road to play for the second most famous team in the North West's second most famous city. Good luck on your new adventure, no hard feelings, hope it works out. I can't say that I speak on behalf of all Liverpool fans in wishing you good luck and especially not in saying no hard feelings – I've heard lots of things wished on you and luck certainly hasn't been the main one. But still, all good things must come to an end, and you've got a new set of fans to try to make happy now. As I say, good luck with that. Those new fans will probably disagree with the bit about theirs being the second most famous city in the North West, as of course they're...
In the midst of the euphoria surrounding Conor McGregor’s championship victory at UFC 189, Paul Kimmage bucked the trend by describing MMA as "barbaric" and claiming to be "repulsed" by the sport. MMA is not for everybody. Thankfully, those who don’t aren't forced to watch. In truth, unless you have paid subscription to a particular sports package, it can be difficult to find MMA events on television. While I can understand his sentiments, unless you have attended local Irish MMA events or watched entire UFC cards, you won’t fully appreciate what the sport is all about. I’m not for a second saying you have to be a black belt in some martial art or a hardcore fan to "get it". But if you’re relying on highlight packages and clips from the end of a fight, like McGregor's on Saturday...
Dear Raheem, It looks like you're finally leaving us, that your games with the media have worked out for you and that you're heading off down the East Lancs Road to play for the second most famous team in the North West's second most famous city. Good luck on your new adventure, no hard feelings, hope it works out for you. I can't say that I speak on behalf of all Liverpool fans in wishing you good luck and especially not in saying no hard feelings - I've heard lots of things wished on you and luck certainly hasn't been the main one. But still, all good things must come to an end and you've got a new set of fans to try and make happy now. As I say, good luck with that. Those new fans will probably disagree with the bit about theirs being the second most famous city in the North...
Dear Cleveland, First off, congrats! You've gotten your prodigal son back. You've adorned him with gifts and thrown the great party. You've told the jealous older brother (The Browns) that they have always been there and you still love them. You do have a propensity for prodigal sons. From Josh Gordon, to Johnny Manziel, to Rick Vaughn they seem to stick to your fair city like glue. I'll say I'm a little envious as a Spurs fan. Our biggest prodigals have been Stephen Jackson and DeJuan Blair. MUST READS UPDATED: Fraternizing w/the Enemy: Cavs edition Second, you're welcome for getting your son to come home. Don't ever forget he came home when he did because of this. You've tracked planes, moving trucks and loitered outside LeBron James' home. We love that. As a Spurs fan, I...
As a longtime Dallas Mavericks fan, I have to comment on this matter right away. What Deandre Jordan and the L.A. Clippers Officials did today was an absolute DISGRACE to everybody who values honesty and sincerity in the NBA. Personally, I used to like the Clippers for their efforts to turn a perpetually unsuccessful franchise around, but with this move, I have lost ALL of my respect for Deandre, Steve Ballmer, Doc Rivers and everybody else involved and with them nothing but the worst for their future. If media reports are true, then Deandre is the main one to blame for 1. verbally agreeing to sign with Dallas, thus making Dallas stop reaching out to other free agent centers 2. getting second thoughts on his "decision" after a couple of days without any significant changes in...
