Dear Sirs and Madams
In the UK, and in other countries, Governments are re-considering their drugs policies. This is against a background of increasingly softer attitudes towards recreational drugs, and in the UK, in the light of one report that “the war against drugs is lost”.
With a recession, more and more demonstrations in the streets of Europe, people out of work and with more time on their hands, it may be tempted to see this as the right time to de-criminalise softer drugs, and making use of harder drugs something that needs treatment rather than punishment.
Surely the time must be right to relax policies, allow indulgences of the softer drugs such as marijuana, and weaker amphetamines, which, some would argue, are less harmful than drinking alcohol, or, in the long time,...
Shame on you US and UK. The US (and of course their tail-wagging partners, Israel) refused to recognise Palestine’s diplomatic status within the United Nations, while the UK in a cringe-making move, abstained. But the outcome is there for all to see: The UN General Assembly, voted overwhelmingly to enhance Palestine's diplomatic status at the United Nations yesterday. Was it a close-run thing? No. US and UK, just look at the figures here- the resolution was approved by 138-9 on the General Assembly. 9 against, and 41 abstentions. 138 recognising that the Palestinian Authority has a right to exist in the UN as a "non-member state" from the previous category of "entity". It is now has the same status as the Vatican!
I hope that this will pave the way for the Palestinian Authority to...
Dear David Cameron,
We now know that thousands of children each year are being sexually exploited by gangs in England "who humiliate, violate and control them", according to an interim report by the Office of the Children's Commissioner. Figures published midway through a two-year inquiry, which was ordered by the government, found 2,409 children and young people were confirmed victims between August 2010 and October 2011.
I am sure you will have been shocked by the prevalence of this, which seems to carry across all nationalities, despite what some sections of the press are saying about Asian men “not abusing their own”. That was probably fuelled by papers that were released two months ago which allegedly showed agencies in Rotherham were aware of allegations of widespread targeted...
Dear Prime Minister.
I understand that you are supporting a proposal to have a minimum price per unit of alcohol. It seems that it will probably be about 40p-50p per unit of alcohol. That would make a can of average strength lager £2 per can, and a bottle of supermarket red wine £6.50. I understand that the Treasury is in turmoil because they fear that they will lose revenue because people will buy less alcohol as a result, and they will raise less in taxes. That may be so, but I come at this from a different angle.
If alcohol is a bad drug and should be banned because it is harming the fabric of the nation, then ban it. If its use by some people causes problems, such as in antisocial behaviour, and/or a strain on the NHS, then address the people who have this problem. But do not take...
Dear Microsoft Corporation,
I felt it was important for you to understand that I have a moral objection to gay “marriage.” Since you have seen fit to place your endorsement in support of gay “marriage;” forcing me to conscientiously object; you need to understand that I will not willingly financially support your corporation again. It is unfortunate, because I’ve always appreciated your professionalism and quality of design, in the past. Your actions indicate you do not respect my moral values, and no longer want my business, so I will comply. I will do everything within my power to support other technology companies which do not feel the need to force their political views upon me.
As individuals you have a right to support anything you want. As a corporation, you have a fiscal...
Manchester, 9.11.2012
As was widely reported in the news today, London an Anglo-German team of astronomers have discovered a new planet orbiting a nearby sun at just the right distance for an Earth-like climate that could support life. And life as we know it- or at least, intelligent, sentient life, rather than a space amoeba. The planet is at a distance from the star in an area known as the Goldilocks zone after the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears; a distance where, like Goldilocks’ sampling of the bears’ bowls of porridge, it’s neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right. Just right for liquid water to exist on the planet (our planet is made up of two thirds surface water).
The sun for this planet, Star HD40307, is a relatively stable and old dwarf star that has been...
President Obama, Everyday we see your heart and character, inspiring all of us to give more of ourselves.
'You are the leader to take us from where we are to where we need to be. You are the reason my daughter and nephew will grow up knowing that they can truly be ANYTHING they want to be.'
All my respect and adoration, Beyoncé.
appeared originally on Nathanial
Dear Mr...