
By buying plenty of Google Ads and Adwords any scam operation can fill the first page of Google search results with whatever they like and even their own blog reviews. Since they are paying over $1,000 a month for those cherish first page views, you will only find the most favorable praise on page 1 of a google search result, until the paid spots dry up. This is an ideal but expensive way for someone with a bad reputation to conceal their history of complaints online. So is google helping scammers cheat people? Yes, but not by intent. Their sales reps are not vetting advertisers as they strive to meet sales goals. Here is an experiment you can do yourself to see what we are talking about here... Using Google, search "Gi2c" and you will see not much stands out to raise any red flags....
I was in third grade. Nine years old. I had just started at a new school in downtown Jacksonville. It was the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, and you had called my school, claiming to be my father, and said for me to get on the bus to go to the doughnut shop, where my bus stop was for my dad's house, for a reason I have long since forgotten about. At the end of the day, I got on the bus for my dad's house, and went on my way, completely unaware that something was wrong. My nine-year-old brain oblivious to the fact that I was possibly going to be kidnapped. When I got off, I didn't see my dad's car, which was normal, but he was usually a few minutes late anyways. When my dad hadn't show up, and preschool van pulled up, and the lady asked where my parents were. I told...
I was adopted when I was very young I am a victim of abuse I got slammed into kitchen cabinets and my mouth busted open I tried everything to get out of my situation but know one wants to help me my school even called cps so many times but they kicked the abuser out of the house but the adopted parent that is supposed to be my parent told me stopped acting like I'm the victim she told me that her husband that slammed me into the kitchen cabinets and busted my mouth open that that's not abuse I been stuck in this situation for so long and the adopted parent that is supposed to be my parent said she was going to have someone my age beat me up every one that. I know say I'm old enough to choose where I want to live but I need help to figure that out so I could live with my Grandma my...
Dear Bob, Bob. What a generic name. In fact, it is not your actual name, just simply what you went by as of nearly nine years ago. We were co-workers, yet I barely spoke to you. Honestly, you probably do not remember my name, my face or anything about me. But, I remember you and the one night we had together. It was an awkward burger joint we worked in. Actually, you left within a month of me starting there. You were the cool, yet aloof server and I was the awkward, shy hostess. You were friends with all of my best friends as well as many other people. I knew nothing about you, but I knew you were cute and that was all that mattered. You were at my friend’s house one night. We all were, even one of our managers. We all spent the evening drinking, playing beer pong, and...
Why did you do it? Did you know what you were doing? The roof was high... Why the roof? Why us? Why me? Why my family? I have so many questions for you about that night but I know you cannot answer them all as you weren’t in the “right state of mind.” I know, it sounds crazy, right? It was just another regular day in life. I was sipping on a mango milkshake from probably Costco. But then, you came along. It may have been different from your point of view, so I’ll tell you what happened on my side. I still remember all of it pretty clearly. The vivid details in the few moments that mattered to me is the reason that this letter is being written. Anyways, it all started on a warm night in June at around 10 pm (I know, classic start to a story). I was chilling on the sofa looking thing...
I got caught up with the wrong crowd when I moved to Toronto, and made some bad decisions. At my lowest point I ended up in a jail cell, which was a horrible experience. I am so glad someone referred me to Caryma Sa'd. She got me out on bail against the odds and once I was out she went above and beyond to keep me on the straight and narrow. You can tell she really cares about her clients. Worth every penny and a million times more!!!! for anyone else who could use some help.
Let me first start off by saying this letter isn't for you, truly, it's for me. I know I can never make you feel how I feel. I am 17 years old. I was, a virgin, until you robbed that from me. You are 21. I was at a party, with my friends. I believed I was in a safe space. I had never been drunk before. You came, and you followed me around. You knew I was vulnerable and you knew I was a virgin. You plotted to take advantage of me. I just wanted to go to sleep. I went upstairs because I was tired. I could barely walk. You went with me. Asked me to 'cuddle'. I was clear that I did not want to sleep with you. I didn't know you. You didn't even know my name. You didn't know my hopes and dreams, my favorite color or cereal, you didn't know anything about me except that I was wasted and I...
After just more than a year I had a lot of time to reflect on your actions. I wanted to say I forgive you and thank you. I was nervous about seeing you at grand jury with your attorney but it honestly did not matter. No judge or jury can judge you adequately but God himself. Neither of us can lie before him on judgement day. I forgave you a long time ago for your actions and found myself praying for you during this process. See everyone prayed for me and I was sure no one was praying for you. You needed the prayers more than me. It was easy to forgive you because you did not know me. Maybe if you knew me you would have saw your mother, or your teenage daughter's face (although you did say she kind of looked like me) or one of your sisters faces and made a better choice. Do they...
This Chinese TEFL job recruiter was arrested in 2014 and pled guilty to defrauding over 1,000 foreign teachers working in China through salary skimming, fraudulent contracts like this one here, and deducting fake taxes, and witholding security deposits, and illegally charging moneys for employment release letters. Unfortunately she was arrested under the false name of Rebecca Tang and when released from prison in 2016, she simply began using a another new false "Chinglish" name of "Rosie Tang". Such Chinglish names are impossible to trace or use in filing a criminal complaint or law suit. As you can see from the below links, she is now using 11 different ghost company names that only exist in cyber space as she continues to cheat foreign expat...
Yes, I look fine. I do look fine. I smile, I laugh, I enjoy...
