There are too many of you, and quite frankly your types are acting more rabid than ever.
Even as you bemoan letting in migrants and refugees because they "make your nation less civilized" as you sit and drink your wine and as some of them drown in conditions that would leave you crying like the egocentric ... people you are.
I guess you MUST take to stuffing strawman arguments (They're going to push us to Sharia, even though there's no way they could reach citizenship status in that case!) (They'll make us less civilized!) into the mouths of people you've never even known, because it's pretty clear that you can't live as an example. I say this as a civilized individual who is talking to some... beings (excluding the reader if they happen to have actual empathy). A very delusional type that think that there's anything "civilized" in leaving people to die and rot because of your own logical fallacy of a strawman argument.
I'm just going to make this straightforward. You probably know it and I know it as well. You have deadly intentions for others. Just like the Nazis did.
I can ignore your random strawman arguments, I can spitefully watch as you display your psychopathic traits and narcissistic personality disorder as you refuse to lend a hand to those who are dying (or otherwise disadvantaged) because they happen to not be of your nation. But if you lay a hand on those I care about, I am going to defend them with my life, even if it ends up being a fight to the death.
Granted, even if I worry for violent conflict breaking out, I am, unlike some of you, not going to act on it until someone is actually nearing harm's way.
But I won't lie. My heart cries out every time I hear of refugees drowning at sea because the oh-so civilized nations didn't want to accept them. Instead of trying to show them what could be a beautiful world, you surround yourself in your rotten fort as a fetid smell from the surrounding water occurs following the sheer weight of the death you refuse to aid, and may as well have caused as a result.
Maybe some of you will finally, somehow, gain empathy and be able to smell that stench, even if your nose doesn't. It is but a small hope of mine, however.
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein.