Love Letters

I believe that there are very few people in the world who get to meet their dream partner. The one who has it all: the beautiful body (of course) but, more importantly, the most beautiful soul, the most beautiful heart, and the most beautiful mind. It’s only fair that everybody should be blessed enough to find that person. The one who makes everything seem possible. The one who makes you feel like anything can be achieved. The individual who brings sunlight to the most difficult and darkest times of your life (well, apart from this moment). Yes, we’ll call them The One. For once in my life, I got lucky. I found my One. The issue is that I achieved the dream; I met that person… But, she didn’t. That’s the real problem. After all, if I met my dream partner, shouldn’t she be afforded the...
For some unknown reason, I was always drawn to tragic tales of forbidden love. Star-crossed lovers who were destined to meet but aren't meant for each other. Little did I know, I would feel the same way the couples I have read about long ago felt. Love that was frowned upon. Love that was not supposed to happen. Love that might not be returned. I am writing this now because you have been bothering my heart and mind for two semesters now. Who knew that I, a girl who's standards are based on fictional men mostly created by Nicholas Sparks, would fall for someone like you. A man who many disliked. A man who could greatly affect my studies with just one move. A man who so many students and colleagues misunderstood. Sir, at first I didn't like you. I was so scared when you first walked...
I don't know how to start this without sounding extremely cliché *insert eye roll*. For starters, I have been extremely blessed to have found my "person". I would always here others talk about how finding your "person" is so important and never quite understood what they meant, till it happened. Till this day, I am amazed. I am amazed because he has not given up on me, instead he pushes me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. It feels like I am honestly living in one of those love stories and I couldn't be happier. To have found someone who loves you endlessly and so passionately is one of the best feelings in the world. So, thank you. Thank you for changing my life into a life that I wouldn't trade for the world. Thank you for being so understanding when...
I will love you when you’re upset, when you want to punch the wall because of too much frustration. I will love you even when you’re loud, talkative and always shouting. I will love you when you’re tired and all you want to do is to stay in your bed and sleep and don’t want to get up. I will love you when you’re angry, when you don’t want to hear any explanation and you wanted to push me away. I will love you even if you’re stubborn and you don’t want to listen sometimes. I will love you even if you’re not a morning person and even if it’s so hard to wake you up every morning and you don’t want to get up and move yet because you were so tired last night. I will love you when if you’re hard to understand sometimes and even if you’re bipolar. I will love you no matter how many times you’ll...
I did not love you to have you. I love you so I can lean on your shoulder at night as we talk the whole time and wait for the darkness to say goodbye to the sky. I love you so I can look at you on your random times; when you snore, when you pick your nose, when you frown, when you complain about how stupid the society could be. I love you so I can rest my head on your chest and hear your heartbeat as you tell me stories which does not make sense most of the time but I will listen because I love to hear your voice. I love you so I can hold your hand in the street when it’s dark or whenever I feel like I want to or every time we walk together. I love you so I can argue with you about small things only to apologize in the end. I love you so I can annoy you everyday but you won’t be able...
To the boy I love I'm writing this letter to tell you something I can't bring myself to tell you in person. I'll probably won't even be brave enough to post the letter, yet I know if I don't I will regret it my whole life because someday it will be too late. I know the timing isn't perfect as you just ended a long relationship and I just got into one... But when is timing ever perfect? You might already have figured out where this is going, though before I get to it, I want you to know that if you don't feel the way I do please just ignore this letter and pretend you never got it. So here goes: I love you with all my heart and I have been in love with you longer than I care to admit. When our eyes meet my heart skips a beat and my brain shuts down. I know it sounds really cheesy and...
I have no words to describe how I feel towards you. You have had so much patience with me. You know I've been hurt, I'm damaged, I get scared and nervous so easily. I apologize too much and then apologize for apologizing but you reassure me each time that it isn't necessary to say sorry. I have wounds from past relationships that I am still trying to heal. I'm not used to compliments. I'm not used to being told I make someone happy, or that they think I'm amazing, or anything of the sort. I'm used to arguments, mental abuse, sometimes physical and in certain situations all I expect is to be yelled at. But then you came along, and I didn't expect to fall in love with you. You're an angel. You say the sweetest things and they make me want to melt. You're there with your love...
I got assigned to read the age of innocence not knowing if I would like it or even relate to it. In case you haven’t read it, it was about a man who was trapped in a viscous love cycle and throughout the story he fights between doing the “ideal” thing (marrying May) and going with what his heart desires (being with Ellen). Throughout the whole novel, Archer fights these ideas of who he wants to be with, the issue was represented by his society coaxing him to do what is sensible but his heart was guiding him to do what HE desired. I chose this because I’ve gone through this very recently being forced by my mother to make adesicion I didn’t want to make. Instead of staying with who I was with, I forfeited my happiness and their happiness to appease my mother. After I moved back in at...
Valentine’s day is clearly the single most important holiday there is. No matter relationship status, this superficial marketing strategy of a holiday is essential to get exactly right. For those in a relationship, it is the ultimate test of their undying love for their “bae”, the light of their life, their “boo.” For pathetically single people, this holiday is also very important, because who doesn’t want yet another reminder of their loveless life? Valentine’s day is the most important holiday to anyone in a relationship because it is the single most essential test of love. It is a significant other’s sworn duty to make this the most vomitingly romantic day possible. There’s so much pressure to show love on Valentine’s day that sometimes it just becomes too much for some people...
You are the person my soul recognised. I waited years for you, not really knowing it was you I was waiting for. But when you came along, I knew. You are so amazing, so wonderful and understanding. It's not what I'm used to, but you have patience with me and I appreciate it so much. But let's talk about how your voice calms me down, how it ends the racing thoughts inside my head and when I talk to you, all I get is silence. A silence so relaxing that I fall asleep and sleep better than I ever have. I love you, definitely a lot more than I could ever express. I always will. You've shown me happiness, love, compassion and regardless of what you go through, you are always there for me. I cannot wait to marry you and have a family with you. You changed my mind about it, but...
