Dear PM Sir,
Hope this letter from a random woman in your country brings you face to face with the reality of plight of Indian girls and women. For ‘being aware’ and ‘being in action’ are two different things!
We celebrated the 70th year of Indian Independence this year. Today I feel Freedom is yet to be achieved. For I believe the women of India are still not free.
As a young girl, in my teens, I remember celebrating Independence Day with full zeal and enthusiasm. I was proud of my country and countrymen. Feeling of pride is never taught; it is born within, for something or someone we feel is worth it.
But today, as a mother, I feel ashamed and sorry for my daughter. ‘Ashamed’ because I am raising my daughter in a country where lust for skin does not seem to end! ‘Ashamed’ because...
August 5, 2016
Ms. Christine Lagarde,
Managing Director,
The International Monetary Fund,
700 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20431, United States
Dr. Jim Yong Kim,
President of the World Bank,
1818 H St NW, Washington,
DC 20433, United States
Dear Ms. Lagarde and Dr. Kim,
RE: Cronyism will plunge Rwanda into chaos if left unchecked by the country’s financiers
I begin my letter by thanking you for supporting my home country, Rwanda. In 2016 alone, your two agencies will lend Rwanda nearly a half billion dollars — the World Bank’s loans and grants amount USD285 million while the IMF’s Standby credit totals USD204 million.
The purpose of this open letter, however, is about cronyism in Rwanda. Case in point is the Kigali Convention Centre (KCC), financed by the...
Muhammad Tariq Alkhattab-Pilgrim
[email protected]
Thursday, February 4, 2016
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE & Emir of Dubai
Prime Minister’s Office
P.O. Box 212000 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Letter To: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Re: The Silent Injustice
Your Esteemed Highness you are a Leader who inspires, who leads with emotional intelligence. Your leadership goes beyond the Middle East; you are admired internationally for your futuristic ideas, compassion for all people, love for your nation and for your integrity.
I am Muhammad Tariq Alkhattab Pilgrim, 60 + years, a simple man. I accepted Islam more than 30 years ago I am a Canadian citizen residing in the UAE, and I have chosen to...
My name is Tahkyia and this is an open letter to Conrad Murray, AEG, Sony and anyone who stood by and watched as Michael Jackson struggled and lost his life. Let me first start by telling you a little bit about me, seeing as how many Michael Jackson fans/supporters get categorized as being obsessed crazy people with no lives.
I am 36 years old and mother to an eight month old son. I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. My employment background consist of more than ten years working with children, including those incarcerated in detention centers, as well as working with incarcerated adults.
My hobbies include music production and videography. I enjoy CNN talk radio and I am a proud Democrat. I have been a fan of Michael Jackson since the age of 4 and a supporter of him...
“Those who kill their own children and discriminate daily against them because of the colour of their skin; those who let the murderers of blacks remain free, protecting them, and furthermore punishing the black population because they demand their legitimate rights as free men — how can those who do this consider themselves guardians of freedom?”
Ernesto “Che” Guevara, 1964
Why is this still true today?
More than 50 years ago, this speech was made, and yet still, the same problem remains.
Don’t let the media fool you. Don’t let the police fool you.
I have heard many a statement which proposes “firm action soon”, and that this “problem cannot remain”.
Nobody is doing anything about this. How many more black people are going to die before someone in power changes the law, or brings...
Lieber Dietmar Knöchelmann,
es gab nur uns. WIr waren eine Einheit. Als Kinder waren wir, gerade mal 6 Jahre alt, gemeinsam im Spessart unterwegs. Wir haben den Wald geliebt. Deine und meine Eltern waren Freunde. Bis zu dem Tag als mein Vater starb, und meine Mutter Deinen Vater für seinen Tod verantwortlich machte. In der Tat war es unsere Schuld. Es war Deine idee den Schacht im Wald runterzuklettern. Es wahr eine alte verschlossene Miene. Du hattest sie gefunden, aber die kleine Stahltür wahr verschlossen. Trotzdem hast Du es irgendwie geschafft die Tür aufzumachen und bist eingestiegen. Du hattest noch nicht mal eine Taschenlampe. Es waren noch keine 2 Minuten bis ich Deine Hilferufe hörte. Ich rannte so schnell ich konnte in die naheliegende Kneipe. Es war Sonntag Morgen und...
To whom it may concern:
This past week has been so disheartening and mind blowing. To live in this daily reality is too surreal. Growing up I would have never imagined I would witness so many catastrophic events and right now we are in yet another phase of turmoil.
I'm not writing this letter to complain but to be a voice of a possible solution to begin the healing process of the reality's of all police brutalities. There are a lot of individuals speaking out in rage, anger, sadness, hopelessness and are in turn hit with political jargon that has yet to propose a possible solution leaving people to feel like their words are hitting a brick wall and that there is no one to give them hope that some type of justice will come out of all of this.
Marching's, rallies, online post,...
Asking for help please come forward if you hear the perpetrators stalking Karen Lynn Phariss from Azle, Texas Tarrant County. Karen Lynn Phariss is asking for help confirming that there are individuals who can hear world wide known stalking situation. Willing to verbally confirm hearing Karen Lynn Phariss stalking situation. You can contact me by letter or call me.
contact me on [email protected] (Emails will be forwarded to Karen)
Thank you,
Karen Lynn Phariss
Within the past month I've seen more violence then I would hope to see in a lifetime. Growing up I was taught to be kind to everyone no matter who they were. I never understood why one human would hate another human just because of what they looked like, or their religion, or their sexual orientation....To be honest I still do not understand. The amount of senseless murders I have seen in the past month has not only scared me but has made me angry. Imagine being in that persons shoes who is looking down a barrel of a gun just because he got pulled over for a burnt out tail light. Or all of the men and women who thought going out to a bar would be fun that night.
I am a straight white girl, I am not a part of the handful of groups being targeted lately. No I do not understand...
When I was a little girl, my dad used to go away randomly. He’d disappear in the middle of the night, or a family member would show up to pick me up from school. My mom would be awake, even if it was the middle of the night, and she always seemed upset about something. She’d tell me “daddy’s at work, he’ll be home soon”, but she didn’t seem any less worried. As a little kid, I didn’t get it. I just knew my mom was upset, and my dad wasn’t home, and I didn’t like it.
In High-school, my dad was super athletic. He didn’t get great grades - although later when he went to college in his 40’s he graduated top of his class. His parents never emphasized college, and he was more interested in sports. He played anything: football, soccer, basketball, if it included a ball it worked, and he was...