
A time and a place for everything An era now comes to an end Linda Ellerbie’s retiring Her time on TV is spent She made many a child smarter and more understanding in many ways Consumer-friendly like a mac computer she uncomplicated the news, day-by-day I bet many journalists have learned from her wits after all most of ‘em grew up with Nick News When they were still kids It´s time for them to fulfil your role The young ones get to take the lead I hope that many of them are women I, too, believe in an equal treat For both sexes Frank Ammerlaan Hi Linda, This poem needs a short explanation. I’m practicing my writing skills, looking to improve them. In my profession, I write mostly technical memos and reports. That’s why I picked writing poetry. I want...
If you ask anyone who knows me to rattle off a list of my heroes, female comedians would topple from their mouths like falling dominoes: Tina, Amy, Mindy, Lena, and you. Yes, I am completely inspired by strong, powerful and creative women like Gloria Steinem and Sylvia Plath, but I am a total comedy nerd, and waves of laughter caused by women in comedy have carried me through my most difficult currents. Lately, I’ve tried to refrain from writing about the body positive movement in an effort to put my past behind me, though this is hypocritical of me to say seeing as much of what I have published is inspired by my 7-year battle with anorexia and bulimia. However, I am so significantly moved by the bravery you showed in posing nearly nude for your Pirelli calendar photo that I couldn’t...
Dear Cheryl, All this talk of you being "far too skinny" or "anorexic" overshadows you as a person, a singer and someone who does huge amounts for charity. Remember you are a beautiful woman with a great personality. There's no denying, to the untrained eye, you might look 'unhealthy', but take it from someone who has suffered with anorexia for many years in the past - I know the signs, and you're certainly not anorexic! Your hair and skin appear healthy, which they often don't for a sufferer. You also wouldn't have the physical and mental strength to do your X Factor role and all the events you do if you had an eating disorder. Like me, you're extremely petite. Having met you, I think you are even tinier than me - and that's saying something as I'm 5ft 3in! I understand why...
Former Yes singer Jon Anderson has penned a touching tribute to the band’s founding bassist Chris Squire, who passed away last night (June 27) after a battle with leukemia. Anderson and Squire co-founded Yes in 1968, and worked together on all of the band’s most commercially and critically successful albums. While Squire remained a part of every one of the band’s numerous lineups, Anderson parted way with the group three times, including a rather acrimonious and seemingly final departure in 2008. Happily, in his letter Anderson reports that the pair had made a peaceful reconnection recently. You can read Anderson’s full statement, posted on his website, below: Chris was a very special part of my life; we were musical brothers. He was an amazingly unique bass player – very poetic – and...
Lou Reed's wife, performance artist and musician Laurie Anderson, has posted a touching open letter online to the residents of Springs, East Hampton, the New York town where the Velvet Underground man passed away over the weekend. Writing in the East Hampton Star, she explained that last week she promised Reed that she would get him out of hospital and take him to his 'spiritual home' of Springs. "He died on Sunday morning looking at the trees and doing the famous 21 form of tai chi with just his musician hands moving through the air," she wrote of his passing. Read the full letter below: To our neighbors: What a beautiful fall! Everything shimmering and golden and all that incredible soft light. Water surrounding us. Lou and I have spent a lot of time here in the past few years...
Dear shefali vaidya, I am sorry to say this but through your open letter, you have displayed your intolerence. To quote you, "You are a superstar in a country where the majority of movie-goers are Hindu. For years, we have spent our money to buy tickets for your movies. It is our money that has made you what you are today." May I ask you ma'm, whether you watch movies for supporting the actor or to entertain yourself? You watch Aamir's movie coz he is a brilliant actor. It is not your money but his hard work and dedication that has made him what he is today. Ma'm hope you agree that it is by virtue of our birth that we are born as Hindus. We have absolutely no control over it. And please accept the fact that there is growing intolerance and unrest in our country.What do you have to say...
Dear Phil Collins, Thank you for removing all of your solo material pre-1996 from Spotify. It's really made me appreciate all of your newer stuff. Indeed as I sit here, penning this letter while listening to your classic 2010 album Going Back, I can only reflect and realise what a fool I am for overlooking your more recent efforts. With legendary tracks like 'Love Is Like A Heatwave', 'Love Is Here And Now You're Gone', 'Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever', 'Girl Why You Wanna Make Me Blue?', 'Standing In The Shadows Of Love', 'Some of Your Lovin' and the unforgettable 'In My Lonely Room' finally ringing in my ears, indelibly imprinted into the cultural tapestry, I can only hold my hands up and accept it was my ignorance that delayed this enlightenment. Thank you for forever altering the...
I must confess, I wasn’t a fan of you until “All that you need is now” in 2010. Of course I liked your music in the 80’s but that was just randomly. I don’t remember much about that time when it comes to music. I do remember my mother taped songs from the radio on a cassette and one of them were “A view to kill” But I didn’t know it was you until years later. Maybe the first song I heard was “Rio” But it could also be “Union of the snake” or “Hungry like the wolf” I know “Rio” was the first video I saw. We got cable in 1987 which opened a lot of great things. Like music videos. Those short films like you also have done. “Girls on film” was even banned on MTV. Today, when you think about it, it was kind of silly. They show even worse videos these day. Why your video “Girl Panic!” was...
Hey Daniel Radcliffe! It’s me. Seeing as how we’re inching closer to Thanksgiving with every passing second, and your brand new movie, Victor Frankenstein opens today, I thought it might be nice to, you know, say thanks. Why? Because you’ve been in our lives for a really long time now, and it’s about time we gave thanks for you. Maybe this could be a new Thanksgiving tradition. You know, you release a brand new movie, and we all flock to the theaters to see it and think, “man, Daniel Radcliffe is the best.” Something like that. These thanks have actually been brewing within us for a while. If you can believe it we’ve actually been virtually hanging out with you since 2001. 2001!! That was 14 years ago, way back when you were 11 (not that I know your age in 2001 off the top of my...
Dear Freddie It's been 19 years today since the world found out about your AIDS. I don't remember the day, nor the day you passed away as I was only 6 years old at that time. The world has changed a lot through the years since your passing. Mobile phones has become something everyone has now, TV's are flat and in high definition, music is mainly made on computers, computers which are small enough to carry around and they work very fast. People mostly listen to music on something called MP3 player and the device is tiny yet holds a huge storage capacity, you'd easily be able to store all songs ever made by you and Queen in one device. Pretty much the only thing that hasn't changed much is people's love and passion for you and for Queen. The music you made, the songs you sang, they are...
