
Toute personne raisonnable hésite avant de dénoncer des dysfonctionnements, surtout lorsque ceux qui devraient le faire en premier semblent s’obstiner à les ignorer. On craint d’être pris à partie, déconsidéré, accusé d’agir sous l’effet d’une lubie ou d’une acrimonie personnelle. Toutefois, l’obstination des parties prenantes à ne pas agir et à faire comme si rien ne se passait suscite une sorte de révolte, le besoin d’énoncer publiquement et clairement que « ça ne va pas ». C’est ce qui se passe actuellement à propos du Centre Jacques-Berque, unité de recherche du ministère français des Affaires étrangères et du CNRS, implantée à Rabat. Une pétition circule, dont certains termes sont excessifs, notamment en ce qui concerne le racisme, le néocolonialisme et le révisionnisme. Elle exprime...
To those familiar with the CFTU and those who subscribe to our monthly newsletter, we hope you are astute and intelligent enough to realize some clever TEFL teacher job recruiter has recently been caught impersonating our staff in an effort to portray us in a negative light with their spurious posts of fabrications. One was just recently posted here on by someone claiming to be a "CFTU Insider". How you can know they are an impostor at play? They cannot provide specific information about our office locations, details about recent events, nor even provide a telephone number for our office. To be clear we have no volunteers assigned to posting anything online which is the sole responsibility of me - their webmaster, and I certainly did not make any unauthorized posts...
I worked with the China Foreign Teacher's Union in two capacities. I was first a volunteer for over a year. I did a lot of posting for them on different websites. They would email me the link to the site and I would post what they included on their email. I also reposted articles they wrote here on opnltter over and over again. They always seemed to go after the same people over and over again. They claimed that they had investigated these people, but when I asked to see their information they said they had to keep it secret to protect their agents. They literally used the word 'agent' as if these were trained spies sent out to dig out the secrets of Nazi Germany by parachuting into occupied France in the dark of the night. I asked them to see this information with the names...
Every year between September and November we start collecting data for our annual year-end report from 5,000 random teacher surveys and our email box. Although the final report will not be published until January 15th, 2018, there is one statistic we are proud of and want to share with you. You will at first be puzzled but bear with me... In 2017 we have been able to extrapolate that 43 foreign teachers report getting cheated every day in China, and in 92% of these reported cases, those behind the deceit were their own employers or recruiters! So why the hell are we proud of these numbers? Well because when we published our first scam victims index in 2010, this daily number was 92 victims. This means we have made considerable progress in reducing a number of scam victims through our...
Usually, it is the Chinese who do most of the scamming to foreign tourists, teachers, and overseas buyers, but foreigners who visit and work in China for a few months are quick to pick up on all the clever schemes and within a year, they too find themselves in the fraud business. Proof of this is easily found at or at the famous China Liars List here at But when scams start affecting innocent Chinese school children the Chinese parents are quick to become outraged, especially when they learn that the "American TEFL teacher" they pay $100 an hour to teach junior is really a fugitive from Serbia who never...
I spent my whole childhood in church. I was taught to believe in God and live a life that is worthy of his love. I was taught that we were created to be married to one spouse, with whom you would raise children and grow old with. I was told that sex before marriage was not okay and I must wait until after my wedding to procreate and express my love in this manner. I grew up respecting these beliefs and fully believing them until a certain point. In high school, I started receiving the attention of boys and it felt good! I still fully intended to wait until marriage, until I met a boy from Minnesota. This boy saved my life in some respects. He was my best friend, who lived across the United States. I told him everything and he was always there for me. For all of high school, he was...
Because we firmly and sincerely believe that every student in the world deserves to have a real and qualified school teacher, and a proper education, we are offering a free VPN reward to those willing to help Chinese school kids. This link explains how to get your free VPN just by sending us an email
With recent revelations that some shady and unclicensed TEFL job recruiters have become Reddit moderators only to supplement their own real-life incomes recruiting foreign teachers to work illegally with fake diplomas, phony TEFL certificates, and without the proper work visas in China, real teachers with real experience and qualifications have united to give every TEFL teacher a global map of the TEFL minefield. They have started their own TEFL SCAMS sub at Reddit where teachers traveling abroad to teach can warn one another of lurking black hagwons in Korea and blacklisted schools, dodgy job agents, identity thieves posing as recruiters, and recruiters known to skim 30%-60% of teacher's salaries with illegal contracts in China. The new sub can be found at
To be honest, I’m not even sure where to begin as I write this. During my final four years of school, my life situation was best described as utter crap. I’m not going to explain it much because you already know. At school, I was getting one detention after the other. It’s not that the teachers wanted to give me them but I didn’t really give them a choice. I just began to lose the will to care much about anything and that included the stress of school work. It got even worse in my first year of 6th form after I was kicked out of my house by my parents. Honestly, I don’t think I would have made it through any of those years without the support I received from my teachers. There were days I into school on the verge of a breakdown, contemplating if I could take it any longer. On days...
Since there is no "comedy" category here at Open Letter we chose to post this in the "Education" section although "Crime" took a close second. To be blunt and direct, too many foreigners are lured to come work/teach in China based on false pretenses (lies). Here is what they are told by greedy and less-than-honest China job recruiters. THE 10 BIGGEST LIES TOLD TO NEW CHINA TEFL TEACHERS: Anyone who even thinks about working in China will be told at least a dozen lies for every truth they hear from a China job recruiter. Here are the top 10 lies below so you will know them when you hear them:.. 1.) You MUST have a TEFL certificate to teach English in China. 2.) You do not need a Z visa to teach in China for your first 90-day probationary period. 3.) Foreigners have no...
